Annual Meeting Special

June 1993
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A Force Molecule

By Rear Admiral Daniel T. Oliver, USN
June 1993
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Comment & Discussion

June 1993
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June 1993
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Combat Fleets

By A. D. Baker III
June 1993
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World Naval Developments

By Norman Friedman
June 1993
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Book Reviews & Books of Interest

June 1993
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Professional Notes

June 1993
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The Russian Naval View

By Commander George F. Kraus, Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired)
June 1993
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Commentary: The 'Root Redux

By Eric Hammel
June 1993
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Not a 'CVN Gator'

By Commander Terry C. Pierce, USN
June 1993
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McKenzie 93 Hero

A Hollow Force?

By Majors William T. DeCamp III and Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., USMC
June 1993
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It Must be Joint

By Captain Scott A. Fedorchak, USA
June 1993
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SEALs to the Carriers

By Commander Tom Katana, USN
June 1993
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Combining Strategy & Intelligence

By Thomas C. Hone
June 1993
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Fielding a Theater Ballistic-Missile Defense

By Commander John E. Carey, USN
June 1993
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Killing Scuds from the Sea

By Captain Rodney P. Rempt, USN
June 1993
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An Ethic Without Heroes

By Lieutenant Lawrence Bauer, U.S. Navy
June 1993
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The Time to Act Is Now

By Milan Vego
June 1993
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Back to the Balkans

By Captain Peter A. Huchthausen, USN (Ret.)
June 1993
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Pushing Them Out the Back Door

By Colonel James G. Burton, USAF (Ret.)
June 1993
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June 1993
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)