The Challenge:

To encourage an ongoing discussion concerning the strategic impact of mining, mine countermeasures operations, unmanned vehicle utilization in mine warfare, new technologies that could improve mining or mine countermeasures, and improved concepts of operations.

Deadline: 31 October 2015  Extended: 30 November 2015

Word Length: 3,000 words (Note: Does not include footnotes)

Winners: The winners will be announced in the January 2016 Proceedings and recognized at the Naval Institute’s Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The first prize essay will be published in the January or February 2016 Proceedings.

Selected Submissions

First Prize
Commander Timothy McGeehan and Commander Douglas Wahl (Retired), U.S. Navy
Second Prize
Small Ships, Big Thinking
Commander John A. Craig, Royal Navy
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The Mine Warfare Association

Previous Winners

2018 Naval Mine Warfare Essay Contest Sponsored with the Mine Warfare Association

First Prize
Admiral James Winnefeld Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired), and Captain Syed Ahmad, Judge Advocate General Corps, U.S. Navy (Retired)
Second Prize
Lieutenant Allan Lucas, U.S. Navy, and Captain Ian Cameron, U.S. Marine Corps
Third Prize
To Starve a Nation—Lessons from the Offensive Mine Campaign of World War II
Lieutenant Commander Christopher Nelson, U.S. Navy