Publisher's Page

October 2003
In October, both the U.S. Naval Institute and the U.S. Navy commemorate their birthdays. For the Naval Institute, it is our 130th year serving the nation, its armed services and ...

Comment and Discussion

October 2003
"Chiefs Are Professionals" (See D. Hinson, p. 60, September 2003 Proceedings ) Chief Jim Murphy, U.S. Navy —The title of Master Chief Hinson's article is absolutely correct, and I support ...

The Next Revolution at Sea

By Rear Admiral H. G. Ulrich III and Rear Admiral Mark J. Edwards, USN
October 2003
Navy investments for the future emphasize connectivity, modularity, and unmanned systems. Taking these concepts to sea will be a trio of surface sea frames—beginning with the Littoral Combat Ship in ...

Invasion of the Transformers

By Commander Jeff Huber, USN (Ret.)
October 2003
The Transformers have landed. Disguised as mere mortals, they have infiltrated every nook and cranny of the military/industrial complex. But has anything really changed?

Rapid Decisive Ops Are Risky Business

By Christopher Ankersen and Losel Tethong
October 2003
As shown in Iraq, shock and awe—and its current incarnation, Rapid Decisive Operations—promises startling effects with light forces and few casualties. But if it ignores the fact that the difficulties ...

Coast Guard Must Play in Overseas War Plans

By Admiral Paul A. Yost Jr., USCG (Ret.)
October 2003
A Department of Defense study contemplates removing the Coast Guard from combat roles overseas. But why duplicate manifestly effective forces that have answered the nation's calls since 1790?

U.S. Naval Academy Is Balanced

By Vice Admiral James F. Calvert, U.S. Navy (Retired), Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy, 1968-1972
October 2003
An article in the 14 July issue of The National Review, "Babylon Comes to Sparta" by John J. Miller, has raised considerable attention on the web. Because I am sometimes ...

Navy Medicine's Role in "Sea Power 21"

By Rear Admiral Donald C. Arthur, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy
October 2003
To overcome the threats posed by weapons of mass destruction, Navy medicine must take its place in the naval transformation process described in "Sea Power 21." "Sea Power 21" identifies ...

Naval Technology Development Must Change

By David H. Lewis
October 2003
Naval technology development processes were tuned finely over the past 170 years to deliver increasingly effective weapons to meet clearly defined, threat-based technology requirements. Now they must change focus. Successful ...

Understanding What Victory Is

By General Anthony Zinni, USMC (Ret.)
October 2003
I was really taken by the title of the forum this year [How Do We Overhaul the Nation's Defense to Win the Next War?], especially the part that says, "Win ...

Rethinking the Principles of War

By Rear Admiral John G. Morgan, U.S. Navy, Dr. Anthony D. McIvor, and the Secretary of the Navy’s Action Team
October 2003
The lessons to be learned from Operation Iraqi Freedom still are in the formative stage. It is not too early, however, to begin to examine the military principles that influenced ...

Don't Ignore Sea Control

By Commander Jon Patch, U.S. Navy
October 2003
Maritime theorists are urging fleet transformation based on the needs of today while ignoring the more dangerous sea-control threats of tomorrow’s potential adversaries. Sea-control missions should not be ignored. In ...

Expeditionary Strike Group Becomes Reality

By Captain Howard Petrea, U.S. Navy (Ret.), Captain Terry Pierce, U.S. Navy and Lieutenant Colonel Rick Jackson, U.S. Marine Corps
October 2003
This year has seen tremendous progress for a key component of “Sea Power 21.” Amphibious and surface warfare ships, submarines, and Marines are coming together to create the expeditionary strike ...

Support the Harrier Transformation

By Captain Mark Elfers, U.S. Marine Corps
October 2003
A new targeting pod is transforming the Harrier community. Continued support will ensure that Marines on the ground reap the benefits of this increased capability. The Marine Corps' Harrier community ...

Coherent Joint Warfare Is Our Silver Bullet

By Major Michael R. Lwin, U.S. Army
October 2003
Armed Forces Joint Warfighting Essay Contest, 2nd Prize Winner In the beginning, joint warfare was simply getting the services to work together. Now, in the aftermath of Operation Iraqi Freedom ...

Forward with Fundamentals

By Captain Brian Hayes, U.S. Army
October 2003
Armed Forces Joint Warfighting Essay Contest, 3rd Prize Winner The services do not need to "transform" to become better joint war fighters. They must work together more closely on the ...

Get Serious about Tactical Information Ops

By Lieutenant Commander Mitch Houchin, U.S. Navy
October 2003
The Navy gives tactical information operations short shrift, in part because IO is relatively new. To incorporate IO as a warfighting discipline will require creating an information warfare specialty for ...

An Alternative Vision of Sea Power 21

By Lieutenant Commander Jon R. Olson, U.S. Navy
October 2003
The Navy’s new vision for the future is a bold attempt to make the service an effective fighting force without peer for years to come. Many of its ideas, however ...

Damn the Torpedoes: They're Useless against Smallpox

By Rear Admiral Donald C. Arthur, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy
October 2003
Against new enemies whose arsenals include catastrophic medical threats, Navy Medicine is a critical defensive weapon. If you cannot see, you cannot fight. If you cannot stand, you cannot fight ...

Breaching the Bar-Lev Line

By Captain Keith F. Kopets, U.S. Marine Corps
October 2003
In the October War 30 year ago, Israel was fighting “the war before,” while Egypt was fighting a combined-arms “war-after-next.” Egyptian forces breached the Bar-Lev Line once thought an impenetrable ...

A Big Navy Needs Little Ships

By Lieutenant Richard D. Butler, U.S. Navy
October 2003
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) will have a great influence on how future wars will be fought by the United States and its allies. The ability to quickly muster a maritime ...

Air Force-Navy Teams Combat Info Overload

By Lieutenant Colonel David M. Branham, U.S. Air Force Reserve
October 2003
Following World War II, General of the Army Omar Bradley noted how he handled decision making in the midst of chaos and overwhelming reports: "You collect information, little bits of ...

High-Quality Simulation Improves Strike Group Training

By Rear Admiral Mark Edwards, Captain Charles Martoglio, and Commander John Neagley, U.S. Navy
October 2003
The USS Nimitz (CVN-68) Strike Group (SG) is operating in the Gulf of Orange. The threat warning condition is white and weapon status is hold; tensions are escalating. Political talks ...

Coast Guard Focuses on NY Port Security

By Lieutenant Commander Martha J. LaGuardia, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
October 2003
The 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks created many new challenges for the Coast Guard in the port of New York. As a result, New York has become the role model ...

Book Reviews

October 2003
Armed Servants: Agency, Oversight and Civil-Military Relations Peter D. Feaver. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003. 381 pp. Charts. Bib. Index. $49.95. Reviewed by Lieutenant Colonel Frank G. Hoffman, U.S ...

U.S. Navy: American Spy Ships

By Norman Polmar
October 2003
Almost from the start of the Cold War in 1945 the United States employed surface ships and submarines with special equipment and personnel embarked to collect intelligence against the Soviet ...

Combat Fleets

by A. D. Baker III
October 2003
Although this rendering of the planned 70,000-ton (full-load displacement) British Royal Navy aircraft carrier is officially current, BAE Systems informed the Ministry of Defence in July that expected cost for ...

Naval Institute Foundation

October 2003
Thanks to Our Current (and Future) Supporters Recent gifts from the Ahmanson Foundation of Los Angeles are enabling the Naval Institute to upgrade its technological capabilities. Robert H. Ahmanson has ...

William B. Cushing; Terrell County

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, USN (Ret.), and Eric Wertheim
October 2003
William B. Cushing The Confederate ironclad Albemarle was 122-feet long, built of solid ten-inch thick Southern pine encased in railroad-track armor four inches thick, and was armed with two 100-pound ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.