Editor's Page

By F.H. Rainbow
February 2004
The members of the U.S. Naval Institute are in the process of voting on an amendment to modify the mission of the organization and to elect the members of the ...

Comment and Discussion

February 2004
"Al Qaeda Defeated-On to Its Demise" (See S. Plan and J. Na, p. 2, January 2004 Proceedings) Commander Earl J. Higgins, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)-Admiral Platt and Mr. Na present ...

World Naval Developments

By Norman Friedman, Author, The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems
February 2004
U.S. Navy Scraps Frigate's Missiles In September 2003, the U.S. Navy ceased to support the SM-1 missile and withdrew it from service. The missile survives in foreign navies. In the ...

Tribute to Naval Signalmen

By Captain David L. Woods, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
February 2004
The near-inevitable loss to the U.S. Navy of the signalman rating represents much in the culture and lore of all naval services. The accomplishments, triumphs, and failures of signal personnel ...

Harrier Carriers Perform in Iraqi Freedom

By Lieutenant Commander Cindy Rodriguez, U.S. Navy, Major Michael Manzer Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, and Commanders Shawn Lobree and Jon Dachos, U.S. Navy
February 2004
With her embarked Harrier squadrons, VMA-542 and 223, the Bataan (LHD-5) became a strike platform, joining with the Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6) in the Arabian Gulf to add fire power and ...

Naval Aviation Raises the Readiness Bar

By Vice Admiral Michael D. Malone, Rear Admiral James M. Zortman, and Commander Samuel J. Paparo, U.S. Navy
February 2004
With six carrier strike groups ready to respond in short order, naval aviation will be prepared for the way it really fights—in quantity, as a battle force. For Operation Desert ...

Seeing through the Fog of War

By Colonel Mark F. Cancian, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired)
February 2004
Is the fog of war an inevitable feature of conflict or can modern technology progressively reduce uncertainty to the point where it is not militarily significant ? The debate about ...

ASW Is Back

By Captain James H. Patton Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired)
February 2004
This time it is not driven by the threat to transatlantic sea lanes of communication from large numbers of Soviet submarines, but by recognition of the ability of much smaller ...

Network Centric: War without Art

By Commander John P Springett II, U.S. Navy
February 2004
Network-centric warfare promises to fulfill for the military the old motto of the founding fathers: E pluribus unum—Out of many, one. Marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen will be connected to ...

lf You're the Chief, Be the Chief

By Master Gunnery Sergeant Billy D. Stewart Jr., U.S. Marine Corps
February 2004
Enlisted Essay Contest Winner 2nd Prize When the word "chief" is used by our Navy and Marine Corps team, people stop, look, and listen, whether officer, enlisted, or civilian. Nowhere ...

What We Are Doing Right

By Intelligence Specialist First Class Thomas J. Miller, U.S. Naval Reserve
February 2004
Enlisted Essay Contest Winner, 3rd Prize Most people usually are moved to write only when their feelings about a matter rise to a level approaching passion. No one ever asked ...

A Battle Stations Baptism

By Personnelman Third Class Valentina Aleksa, U.S. Naval Reserve
February 2004
I joined the U.S. Naval Reserve in December 2001. Like everybody else who joined with me, I am sure, I felt more and more uneasy the closer it got to ...

Professional Note: Forward Resuscitative Surgery in Operation Iraqi Freedom

By Captain H. R. Bohman and Captain Bruce C. Baker, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy, and Captain Rom A. Stevens, Medical Corps, U.S. Naval Reserve
February 2004
On 21 March 2003, U.S. Marines assigned to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) streaked north toward Baghdad in the Corps' largest and most rapid overland combat operation. Within three weeks, forward ...

Book Reviews

February 2004
One of Us: Officers of Marines: Their Training, Traditions, and Values Jack Ruppert. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. 171 pp. Bib. Index. $49.95. Reviewed by John Allen Williams The author, a ...

Restore Authority to Service Chiefs

By Robert Previdi
February 2004
In his answers to questions of the Armed Services Committee dated 27 September 2002, then-Marine Corps Commandant General James Jones made clear it is time to reconsider the Defense Department ...

Combat Fleets

By A.D. Baker, III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
February 2004
The first of two German-designed Type 212A submarines on order for the Italian Navy, the Salvatore Todaro was rolled out at Fincantieri's Muggiano yard on 6 November 2003. Sister Scire' ...

Peter Williams; Trathen (DD-530)

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, USN (Ret.), and Eric Werthiem
February 2004
Peter Williams On the morning of 9 March 1862, the CSS Virginia (formerly the USS Merrimack ) and the USS Monitor faced off in Hampton Roads, Virginia, to fight the ...

Naval Institute Foundation

February 2004
Navy’s First Black Admiral Joins Oral History Collection Generous individuals and naval organizations have enabled the Naval Institute to complete the oral history of retired Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely ...

From Our Archive: The Golden Thirteen

February 2004
Sixty years ago next month, the Navy commissioned its first African American line officers at the Great Lakes, Illinois, Naval Training Station. The group included 12 ensigns and a warrant ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.