Comment and Discussion

November 1986
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The MAB in Norway

By Lieutenant Colonel William H. Schopfel, USMC
November 1986
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Crossing the Line

By Colonel W. Hays Parks, USMCR
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Piggyback Technology

By Lieutenant Commander Lance O. Anderson, USN
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

SkyHook: Tactical Air for Smaller Ships

By John Fozard, Heinz Frick, and Denis J. Mottram
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Old Gimlet Eye

By Lieutenant Colonel Merrill L. Bartlett, USMC (Ret.)
November 1986
The penetrating stare that brought Smedley Darlington Butler the nickname “Old Gimlet Eye”.

Military Power Short of War

By Major Thomas C. Linn, USMC
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Pictorial: Making Marines

Photos by Cameron Davidson Text by Chief Petty Officer Ray Colvard, U. S. Navy (Retired)
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

The Soviet Navy: State of the Fleet

By Norman Polmar
November 1986
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Professional Notes

November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

World Naval Developments

By Norman Friedman
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Money Matters

By C. Allen Baker
November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...


November 1986
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)