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By Major M. S. Fagan, U. S. Marine Corps
The Marine Corps’s RF-4B photo Phantom is going to be a tough act to follow. How will its successor measure up if, in fact, a successor is needed, considering the growing numbers of other imagery collectors?
The Department of the Navy’s last active-duty, dedicated reconnaissance plane, the RF-4B, can operate an infrared line scanner (IRLS) and six film cameras simultaneously, or image through clouds, rain, and battlefield smoke 30 miles away with its side-looking radar (SLR), and data-link that SLR imagery to the ground. The Marine Corps wants to replace the RF-4B with a recce-configurable F/A- 18D (two-seat) in the early 1990s. However, the increased threat, renewed interest in remotely piloted vehicles, and the perceived availability of other nonorganic sensors have led some to believe that the requirement for manned tactical reconnaissance is becoming obsolete.
It might be true that manned tacrecce will become obsolete in 30-40 years, but in the interim, the recce-configurable F/A-18D promises to provide state-of- the-art, real-time, all-weather targeting imagery for the tactical commander.
Imagery locates targets with more precision than any other collection method. No known system will replace imagery for intelligence and targeting, but collecting that imagery in high-threat areas has become very difficult. This increased threat and the deception capabilities of potential enemies have made survivability and high-quality sensors key elements of tomorrow’s reconnaissance system.
Current Capabilities: The RF-4B is the Marine Corps’s primary tactical reconnaissance platform. There are 28 in the inventory; 21 are authorized for the Corps’s only tactical reconnaissance squadron, VMFP-3, based at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, California. VMFP-3 keeps four of those aircraft in Iwakuni, Japan, with a six-month rotating detachment.
The RF-4B carries its sensors internally, using three nose stations for film cameras, a fuselage cavity for the IRLS, and flush radomes forward of each intake for the SLR. When the RF-4B is configured for data-linked SLR, the number- two nose station is used for the data-link equipment.
The cameras shoot black-and-white, color-negative or reversal, camouflage- detection (color) infrared, or black-and- white infrared film. Four types of cameras are available, offering vertical, panoramic, side-oblique standoff, or forward-oblique coverage—all in stereo. Available lenses range from wide-angle (180° across track for panoramic cameras) to longer focal lengths for standoff ranges of more than 25 miles.
The infrared line scanner is not actually a camera; it is a thermal recorder that scans a 120° across-track field of view below the aircraft and electronically records those scan lines on photographic film. This process results in a continuous, photo-like image on negative film that can be interpreted or printed. The IRLS is more sensitive than a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensor and has about ten times more field of view. Although the IRLS is somewhat stabilized, it cannot be slewed from the cockpit as a FLIR can. Because the imagery is electronic before put on film, it can be easily converted for data-link transmission. VMFP-3 has demonstrated data-linked infrared imagery using its SLR data-link, but an operational capability for data-linked infrared is not planned for the RF-4B.
The IRLS is not just a night sensor; there are many applications for using infrared in daylight. Infrared imagery looks much like black-and-white photography day or night, and it can collect imagery through light haze. It cannot see through clouds, nor can it be used as a standoff sensor.
Capable of the greatest standoff range, the SLR is the Navy’s only all-weather imaging sensor. Applications for the SLR are still being discovered, and VMFP-3 frequently participates in research projects that enhance the utility of SLR and contribute to the development of more effective friendly tactical deception measures (the other side has SL .0IlS of
One of the internal camera s order- the RF-4B is used for the SL unproC' which electronically records t fjlrn
essed radar signals on photograj? ^ tft This data film is then remove . ^ei aircraft and run through a gr0 ^ jgta correlator/processor, which rea ^ into film with a laser, converts t e Ollto imagery, and records that in^S is 3 photographic film. The Pr° ^ 0 photo-like image on negative ^ da13' can be interpreted or printed- gp-jB
links now being installed in ^ta to will allow the unprocessed ra ,0 i
be transmitted during the ^’^eiati0" ground station where the same c ^ process will occur, thereby S,vl .^gathef real-time capability for both a precision targeting and bat assessment. reconnai>
The term “multi-spectral r (0 0 sance” is often used when reft ~spect<3, capabilities of the RF-4B. S), aflf are light (i.e., cameras), heat ( radio frequency energy (SLR)- c0iled electronic methods are used w,et-h'!1' imagery in two of these spectra- ^ to processing is required in ev ; ^ recover the latent images fr0 ,je£j SL^ posed film. Even the newly ins data-links send their signals t0^eS“ed °n station where the image is Pr° wet film. pmce5>"
The requirement for wet-f* jj. n ing inhibits the availability 0 t0 tP sponsive targeting in format113 sy commander. With current we ^st $ terns, a reconnaissance aircra f ce-basi; turn its exposed film to su ^00' processing and interpretation jn1 VMFP-3 processes the film in^ agery processing vans. The fle® ^ fiL1 interpretation unit then interpre and sends reports from the inJa£ur pretation facility complex of Film can be processed and be o jjft1 table about 15 minutes after the jgfpff chocked. The time required t0 s the film and issue the report v^notes-. the mission, but averages 30 n ^ j0gt-s
Wet-film processing rema>nS
ten vans Edition to transporting
Quires ’ ' . systems need film (which 1,520 ga,ire^r'8erated storage), about teid ^ °ns °f processing chemicals, each 2a ,sands of gallons of water for Wfn, /u°Urs °* operation.
•tewed Zanned Recce at All? The re*
cles fppyrCSt ‘n remotely piloted vehi- °^taini^_ s-* ant* the perceived ease in
^Py, the m the RF"4B t0 the FLIR in an Ne (ju .Performance difference closes a
RF'4B aS St'R ahout 10:1 in favor of the °ffer tp,e ,n ^P'*7 carrying an IRLS would era»„ est combination of ground cov-
sorpe , nonorganic imagery have led sance Ca ?leve that manned reconnais- The m* °e reP'aced by these systems. ?rarn to aV^ *3e8an an accelerated profiles ^Cure BBys for the Navy and **te sij ' ae first two of these systems, ttedium ran§e Pioneer system and the
s°0n_ wr?.n®e system—to be selected
aild surve ,haVe imagery reconnaissance An 0rf' ance as a primary mission. c°nnaiss Cl" 0p merit for efficiency in re- at the re anCe systems is ground coverage ’'tie. >kUlred resolution over a period of ^ C0vere RF"4B s SLR, for instance, ®te aircr, ,a,ten'mile swath at speeds up to %J hnot 1 s dmit. At a nominal speed of fate of 4 ok1*16 bb-4B can image at the father' a S(luare miles per hour in any W/H* sensor on a medium- "tiles win Can ‘mage a swath about 0.33 **te Cov e in dear weather; at 480 knots, ?‘ies pe*1?rate is about 160 square n 4B c h°Ur' cover the same area an an cover in 30 minutes, then, a !)Jted 15 p*PPed, medium-range RPV will [his inc 'gl11 hours and several sorties. etses eases its exposure to enemy de- a8ery tQnd delays the return of the im- ®te a 'e commander. If we compare la,. 6 m the RF-4B to the FLIR in an ue h„.’.Performance difference closes a
hittin [eso'ut*on in infrared imagery. [,°mdci® a'8her-quality sensors in RPVs ,|rrtianc°Sc fhe manned aircraft-RPV per- ®aP somewhat, but this is not • °,'s on °r tPle near future- The limita- aVailable Pay*oad weight and volume, b^hfe th clectrical power, and cost will ^Vs at at least the first generation of 1 he fielded with lower-cost and
lower-performance sensors, recorders, and data-links.
There should be no question, however, that RPVs are required as one element of the imagery collection system. They allow reconnaissance or surveillance in high-threat areas at lower risk than manned aircraft and can be used for some types of clandestine collection. Initial standoff capabilities will be very limited, though. If surprise is necessary before an operation, an RPV flown over an objective may not be as good a choice as a high-altitude manned aircraft flying in international airspace and imaging with a standoff sensor. If the RPV accidently crashed near the objective and was discovered, surprise might be lost.
RPVs are harder than aircraft to detect, which may allow them to loiter in the vicinity of a target, but the approximate location of the target must be known in advance, owing to the RPV’s limited field of view. Until sensors and data-links comparable to those used in manned aircraft are developed for the space, weight, and power constraints of RPVs, manned aircraft will be needed to deliver more imagery in less time than RPVs.
The use of nonorganic platforms to collect imagery for the tactical commander will not be addressed here. You do not have to be a rocket scientist, though, to figure out that when the fan gets FOD-ed, competition for nonorganic (including national systems) collection support will be keen. Even if the request is made far enough in advance and makes it to the top of the priority list, the classification of the product may still preclude its dissemination to many who need it.
Future Manned Recce Capabilities: What kind of a system, then, is needed for the future? There is a continuing requirement to cover large areas in as short a time as possible, image from standoff ranges for survivability and clandestine operation, collect imagery in all weather, deliver the products to the commander in the shortest time possible, and promote readiness by reducing the required logistics support.
Forerunner of the Marine Corps’s manned tacrecce aircraft of the 1990s and beyond, the F/A-18 recce test bed is developing follow-on imaging technology to replace, among others, the AN/AAD-5 infrared line scanner, which produced the (retouched) thermal image below.
The Marine Corps’s future tactical reconnaissance system should accommodate all of these qualities. There are plans to replace all film-based reconnaissance sensors with electronic sensors that record imagery on magnetic tape on board the aircraft. The imagery may be played back through a data-link transmitter while the aircraft is in flight, or it may be simultaneously data-linked and recorded. The two major components of this system will be the F/A-18D and the ground- based receiving and exploitation system, the all-source imagery processor (ASIP).
Development of a reconnaissance capability for the two-seat F/A-18D is under way, and an engineering test-bed aircraft has been working with a variety of sensors at Naval Air Test Center Patuxent River, Maryland. When the F/A- 18 achieves its “full-up” recce capability in the mid-1990s, it will be able to perform almost all of the missions its predecessor—the RF-4B—did: low-altitude overflight collection in the visible light and infrared spectra, and standoff collection using visible light and all-weather SLR sensors. However, it will not be capable of color or stereo imagery, nor will it be able to operate more than two sensors at once.
However, not all of these capabilities will be present at the recce F/A-18’s fleet introduction. The F/A-18D recce capability will begin with a baseline system that includes, (in order of priority): a data- linked SLR, an IRLS with recorder, and electro-optical standoff sensors.
SLR was chosen by the Marines as the primary sensor for several reasons. First, it is the only all-weather-capable imagery
to &Cc
needed to provide imagery
for M31**
imagery was delivered ashore sarne
. /.jje sa'1
Corps interpreters to exploit l £0jps
method was used by the Army ^ jp. and Marine Corps in Won jtatioH When Marine Corps film eX^ gjp, the equipment is replaced with the ^jp/
Marine Corps will have to rely ^ ADDISS-compatible, in-thea
tiuiiit atnauid, cuiu in*-' * Jc
interpreted with unprecedente s statjons- accuracy at computerized wor
Survivability of the platform .rfraroe^T
hanced by a state-of-the-art 31 will1
the F/A-18D—and standoff seI1.„s they
replace. These improvernen A*> crease the lethality of a |?uygi''in^ Ground Task Force several fol in re3
to VMCJ-2 and later to VMFP-3 i
detachments to the Midway (CV-41F h£ attf3^
ments with Marine Aircraft Group .* "cagafl p ’ 31 the Armed Forces Staff College. Major Q^fic^r the Air Reconnaissance Requiremen Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps-
sensor. Second, it is the only sensor that is not being considered for first-generation RPVs. RPVs will, however, be able to use their television and FLIR sensors to temporarily fill the gaps left in the infrared and visible-light spectra until the higher-quality IRLS and electro-optical sensors are incorporated into the Hornet. The F/A-18 also has a FLIR capability that can be used (although with a greatly reduced field-of-view and resolution compared to the IRLS). Third, SLR has been in operation for many years and, unlike tactical electro-optical sensors, has little, if any, technological risk. Last, the SLR gives a 50-nautical mile standoff capability to the Hornet. A plan to put the RF-4B SLR and data-link into a pod is being considered. Such a pod has already been built and test-flown.
All F/A-18s delivered from 1990 on will have a “common nose” which includes a kit that can accommodate either a 20-mm. gun or a reconnaissance pallet. The current program proposal calls for a depot-level kit to be installed in 48 F/A- 18Ds, which will allow the changeout of the gun for a reconnaissance pallet on the flight line in less than eight hours. Twenty-four reconnaissance pallets and gun-bay doors with sensor viewing apertures will be bought. When these planes are configured for recce, they will retain every capability of the non-recce aircraft except for the gun.
The first pallets will follow the SLR by about one year and will contain an IRLS and a tape recorder. (The initial SLR capability will not have on-board recording.) Infrared imagery will be recorded and delivered/datalinked to the ASIP.
Requirements for the standoff electrooptical sensors have not been refined into specifications for focal length, resolution, and field-of-view. As threat ranges have increased, U. S. and foreign forces have moved to longer lenses for tactical sensors. The RF-4B used an 18-inch lens in Vietnam. VMFP-3 is getting 24-inch lenses. Today, 48-inch lenses seem to be about the minimum being specified for future requirements in other services and countries, and 66-inch lenses are being used more frequently for tactical standoff sensors. As lens sizes grow, tradeoff studies will consider the greater cost, greater volume requirements, narrower field-of-view, more critical image stabilization, and, in some cases, rigid temperature stability.
The Air Force has the lead in developing tactical electro-optical sensors for itself and the Navy. Although current electro-optical technology cannot match the focal plane resolution of film, recce tests conducted with the F-16 have shown a significant increase in resolution over that achieved with the RF-4B. This is believed by some to be owing to the F-16’s fly-by-wire system, which reduces the vibration that can cause blur or smear. If the F/A-18 recce tests show similar results, requirements could be met with shorter lenses than originally thought.
If the standoff sensor will not fit into the nose, it might be put into the centerline pod with the SLR. When carrying the pod, then, the F/A-18D would be capable of both the optical and SLR standoff missions. The higher altitudes associated with standoff imagery and the reduced requirement for high speeds and more fuel (greater distance from the threat) would offset many of the disadvantages of having to carry a pod. When the pod is not carried, the internal configuration of equipment would allow high-speed overflight missions with the option of carrying an extra fuel tank. The internal-only configuration, though, will not allow data-link because that equipment will be in the pod.
The ground-based part of the reconnaissance system—the ASIP—will receive imagery from many sources, including RPVs and F/A-18Ds. It will not, however, be able to process film nor have light tables for film exploitation. The ASIP will exploit digital “soft-copy” imagery that has been received directly from the collection platform or from an intermediate relay. The soft-copy exploitation will be done by interpreters viewing high-resolution cathode ray tubes. Interpretation reports will be written using preformated displays at the computerized work stations—the interpreters filling in the blanks.
The five-van ASIP will be more supportable logistically than the system it replaces, and its only major consumables will be magnetic tape (which can be reused) and petroleum-oil-lubricants.
The Air Force has joined the Marine Corps in the ASIP program, and has become the executive service; the Air Force’s almost identical system is called the advanced deployable digital imagery interpretation system (ADDISS). The Navy is interested in a similar shipboard capability and has been monitoring the ASIP/ADDISS program.
The Marine Corps is headed toward a completely modernized tactical reconnaissance system that by 1992 will provide a greatly increased capability to locate and target hard-to-find, mobile forces before those forces can move. Eliminating film for real-time electronic imagery makes this possible, but until other U. S. services and allies make the switch, there will be some rough spots in
the transition. ■ :ng its
Although the Navy is modern^* to tactical recce systems by convewjtch to digital, real-time imagery, the s ^ eliminate film probably will n until at least a year or so after t ^ j. Corps has done so. Today, a fjini forces and allies are able to e*P jy[arin£ imagery. The Air Force and t (jajg. Corps are also interoperable, w linked SLR from the RF-4C an^ QUard respectively (Army and <-~aS eCotP5 SLRs are different from the Ma gpR)- SLR, and the Navy does not hav ^ When the Marines tranS‘UfficUlt (°! pletely to the ASIP, it will be 1 nIiais- the F-14 Tomcat tactical air ^ vjde sance pod system (TARPS) 9_g goes support ashore until the TA jon of electronic. Before the fly-in-e , eater. Marine Corps aviation arrives i .j| t>e film-based F-14 TARPS aircran _t!,; needed to provide imager commanders ashore. In Gre
Force aircraft or use field'^P^gpS film-exploitation methods wt ^ to film. One possible solution mts^ apd incorporate electro-optical sen will* data-links in a few TARPS, w ^en sUp- used to transmit to the ASIP porting Marines.
Heal reC°n
Tomorrow’s manned tact naissance will be collected Wi ^jn N tronic sensors, and the image™ j atid
wiU ^
greater capabilities than the s^tevVill ^
it the ability to target enemy f°rce time and in all weather.
■ 1972 aIlc • n
Major Fagan was commissioned in 1 c0Inpletl° 0p ation from Indiana University. Upon ^ ReC j
Naval Flight Officer training and Air ^ a$sil? naissance Systems Officer training. c .c £1 j, a 1FP-3 at N*
CA. While in VMFP-3, he complete* jssiPj
' ti.^T>
^2Pting Containers to Military Requirements
or§e D. Saunders
Georos n c... .
laTs 20- and 40-foot intermodal
» • “ vwiiv^iaivjn puituuai,
2 pabl|ity to handle a wide range of
j o _ ^ a laiigt/ ui
of ^Lattaching a frame structure o
Solved rri ■ u‘tsc piooieins can ue
idling fS concePt aNo facilitates the T retrn„ ° ,tbe container when empty or r\. ustade
° ““‘tit iu meet vanuus
;d <?L'lrenients these problems can be
‘e caPability to move a shipment
aer to
>s well known.1' Containerships •he second °VCr a**lbe major and most of nati0ns farT *'ner routes linking trading Com,: 0 a*i sizes all over the world.
C°ntainerc „ iiiuauiuum
quireirie are not built with military re- c°nstruct h 'n m‘nc*- Neither are they orlheca^with a conversion potential,
on ~~J ai1^
^nd ul0nLa-*la^‘*1'8b open top container carg0 r—* tbe Trame to meet various
Demo movement.
fer the111113*3*6 'ntermodal containers 0 ■ . 1 —“‘vr iu move a Miipmciii
1° tr.lns."m to destination without having ■v, (Q er reload from one mode of car- ?ati0n . n°ther. The story of containeri-
0titainer a“ uvcl ulc wuiiu.
and f0 . are on most U. S. domestic lrilerniod'fn military installations. The “tUch a r,3 c°ntainer has become so *iiat it js | °i ‘he logistics infrastructure a8e °ubtful that we could ever man- Tinl k°Ut 'l'
fitted t0C Containerships, which can be ■dents c meet sPecific military require- 1°’t'odjfl°nta’ners do not lend themselves tl°n'Stand at'°n bor tbe accommodation of ■'one 31 ar<i cargoes or irregular opera- tcrmodal containers were designed for the movement of commercial cargo in the private sector. They operate most efficiently in a point-to-point lift or round-trip cycle. Military adaptation is another matter entirely.
Military containerization is predominately a one-way movement from the continental United States to overseas bases and operating forces. For the most part, these requirements are handled in peacetime by private containers and con- tainership services. Only in an emergency, such as a NATO or Arabian Gulf conflict, would container problems become acute. Department of Defense containers (such as the Army Milvans) would be activated in the early stages of the emergency, but their relatively limited numbers would require additional container capacity very quickly.
The problem can be solved by adapting a device that will increase container capacity without greatly increasing the number of containers. To understand how this can be done, we should first review the basic principles of container design and construction.
The intermodal container, built to International Standards Organization (ISO) specifications and dimensions, is essentially a box girder designed to accommodate and lift cargo, quantified by weight and cube. The floor and four comer posts are the strongest components of the unit. Comer posts are used to lift the container and to stack one container on top of another—for example, in the vertical cells of a containership.4
Containers built of all-welded steel construction perform as one structure, enhanced by each of the structural components. Consequently, the type of floor used will influence the roof and/or the side-wall construction. For example, the front end corner posts must be wide and bulky to carry their load and remain stable, while the door-end comer posts are more slender because they are supported by the double doors, vertical locking bars, and hinges.
Regardless of the container’s configuration, which is usually determined by its purpose, the box girder principle applies. The strength requirement must be maintained throughout the structure by some arrangement. The best example is the 20- foot fiat rack, where, except for the end- walls, the strength requirement is confined to the bottom girder/floor construction, which can be 12 or more inches deep. A 40-foot flat rack can have a bottom girder/floor 24 or more inches deep.
In general, the lower the container in vertical height, the greater the girder concentration. The higher the container, the more diversified the distribution of strength members. A half-high open top container is roughly a compromise of these two design extremes. With side- and end-walls only four feet high, a heavy gauge metal is required for sidewall construction. The side and end top rails are broad and deep, because they must contribute to the overall strength integrity of the container and its cargo lift capacity.
In retrospect, we see that containerization has developed more or less concurrently in the private and military sectors. While there is much commonality of equipment and usage between the two, there are also requirements exclusive to each (see Figure 1).
Container suitability is mostly a matter of matching cargo with the container.5
These five loaded half-high open top containers are ready to be loaded on board ship. A removable expansion frame fitted on top of a half-high open top could secure odd-sized military cargos and facilitate empty container handling.
Shipper /
Acceptance ^
Research and Development
Not every container is suitable for every type of cargo. For example, animal hide containers (complete with juice tanks) and dry bulk containers would be of little use to the Army or Marine Corps. And dry freight containers only eight feet high (the Army Milvans) would be of little use to a commercial operation that requires greater cubic capacity.
The efficiency of the container system is well established, but the productivity of the individual container is another matter. For military logistics purposes, the objective is not so much individual container productivity, but a rapid increase in container lift capacity to meet emergency requirements.
Of the container types that could support an overseas operation, the conventional dry cargo, the refrigerated, the half-high open top, and the flat rack containers were long ago engineered to their maximum capability in the private sector.6 Of this group, only the half-high open top is feasible for use in military operations.
The half-high open top is built of steel and is 20 feet long, eight feet wide, and four feet high, with a 4,000-pound tare weight and a 40,000-pound cargo lift capacity. It is a special container for high density cargo, such as liquid products in 55-gallon drums, steel shapes and castings, lead, aluminum, copper ingots, and large, heavy machinery that must be loaded and removed from the container by an overhead gantry crane.
Like all intermodal containers built to International Organization for Standardization specifications, the half-high open top is fitted with eight comer castings. A gantry crane spreader locks into the four top comer castings.7 The bottom four corner castings receive the locking devices of a truck chassis or railroad flat car when the container is being moved overland.
Much of the equipment and supplies needed by a force deployed overseas would be ideal for the half-high open top container, except when the cargo height exceeds the four-foot side-wall. This precludes carrying the container in the vertical cells of a containership, owing to the crushing effect of the container above. This problem can be overcome by fitting a steel expansion frame with four-foot vertical legs on the four top corners of the container. This frame will be strong enough to carry the weight of the container above and thus protect the cargo, though it exceeds the height of the sidewalls by as much as four feet.
The expansion frame assembly consists of two end-frames, two longitudinal upper rails, and four double-lug locking devices. An end-frame consists of two vertical posts and one transverse member. The vertical posts have a comer casting attached at each end for an overall dimension of four feet. The transverse member is welded to the top comer casting of each vertical post, for an overall dimension of eight feet—the width of the container.8 The longitudinal upper rails are 19 feet long and fit between the inside faces of the end-frames. They are held in place with a lock-pin device at points immediately below the top comer castings, left and right.9 (See figures 2 and 3.)
Setting up and attaching the expansion frame to a half-high open top container is a simple process. A double-lug locking device is placed upright in each of the four top corner castings of the container. An end-frame is positioned by a forklift so that its two bottom castings rest on top
Figure 1 Commercial and Military Container Requirements .
Requirements r\
Department of Defense Requirements
American Bureau of Shipping Classification
Container Inventories of Ocean Carriers and
Leasing Companies (All Types)
Containers Capable of Serving Commercial and Military Requirements (Specific Types)
Department of Defense Container Inventories
Point-to-Point Resupply Using Commercial Services
Resupply Using Leased Containers
Training Exercises: Container Offload & Transfer System Temporary Container Discharge Facility
• f the cofl*
of the two top comer castings ujejug tainer, enclosing the four jj0]ds locks in the process. The 'or ,jje the the end-frame in position w ^ double-lugs are manually m ^ fjpure5 firmly locking both castings- ( -
4 and 5.) secure'
After the two end-frames ,jeft and the two longitudinal upper rai s verse right) are attached to the inside ,j3tely faces of each end-frame im stjngs. below the four upper corner ca sj°n
The half-high open top with e Y g{ frame attached could serve tw° n_sjzed military cargo lift requiring ^ate containers. First, it can acC0
y and dev;
easily removed for faster anning. Removing the upper end-frames after devanning re-
> the
much easier to handle and
l'1°vernent*eSS sPace 'n dlc retrograde "Phi ’
open top container and
reVers-lner offload and transfer system
•gh 0peC ffcom beach to ship), the half-
W." toP can make an additional
SccUfed -°n' ^'ih the expansion frames
s'acke(j m containers, two can be
^?ht-foand handled as one eight-foot x
ef and 1 .X 20-f°ot container for trans-
Secnred fading. The containers would be
c^ch pair ^ /our double-lug locks, one in
'gUro matching corner castings (see
1 nl ha
ernPtv SCale fetrograde or repositioning - J containers in military operations
1 Us
1,000 loaded containers for delivery:
1.000 containers x 1,280 cubic feet 333 containers x 1,280 cubic feet 667 half-high open top containers with expansion frames attached
After devanning and positioning for retrograde:
333 containers x 1,280 cubic feet 667 half-high open top containers with expansion frames removed
Total retrograde of initial phase equipment:
Savings in retrograde container capacity:
Table 1 Lift Requirement!Retrograde
erator nted cargo, such as motor gen- ^chineV’ *10sP'ta' ecluipment, laundry similar P’ e*ectr'cal components, and
retnoval KU*ar S'Ze dems’ wilere easy
and raniri ,°rac'nS and securing devices, end-fratn evanning are important. The •ached an^ anc* uPPer rads can at- ‘n?opera?-tllTle dur'n8 the loading/secur- ing the 10n’ 3nc* rernoved any time dur- TheSerU"!e,CUrin.g/off-loading process, cargo co C.°nC* USe*s as a conventional dry •ed, 0n a ainer. for which a carefully fit-
^•nittedl^1606 tarPau*'n is necessary, for pf0 a closed container is better lheft; bu?Ctlon fronl the elements and •veil 3 tarPaulin will serve almost as
ftairie/tf^31 advanta8e of the expansion Sickly n concept is that it can be
•°p, "'hichC°nta'ner t0 a ^alf'h'gh °Pen
a(j ......... system offers four dis-
^°ntainers.nta^es °Ver ot^er intermodal *1 ;::COmniodat° high-density cargo ■°nfiBii,.rnmun't'cm) in its unmodified
► Wi,h J0"'
°facc0m 6 exPansion frame, it is capable £arg0 ni°dating irregular and unit-type
k cf°scd^f tarPaulin fitted, it can serve as ' After , ^ cargo container.
Can he re evanning, the expansion frame ar>d d,e m°ved, secured in the container, ^)vCmcn;,n'1 Positioned for retrograde No n '
Carg0 a °ntainer offers more range of °Pen (0 Cornm°dation than the half-high ever m and expansion frame—the first Should '^'c~use intermodal container, ^i'eduu 1 t*1C rctr()grade of empties be °r a CQm .t0 move through a port system, in ►- —
tv, fever „ ---------- ' -*■ —
a'ent jn j, °ccurred. Container employ-
Cotnparer|0rca aud Vietnam was primitive
etiert.(,„ to what a future full-scale
Let u"Cy win demand-
assume that U. S. forces are to establish and sustain a major presence on foreign shores that will require 1,000 eight-foot x eight-foot x 20-foot containers in the initial phase and about 300 containers per month for resupply. Each container provides 1,280 cubic feet of lift capacity—to be loaded in the United States, transported overseas, and delivered to a port or landed over the beach. One-third of this requirement will consist of rigid, full-sized containers. The lift requirement is summarized in Table 1.
The difference of 426,880 cubic feet of container lift capacity between initial force requirements and empty retrograde can be credited directly to the expansion frame concept.
There is, of course, a trade-off for any system or concept that produces substantial savings. In this case, it is the detachable parts comprising the expansion frame. Each half-high open top will have two end-frames, two upper rails, four double-lug locks, and one tarpaulin. These items must be accounted for after the container is unloaded and the expansion frame struck down, and secured in the container before positioning for retrograde movement.
Transforming the concept into a prototype program will be considerably less costly and less complicated than one might expect, because there are tens of thousands of half-high open top containers owned by ocean carrier liner services and container leasing companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western Europe. To advance the expansion frame concept into hardware suitable for operational testing requires only the engineering of the expansion unit. The required engineering would be little more than that needed to develop the basic frame structure for the average intermodal container. None of the components are technically new; it is just that they have not been arranged in this manner heretofore.
While intended for wartime service, there is no reason why expansion frames could not be constructed and used with 1.280,000 cubic feet
- cubic feet
853,760 cubic feet
- cubic feet
- cubic feet 853,120 cubic feet
- cubic feet
half-high open tops in certain Department of Defense peacetime operations.
Wartime requirements for container capacity will depend upon a number of variables that will have as their common denominator the need for more equipment. The half-high open top and expansion frame can create much of this additional container capacity in far less time and at considerably less cost than it would take to build additional full-sized containers.
'John R. Immer, Container Services of The North Atlantic (Washington, DC: Work Saving International, 1967), pp. 3-5.
2John J. Roche, Ron Corkrey, Lawrence Benen, “Sealift Capabilities and Sea Shed,” Naval Engineers Journal, April 1982, pp. 64 -66.
'RAdm Penrose L. Albright, JAGC, USNR, “ARAPAHO: A Naval Reserve Mission," Naval Reserve Association News, February 1979, p. 6. JJohn R. Immer. Cargo Handling (Washington. DC: Work Saving International. 1984). pp. 225-231. 5Ibid., pp. 242-252.
6Ibid., pp. 213-224.
7Dean James (George D. Saunders), “A Sectional Multi-Purpose Container System," TRANSPORT 2000, January/February 1981, p. 60.
"Ibid., p. 58.
''Ibid., p. 59.
Mr. Saunders has an extensive background in commercial containerization, especially during the formative years. His experience includes steamship agency and container leasing affiliations in New York and California. He is currently employed by the Military Sealift Command in Washington, D. C.
Needed: Chemical Warfare Defense Doctrine
By Captain Robert J. Biersner, Medical Service Corps, U. S. Navy, and Dr. Paul O. Davis
Naval planners need to develop a comprehensive chemical warfare (CW) protection doctrine to improve tactical effectiveness in the CW environment. Problems with current protective clothing and pharmacological antidotes must be recognized and recommendations must be made for overcoming, or at least minimizing, these problems.
The following are documented medical case histories of casualties resulting from the use of individual protective equipment (IPE). These personnel were not exposed to chemical agents; they succumbed to heat stress caused by wearing IPE in a hot, humid environment.
“A 25-year old . . . sergeant was brought to the Emergency Room by air ambulance from a nearby field training site. . . . [complaining] of confusion, nausea, and abdominal pain. . . . [He] was lethargic, minimally responsive to vocal commands, and unable to [provide a] coherent history. Physical examination revealed an intermittently agitated patient, disoriented as to place and time. His verbal responses were inappropriate and demonstrated fearful behavior alternating with outbursts of anger. Vital signs were as follows: blood pressure was 190170, pulse was 136, respiration was 36, temperature was 106.4°F. The skin was very warm and dry.”1
‘ ‘Within ten minutes of beginning [a field training exercise in CW protective clothing], one participant ran to a project monitor screaming, 'I'm blind . . . can’t see . . . can’t breathe.’ The soldier's mask lenses had become fogged as a result of hyperventilation [rapid and/or deep breathing], and he was trying to remove his mask. When told by the monitor not to remove his mask but to slow his breathing and relax, the participant ran aimlessly into the main body of the exercise.”2
The first case was officially diagnosed as delirium secondary to heat stroke. The second case appears to have been an acute anxiety reaction secondary to claustrophobia. While both casualties recovered, they would have been incapacitated during an operation, and may have died (from heat stroke) or represented a danger to themselves or others (from claustrophobia). Research indicates that unit
commanders could experience a 20% casualty rate because of adverse psychological reactions to the wearing of IPE.3 An additional 50% casualty rate within one hour owing to heat stroke could result from wearing IPE while performing heavy physical work in moderately warm temperatures.3
These casualty rates could be induced by an enemy force without firing a lethal weapon, simply by using chemical foils (chemicals with no adverse medical effects). For naval operations, especially amphibious assaults, chemical foils could cause serious reversals at the beachhead. However, chemical foils can be neutralized by using chemical agent detectors such as the AN/KAS-1 chemical detector being installed in the U. S. fleet.
The IPE ensemble: The major shortcoming of CW protective ensembles— boots, overgarments, gloves, hoods, and masks—is the failure to adequately ventilate heat created by physical exercise and the environment. A special National Research Council (NRC) committee estimated that the maximum level of sustained physical exercise for personnel wearing the British Mark-Ill chemical protective suit adopted by the U. S. Navy is 250 kilocalories, which is equivalent to a 154-pound male walking two miles per hour on a level surface without a pack in an ambient wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) of 70°F.4
The NRC committee estimated that if this was doubled to four miles per hour at a WBGT of 80°F, about 50% of the personnel would become heat casualties within one hour. Three quarts of water every six hours is essential under these conditions. Water and other fluid supplements would be stored in impermeable bags that would be connected to a valve on a drinking tube in CW masks, as is provided in the new Navy MCU/2P chemical protective mask which is replacing the Mark-V mask in the fleet. The Army XM40 mask (with drinking tube) will probably replace the M17A1- series mask.
After six hours of work, the water must contain a special mixture of carbohydrates (for energy) and a sodium chloride additive (for maintaining proper neuromuscular function) if this workload is to be maintained for up to 18 more hours. This requirement may impose some logistical problems on combat operations. The NRC committee did not consider the nutritional requirements for personnel
engaged in CW operations
than 24 hours because proteins
, and minerals would have
added, further complicating
degrading the palatability c Because some dehydration
of the soi may
occur, the NRC committee reco ^ofatory testing the regime under both a jj^a- and field conditions using *ieao]untee>'s'
tized and -unacclimatized s°^0\jp
Using the CW ensemble beyon ^ ^od- will lead to problems in disposm^^^ ily wastes, which is not accom by any available CW ensemb e. £llt
Several other problems
with cut jdenti
CW ensembles also have been i g^ej
The extent to which sweat forms of moisture (e.g., sea w“‘ 0f the
pair the filtration characteristic js
charcoal-embedded underga (
being determined by the Nav-nahlgren' Weapons Center (NavSWC) in f0to- Virginia. NavSWC developed I an ,hat type suit with von Blucher sp ^jn- can be washed and reused w * ^ -pie taining adequate filtration prope 1 ^ to ensemble’s boot laces have been ^flts break easily.5 These “fish-tai 0p- also fill with water during amph' igIIient- erations, thereby hindering nl°' j^pedc Gloves snag on sharp objects an jgV tactile sensitivity and manna ^ teie- mance.7 For example, operatic^ 0nlV typewriter keyboards is po5S1 paring with the index finger while jnte-
gloves. Equipment repair ailu/n0t in’" nance would also be difficult’ i gjisettr possible. The design of curren ^0 bles complicates triage ot ^af1 casualties. Methods to detern11 .pirate, blood pressure, and body ture do not exist, although desig je(j 0 cations have been recommen ^^0 would permit such monitoring- . jfC and equipment to assess v,c S ^jlitaflj
under development by the U- field services and should be ready ^0 use soon. Several authors have no CW ensembles do not permit rdj “ rank- tification of personnel, especia [ gc0p Ensembles with rank displayed ^ lights are now under considerati ^/C
ensembles also severely lim*1 e ^ and vocal communications (both sPe iuatinr hearing).9 The Air Force is ^
voice transmitters for use with t uni- 2P mask. Reception of voice co .ec-
cations might be distorted by the ”v0icC' tive hood. Available solid-state, ^ ^js activated transceivers could s°. tl1**1
communication problem, assum -
—i (j Wear'ng regulation (non-CW) l‘°ns, p 0r'n§ noisy amphibious operand personnel identification
erations" ,anh control during combat op- Ne ] ’, lsrupt unit integrity, and im-
1Ce thrr, , ^C)l on'y are masks the inter- 'Ut aj u8n which filtered air must pass, ^sks ,. Sl§ht and sound. All available Cl)U)mUn- Usec* with hoods) distort vocal a% per- l0at'ons and normal vision (usu- X b pheral vision).10 The M24 mask ?Cuity ' nava* aviators impedes visual 9*Ml ant* depth perception.11 The near|y /0ash reduces marksmanship by ^st CQrn 70 • ~ The Mark-V mask, the 'v0rn wit^01011 on naval ships, cannot be
pr Sceivers could be adapted to the ^ve bCe^Ct*Ve hood. Such transceivers used with notable success by
In,and CO,rnrnun'cat*ons will impair
K ne IPP
P’Urtant c mas^: Probably the most im- b rnasi|11^0nent t*1C ensemble ^ntia) u,n c°rrective lenses without sub- ^aw akage." The MCU/2P mask ^ce per' ®'Tteld visor which should re- ^Servee'^1^ Vlsi0n obstruction. Some ScasiclcnS ”3Ve notC(J that the incidence of dsing (i CS8 appears to be higher when • 1dieted ^"V arK* M17A1 masks.14 Ss v*sion has impeded interacts (b. ^een visual and vestibular proc- j^khess .f6 necesi>ary to prevent motion h'gher k 'he Mark-V mask imposes tks if,r°athing resistances than other S'Stajlces ^n§lneer'ng evaluations of reassociated with canister and inhalation mechanics have been conducted by the Army for the M9A1, M17A1, M24, M25A1, and XM30 masks.17 The only physiological evaluations of CW masks, in which breathing resistances under varying levels of physical exercise are assessed, are being performed under a contract sponsored by the Naval Medical Research Institute. These physiological assessments are critical because sustained levels of moderate physical exercise are very probable while wearing these masks, at least during amphibious operations. Increased breathing resistance adds to the overall physical workload, thereby diminishing the capacity for work.
Every mask will leak if not fitted properly. Although the Mark-V mask is not compatible with any spectacle, the M17A1 mask has optical inserts and a combat spectacle has been developed for the MCU/2P mask.
There are uniform standards and protocols for testing mask leakage. The evaluation of the Mark-V mask used dilute helium, a highly diffusible gas, as the challenge (test) agent. Many protocols use aerosols, but the penetrating properties of these agents vary widely.18 Moreover, the choice of aerosols does not appear to be based on the penetrating properties of the CW agents being simulated. Even if a standard aerosol (or set of aerosols) was used, there are differences in the ratio of ambient agent concentration to the concentration of agent mea-
Barbed wire could be the least of this Marine’s worries. U. S. forces could be snagged by heat stress inside poorly ventilated chemical warfare protection gear—even if the enemy has merely used a chemical foil.
sured inside the masks (called the protection factor [PF]) to be used as a safety standard. The NATO standard is a PF of 10,000; the Air Force standard PF is
- 19 The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recommends an industrial PF standard of 100 or 1,000, depending on whether the individual wearing the mask is asked if the test agent is detectable, or if leakage is measured from inside the mask. The lower ANSI standard was established for toxic substances emitted during industrial processing, and these substances typically are not as lethal as CW agents.
The only valid and acceptable way to determine the lethal and incapacitating effects of CW agents is to expose experimental animals to various concentrations of CW agents and note the level or dose of CW agent required to induce these effects. Then, exposure limits (standards) can be set for military personnel. Since animal exposure data are available for many CW agents, standards for these agents could be readily developed.
The efficiency of filters used in the masks for periods as long as 24 hours must be determined, and should emphasize the effects of filter obstruction on breathing resistance during prolonged periods of moderate physical exercise.
The best location for sensing the presence of aerosol or gaseous (e.g., helium) test agents is probably close to the nose. However, some protocols have sensed challenge agents close to the eyes because many CW agents are membrane irritants and may cause acute visual impairments. Sampling from the exhalation valve (typical of many British evaluations) dilutes the sample with normal expired air. Most protocols sample at multiple sites.
An analysis was made of the M17A1 masks under various configurations.20 These evaluations used a PF criterion of
- an oil mist polydisperse aerosol test agent, and placed the sensors near the eyes. The personnel sample was preselected to be representative of facial lengths and widths typical of the overall military population. Only 16% of this sample met the 10,000 PF criterion while wearing the M17A1 mask and the non- pressurized protective hood. Another sample of personnel with similar facial characteristics was tested wearing the
November 19X6
symptoms of CW toxicity
same mask, with this sample being more carefully fitted with the masks (taking about 15 minutes each to fit the mask) and wearing the protective hood in the pressurized mode (i.e., exhaled air is vented into the hood instead of to the environment). These procedures raised the percentage of those meeting the 10,000 PF criterion from 16% to 50%. However, with sampling occurring near the nose instead of the eyes, 84% of the personnel met the PF criterion. Proper fit was found to be an important factor in the results obtained under these conditions.
Thus, CW mask protection depends heavily on training in the correct donning of the masks (and adequate time to do so), the procedures used in sampling the test agent, and selecting a mask that fits properly. Masks that vary in size should be fitted individually and retained by the individual, if possible.
CW Antidotes: Organophosphate nerve agents are the primary CW threat and act principally on the nervous system by deactivating the biochemicals that regulate neuroelectrical discharges crossing the junctions between nerve endings and muscle fibers, thereby controlling muscular function. If the exposure to nerve agent is acute, the net effect is a massive, indiscriminate activation of bodily functions, resulting in respiratory distress,
Emerging chemical warfare antidotes and protection equipment must be studied for their adverse psychological, as well as physiological, effects. In combination, such effects could account for up to a 70% casualty rate during the first hour of wearing individual protective equipment.
gastrointestinal symptoms, convulsions, and (eventually) death. The only nerve agent antidotes authorized by the Defense Department (i.e., by the Army, lead agent for CW defense) are atropine and pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM chloride, introduced in fiscal year 1984). Injected into the large muscles on the outer side of the upper thigh, these antidotes prevent the massive discharge of nervous system activity previously described. U. S. Navy personnel are issued five autoinjectors, three containing a two-milligram dose of atropine each, and two containing 600- milligram doses of 2-PAM chloride.21 The number of autoinjections used depends on the level of CW agent exposure. However, atropine causes inhibition of selected muscle groups at high doses. The result is a general slowing of sensory and motor function, which may lead to impaired performance. If CW agent concentrations are high, the antidotes’ protective buffer would be overwhelmed. Recent findings indicate that normal (two-milligram) doses of atropine disrupt some types of sensory functions and impair commensurate performance (such as near vision and marksmanship).22 However, other research shows that these impairments may be of little practical significance under combat conditions. Tasks that are well-practiced before two- milligram injections of atropine appear to be highly resistant to the drug. Thus, individual and unit training is extremely important to ensure that combat tasks are resistant to the physiological effects of atropine.
D. B. Headley noted that substantial performance deficits were found in a map
and compass task after soldiers rece ^ six-milligram dose of atropine- ,c0ln- milligram dose of atropine impe ^ 0f pass setting accuracy among me ^ a night compass patrol, large y ^tiich vision was blurred. Using a tas [1] volunteers (non-military ma es years old) were to track a sea tank across a simulated dese ubstantial other researchers showed a s impairment in tracking P^^pine- using a four-milligram dose o but failed to show any perform ^ 0f pairment using a two-nii 11 igran1 ,
the drug.25 These researchers no' $■
the four-milligram dose of atmP fatigue suited in extreme sedation an several hours after injection. ^ce Scientific literature on the pe ^ effects of 2-PAM chloride is v g{ Headly noted that clinical ^al 2-PAM chloride do not result in a a,. heart rate or blood pressure e ^ver3] though the drug has produce ^ sjte troublesome side effects: jpain reSLllts of injection and diarrhea."[2] ^e^e.nCjjcated from Army-supported research 1 0f 600- and 1,200-milligram visUal 2-PAM chloride do not inipa‘mUlated function or performance on the s ,7 <jcj. tracking task described previous y (s 0f entific data on the performance ^|oride
combined atropine and 2-PA|Vl ^stent- injections are virtually ,n°trj-service
Under an Army-sponsored ^y tl>e
program managed for the ^?VjLyel0P' Naval Medical Research and an[i- ment Command, the effects ot . tyof dotes are being determined on a ^-rape rformance measures, includi g tional tasks. . nrtj0n *ith
Use of these drugs in conjun se- CW protective clothing could c_> js a vere heat stress. Because atr°P presse> nervous system inhibitor, it ,m« normal sweat gland functions, soCjated ing the heat stress problem aS . ySjcal with IPE. Only low levels 0 P caity' work (e.g., slow walking ing any loads other than a n§ con' rifle) would be possible under j | e{- ditions. The absence of physio o sllg- fects from 2-PAM chloride injeC ugnr£rit gests that this drug would not heat stress. .
Compliance with the injectio g dure also is a problem, especia y^ fiie personnel who have not expert ^ellpC' physiological effects of atropine- rienced personnel are likely to jS the physiological effects of atrlip jpjed r'wr ti^virifv an0 .
themselves with the remaining ^ Jfiif Again, only training in the use o ^ ef- and familiarity with the physiology ^ fects will prevent misuse. Anot nation nf • treatmp t !■ atroP'ne use concerns the can inc °f combat casualties. The drug projecti]reaSe b'oob ‘oss resulting from rate andehiW°UnC*S ^ increasing heart theadm' ■ °°^, Pressure) and complicate ancsthe|lniStrat'0n °* treatment drugs and ing (0 d*cs' While the Army is attempt- Physiolo Vel°P ant'c*otes that avoid these risk rese^r! Pro^*ems> this is a high- lrnProvedfC" .cnc^eavor; prospects for an feinote anbc*ote in the next ten years is Hff*
rent jpgS arc underway to redesign cur- teriais t0 ° mcorPorate von Blucher ma- The new J™Pr°ve resistance to moisture, hy „ro "MO mask is scheduled for use Minor ipp trooPs 'n fiscal year 1988. Permit m ^es'8n modifications would of medir°[e accurate diagnosis and triage Uated en 3 casualties in a CW-contami- cati0n v'ronment and improve identifi- c°uldbe° Pers°nnel. Communication set of h'ni,iaroveti hy adopting a standard •Hitter a"| signals and, perhaps, transsystems " vo'ce-activated transceiver
he eqnjj" *n‘erim, naval personnel should the Mcun tbe best available IPE— underg0- mask which currently is COn,Patibig °Perati°nal evaluation and is «e; (,0(l e with the new combat specta- hurin„ t(.are available for procurement, human f. 6 next *~lve years, a thorough tient sh UC.lors evaluation of this equip- ettiphasi's>U ^ c°nducted, with primary Uication °" 'kfining visual and commu- ^Uual C°nstraints, the extent to which St imPerfon"ance is impaired, and, ‘IUpos°rIant^’ tbe Physiological lim- form SUsjCt* °n personnel who must per- hy jnVo| a'nc(J physical work (i.e., actives h)ree(j,n^ carcli0vascular stress, such Ming) ,■ marching and ordnance han- Vh an^ a,few minutes to 24 hours. univerSa] evaluation should be based on Ptoce(|u rneasurement and challenge the res^fs’ an(l known toxicity effects. s'gH fea( ts Can be used to determine de- *he ms that can be incorporated into years s ensemble over the next 5-15 Present] buman factors evaluations are underway at NavSWC and Currem T?0ratories-
Muxirm, Navy doctrine states that the i't; ni Period of continuous Mark-III Mem js 'n a CW-contaminated environ- exerS,lX h()urs.28 During heavy physi- eyen (l CISc’ *he possibility of reaching Shouid *S] nioclest limit may be remote. Iled °ihing be designed with unlim- v°uid c Pr°tection, biomedical factors |his 2d ^strain use to about 24 hours. Mg tub °Ur. *‘mh assumes that a drink- I'vhicb C ls incorporated into the mask Mask) be the case for the MCU/2P ’ “at appropriate nutritional sup-
plements can be supplied to personnel under these conditions, and that every effort would be made to keep physical work at the lowest possible level.
Use of CW agents against amphibious operations is an especially attractive option for enemy forces. It would reduce the risks and the resources required to confront amphibious assault forces. CW weapons are ideal for use against combat operations (such as amphibious forces) that are concentrated in delimited geographic areas and involved in complex maneuvers that would be easily disrupted by the physical constraints and psychological stress imposed by assuming a CW defensive posture. In addition, use of CW agents is likely to be perceived by other (neutral) nations as less destructive and threatening than the next most likely alternative—tactical nuclear weapons. (Note that the international response to the use of CW agents by Iraq has been constrained.)
Naval amphibious planners must be prepared to evacuate the operational area in an orderly fashion or adopt tactics that will project and disperse forces rapidly over the beachhead in self-contained or pressurized vehicles (aircraft and personnel carriers) if CW agents are used. However, development and manufacture of self-contained or pressurized vehicles in the near term is highly unlikely, but may be feasible in 5-10 years. Protracted combat operations (over 24 hours) or operations at WBGTs above 90°F lasting only a few hours are questionable if personnel must rely solely on current IPE.
The use of CW antidotes in combination with IPE does not appear to be warranted unless the risk of personnel contamination is high. Antidotes will shorten dramatically the period during which personnel can stay in a CW-contaminated environment and perform useful physical work because of the high risk of heat stroke. It is unlikely that an antidote can be developed in the near- to mid-term that will not debilitate some major component of the nervous system.
Personnel need to be trained in IPE under a variety of temperature and combat conditions to learn to cope with the physical stresses of these conditions, and to differentiate the physical symptoms resulting from exposure to both nerve agents and antidotes.
The most significant improvement in IPE would be a fabric that would dissipate body heat and perspiration from the suit while remaining impervious to CW agents. While synthetic materials have been developed that have some of these characteristics (Gortex dissipates body heat to the environment without permitting the transfer of ambient cold to the suit interior), selective transfer and im- pedence of large molecules of water and CW agents may be too formidable a problem to solve with synthetic materials. Suits made from biomaterials could be developed to selectively metabolize large, complex molecules (especially the organic molecules that constitute CW agents). A program using enzymes as decontaminating substances is being planned as a tri-service initiative under Army sponsorship. A miniaturized electromechanical system could be incorporated into current IPE that would vent body heat and water vapor. Such a device, several prototypes of which are to be evaluated by the Army and Air Force, would have to be light. If any of these developments are successful, some continuous heavy physical work may be possible while exposed to CW agents. The requirement for these developments will depend on an analysis of the frequency and criticality of heavy physical work tasks in CW-contaminated environments, a determination of the extent to which these physical workloads can be circumvented or reduced using alternative procedures and techniques, and collateral development of effective systems to remove body wastes and to supply required nutrients. * [3] [4] [5] [6] 6 [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
Nauseogenic and Disorienting Effects of Some Whole-Body Motions—A Proposed Mechanism,” Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Report No. 1232, 16 February 1977, pp. 1-13. ^Institute of Human Performance, “Observations and Comments ...”
,7Neil P. Wold and Jerry Steelman, “Development Test II (PQT-G) of XM30 Series Protective Masks and Accessories,” U. S. Army Dug way Proving Ground Final Report, March 1984.
18Alan Halk, Los Alamos National Laboratory Letter Report, H-5R 82-104, 30 August 1982, pp. 1-9. 19Ibid.
21Naval Medical Command Instruction 6710.3, “Medical Material Requirements for Defense Against Biological Chemical Warfare Agents,” 21 June 1984.
22Roy Baker, Anthony Adams, Arthur Jampolsky, Brian Brown, Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy, and
Reese Jones, “Effects of Atropine on Visual Performance,” Military Medicine, June 1983, pp. 530535.
23Tom Seppala and Risto Visakorpi, “Effects of Atropine on Shooting: A Field Trial,” Military Medicine, August 1983, pp. 673-675.
24Donald B. Headley, “Effects of Atropine Sulfate and Pralidoxime Chloride on Visual, Physiological, Performance, Subjective, and Cognitive Variables in Man: A Review,” Military Medicine, February 1982, pp. 122-132.
25Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy, Reese Jones, Anthony J. Adams, and Arthur Jampolsky, “Effects of Atropine and 2-PAM Chloride on Vision and Performance,” Draft Annual Report to the U. S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, 1 November 1984, pp. 1-34.
27Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy, personal communication to the author, 24 January 1985.
0f Huflian
Dr. Davis is the director of the InS|‘tut^raanjzation Performance, a research and consu tin£ ped°r' specializing in the development of P ^ bigh mance standards for occupations requi els of physical fitness.
By Colonel Wallace Wessel, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)
It’s Time to Talk About Airfields
Our airfields have not been attacked by a determined enemy for a long time. There were a few incidents during the Korean War, and several unguided rockets were directed at our airfields during the Vietnam War. But not since World War II has anyone seriously targeted our Navy and Marine Corps forward tactical air support bases. Should we count on this to continue indefinitely? Can we assume that our antiair capability will deter any serious threat to our fleet support air bases?
Our allies and potential adversaries are developing and fielding a new generation of antiairfield weapons, in air and surface delivery modes. They are designed to penetrate and crater runways and taxiways, making it difficult if not impossible for tactical or support aircraft to take off or land until repairs are made. When these weapons are combined with other conventional munitions, new and exotic area-denial munitions, or chem- ical/biological weapons, repair times can be extended significantly.
Other support facilities at fleet support air bases essential to air operations are also subject to damage or destruction, including fuel, ammunition, maintenance, and supply facilities. Aircraft are prime targets while on the ground being serviced. Command, control, and communications facilities become crucial during defense and recovery operations; these may also be damaged during attacks on forward air bases. The threat applies to all Navy antisubmarine warfare support air bases, which support our deployed carrier battle groups, and the expeditionary air bases that support Marine Corps contingency operations.
We have not thought about this problem adequately for a number of years. There are three main reasons:
- The Navy devotes its primary concern over vulnerability to fleet elements, not the supporting air base structure.
- The Marine Corps has been developing vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/ STOL) technology for more than two decades.
- Neither the Navy nor the Marine Corps has been subjected to an offensive air attack since World War II, limiting such experience to empirical, and usually superficial, planning and training exercises.
Why has the Navy not worried particularly about air base vulnerability? There has been considerable emphasis on developing ships that can operate for extended periods without support and improving the at-sea support forces, thus reducing the requirement for shore-based support. This is as it should be. However, it is clear that fleet support bases are essential to battle group effectiveness in any combat posture. This is demonstrated by our Indian Ocean battle group’s critical dependence on frequent air resupply from Diego Garcia, and the extended line of communication for the surface support force. Are not these land bases prime targets for attack?
In addition, our P-3 Orion patrol aircraft must keep track of important movements and actions of adversarial forces. Stopping or limiting their operations could introduce serious gaps in our battle intelligence. Are not these air bases to be considered logical targets?
What impact has the emphasis on V/STOL had on Marine Corps forward air defense thinking? It has shown that forward airfields are not needed, that tactical aviation support, i.e., for V/STOL
ltd helicopters, can be operate^ struc'
vely without a sophisticated Jl1
ire. V/STOL gives the Marinebjjity ^ tceptional capability for fleXI be t,ase isponse, including a change *n , sup' ructure required to provide tac s a art. Nevertheless, V/STOL ^ engiflsS ise structure to be effective: , lC,arnage' e still subject to foreign object ie aircraft and weapon systen iphisticated maintenance sU^]lUnitio1’ rge amounts of fuel and am lust be readily available. bein-
What is the significance of ( for tacked by a serious antiair t £ po ore than three decades? We expe' avy or Marine Corps active-rm ence of the receiving end of an ^gpr imbing attack, and only lirnitc ^ ice with isolated attacks a®a!"ve t|ie ipport facilities. Some behe g. lemv cannot attack, because ' ;npty-
Others k i-
|0\v-int e.leve future conflicts will be tnerriyCnS,ty conflicts, in which the *hreate W'" not be able t0 seriously that 0u"r °Ur forces. Still others believe the fia assets will be used at sea or on fore th ^ °f a major conflict, and there- c'ent rC enemy will likely not have suffi- forces CS\i/UrCes t0 seriously threaten our ty°efui| Whatever the reason, we have tablij^ ^ neylected our capability to es- SUPPon ma'ntam a forward combat atifjn f ase structure for our tactical avi- ■f? f°rces.
• he I] e ..
air (jas ' o. Air Force has conducted an for y e defense development program Progra rs’ anc* recently consolidated the ity” . Under an “air base survivabil- all ^ with top level coordination of ties. ^ c °Pment and acquisition activi- recent| ub-scale Air Force exercise was Uate(J i^'onducted in Europe which eval- inC]uda asPects °f air base survivability, lng post-attack recovery. The exercise showed that there are still serious deficiencies in capability and response. It must be noted, however, that the Air Force is concerned primarily with fixed bases; a tailored system can be prepositioned, and training and readiness can be rehearsed. At fixed bases, such things as protective construction, signature suppression, and optimum survival arrangement of aircraft and facilities can be completed and enhanced long before a potential attack.
The Navy and Marine Corps have a different problem: they must be prepared to go anywhere in the world and do the job required. A few years ago, we strained this capability to the maximum in the Middle East theater. We had no significant support base. Our lines of communication and support were long and tenuous. Diego Garcia became a critical base, and we created a maritime prepositioned ships program to improve our long-range support capability.
The Navy and Marine Corps do not have the luxury of preconfiguring the airfields from which tactical and support aviation must operate. The Marines are tasked to sieze and to develop bases needed for support.
More than 25 years ago, the two services developed the expeditionary airfield (EAF) to have the capability to “create” an airfield when and where needed. This EAF system is constantly maintained in a ready status. However, it requires a heavy logistics burden to deliver it and a significant construction effort to emplace it. The result is a strong tendency during contingency planning to rely on the bare
Cratering weapons like the BAPlOOs dropped by the French Air Force on the Libyan-built Ouadi Doum air base in northern Chad (above) can turn U. S. Marine Corps/Navy expeditionary airfields into moonscapes. U. S. runway repair programs (left) must be expanded to keep support air bases in operation during any future conflicts.
base airfields available in the objective area. But the survivability of that bare base, when configured for tactical and fleet support, generally has not been considered. We cannot rely on sanctuaries for support, nor can we believe our forces will not be attacked or damaged.
Currently, a small Navy and Marine Corps development program is concerned with the technical aspects of runway bomb crater repair. Efforts to establish a broader focus have been unsuccessful, largely owing to a lack of operational concern or clearly defined operational need. How do we get contingency planners to analyze the vulnerability of our forward combat facilities, and consider specific ways to improve survivability and post-attack recovery?
First, the Navy and Marine Corps should ensure that airfield vulnerability receives realistic, priority play in all training exercises involving tactical air. Employing simulated threat air weapons against our installations will develop an appreciation of vulnerability and recovery problems. How many aircraft were damaged? What is the post-attack condi-
■ ■ Ha Calif001'3 Alamedp.intMhfu
?e Detachment ai n.^ p0jnt . and the Marine Aviation Detachment a California. He served in Korea, where a fxv0 co^ in the early helicopter program the
tion of the field? What is the extent of damage to such other key facilities as communications, fuel, ammunition, and maintenance? How soon can the next aircraft be launched? Can the aircraft that are still in the air be recovered? How can we deal with the unexploded ordnance that has blanketed the area? How do we cope with the chemical environment that has just been created? How could we have prevented some of the damage by actions before the attack? The real issue is whether we can continue to carry out the support mission. It does not take much damage to throttle an airfield operating close to maximum capacity, launching and recovering up to 300 support sorties every day.
Second, the Navy and Marine Corps should use existing simulation and war gaming facilities to develop a more comprehensive data base on air base survivability. Gaming actions using projected offense-versus-defense air and weapons capabilities can reveal potential problems. Recovery actions based on current construction and repair techniques can establish recovery times and equipment limitations. Where simulation programs do not exist, they should be developed and exercised to establish the necessary data base for decision analysis. What layout for aircraft and facilities will minimize damage? What added construction effort will create and enhance that layout? What is the typical damage suffered during attack by current and projected weapons? How long before normal launch and recovery operations can begin after an attack? What are the unexploded ordnance problems during repair efforts, and are we equipped to deal with them? Reasonable answers can be obtained to these and many other questions through simulation models. These answers can be highly beneficial in programming the resources necessary to attack the problem directly. Even something so basic as a handbook containing guidance on how to set up an airfield and minimize vulnerability would be helpful.
Third, a top level Navy/Marine Corps working group should be established to monitor and coordinate requirements and actions. This group should represent the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps as the principal requirements agencies. The group should include representatives of the key systems commands to ensure that development and acquisition planning and programming are adequately covered. Early action to prepare an objectives plan and to initiate the definition and assignment of responsibility for both operational and technical actions should
be primary objectives. A secon ^
jective should be to ensure ^ ^ Navy/Marine Corps interface ^
technology base established )
Force. , hattali°n
When terrorists attacked the ^uSjng
headquarters building in Beiru , . [0
great loss of life, many wfjje e f,een suggest that something shoul of fe. done before the attack to preV0 jt until duce its effect. Do we have to some capable enemy attacks o ^d?
air bases before we become co manded two all-weather fighter sq’ rine Air Reserve Detachment at
................................. r„. r„„._n, and servedhe Utiivcr
bat tours in Vietnam. He has a B.S. fr0 _ yyas'1'"’, sity of Maryland and an M.S. from c° ton University. He attended the Amp 1 jjaVgl w School, Armed Forces Staff College, a College.
Anything But a Ground Tour!
By Captain Paul Loschiavo, U. S. Marine Corps
I couldn’t help but hear my buddy talking on the telephone about his next assignment with his monitor.
“By the end of the year, I’ll have four years on station and an overseas control date. You can send me down to flight school to be an instructor.
“Shoot... Oh well. How about a station billet so I can fly the C-12?
“Well, then, it’ll have to be I & I duty with the 4th MAW [Marine Aircraft Wing].
“Are there any SAR [search and rescue] billets open?
“How about NARF [Naval Air Rework Facility]?”
My buddy was getting rattled.
“OK . . . how does OSO LA [officer selection office-Los Angeles] sound?”
He broke out in a cold sweat.
“I’ll take OSO North Dakota!”
I detected the first signs of hysteria.
“Send me to AWS [Amphibious Warfare School] . . . Please . . .
“I give up . . . you can send me to Headquarters.”
His breathing was now rapid and shallow. He was shaking visibly.
“Isn’t there anything else?!!”
I grabbed him by his collar. He had a crazed look. I shook him and slapped him across the face, then picked up the phone; there was only a buzz on the line.
He whispered something. I didn’t understand it. He said it a little louder.
“I’m going to be . . .a FAC [forward air controller].”
Now hang on a second! A lot of aviators have been FACs and survived their tours. And a lot of them even enjoyed it. Recently, I completed a tour at 2d ANGLICO (Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company) as a FAC, or more technically, an AO (air officer).
My tour with ANGLICO was good— and bad. First, the good: before reporting to ANGLICO, I received temporary additional duty orders to Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) school—a three-week course that teaches aviators to be AOs. A TACP graduate is expected to be able to go into a battalion Fire Support Coordi
nation Center as the air
course, he learns to control but the majority of the course ^ to learning the Marine Air C°m ote to Control System. There is a '° ,-0 anda controlling air than a PRC-75 ra
.......... r_. ,><5
An unusual unit, ANGLICO
nine-line briefing format. After TACP, I reported
to •
normally work with or sUPP^,se
Marine Corps units. The Purj*lw of owes
tence to the fact that somebody^"
r ~ Army.
ANGLICO is to support U. 15 ■ exis'
allied units. ANGLICO owes
had read the after-action reP0^ated World War II. The Army Part‘C‘rjng the many amphibious landings oU .^d' war, in fact, the largest amphm10^ ^ Sing in history was conducted by p0rts- Army. Reading the after-action ^
* ‘ —g £1** • -a
landing supported by Navy °r \,ieifls
ruiiij’ . iwuuuig uiv/ uiiv. — /V*
somebody noticed that during a landing supported by Navy °r r0bleItlS aviation and naval gunfire, P P< arose because we use differe ^ in dures and talk different langu®^jttiiO 1948, an ANGLICO was forme0
her!9** / Novem',er
the Mar: n
gunfirg ne ^orPs to provide Navy naval c°ntroIle P°tterS and Marine forward air Unit evn," *°.tlle Army. Over time, the Gunfire p • 'nt0 tkc Air and Naval f°rce A.|laiSOn Company, Fleet Marine 'nclude thamiC’ and l^e mission grew to spotters C) Fro vision of naval gunfire Wen 3n a'r officers to allied units as
°ften works with the eVeryone .^?orne Division, thus
1 Was
Off t * pdiacu me
lere ^,°rt ®enr*ing> Georgia
'■‘ure-on ANGLICO must be parade ^ al,”ed. Before I even walked in 'nyited * 6 ANGL1CO training officer PhysicalHp” °V£r to take the Airborne designs ltness test (PFr)- This PFT is P^Vsicall ° ensure that an individual is school ?K,PrcParec* f°r the Army’s jump tassing f °Id'n8 could be more embar- an Army* 3 ^adnc than to flunk out of good school because he was not in
feh Shape-)
Foce Sjtu rt>orne PFT consists of 60 bentholding ^>S tWo minutes with nobody PUshups y°Ur anklcs> 50 Airborne ^t'rtiil' ten dead-hang pullups, and a forked f 13111 ln ^2 minutes. Having pFT, i °r ahout four months on this
^c°rgia 'f *'tde doubl one is in south •he skyi'3 ter arriv>ng at Fort Benning: foo„0wlne ‘s dominated by three 250- %aiiveff-Though my orders said spe- vice ,/eP°rt for duty in Summer Ser- Soutjj q ’ 11 *s downright sweltering in
skeye(j ®0r8'a—so 1 checked in in shortly flr UlT1mer Service “C.” That was thirig f0 nastake. Jump school is a big '# the ^ 6 Army; it’s a test. Anybody "hether can 8° t0 jump school, hillet. a °r not he is going to an Airborne A*rborn S °ne soldier put it, “If you ain’t Xsesju®’ ^ou ain’t sugar.” The Army Miat jt P School to see if a soldier has u«it. > takcs to go to a “high-speed” i'adge P*P wings are a sort of “lead S°l<lier ■ C0Urage” and indicate that a 'Weed 0*S tough. Therefore, they try to niqijes ’Jf the weak with several tech- Nn’t’e "e Plrst °f which is pushups. I hef0re .Ven finished the entry paperwork PHUd’ J°st count of the number of ‘CharlL!,haddone> sweating through my °rders 16. dniform. No matter what my u a*d, I should have worn utilities
ititere.6X1 three-and-a-half weeks were hay w sting.” The first formation each “9ck tQS f1 and I normally stumbled Sut | ‘;;c bachelor officers’ quarters at Jdg (ja Throughout the entire train- lf|gQey’ °ne is running, climbing, push- cSe !^la’ an(i doing nine million para- classroo and'n8 falls. There are no •tts at jump school; everything is physical. They don’t stop for “black flag” (hot weather) conditions; they just hose everybody down and keep going. But, amazingly, they have very few heat casualties. As far as I’m concerned, they run an outstanding program, considering the extraordinary number of students going through the course.
I returned to ANGLICO with my jump wings and settled into the routine. ANGLICO’s mission is to provide supporting arms controllers to different units, and we did just that—constantly.
During the year I was at ANGLICO, our teams supported the 82d Airborne, 101st Airmobile, 24th Infantry, Rangers, and several Navy carrier air wings and ships, as well as the Turks, Brits, Norwegians, and the UNITAS cruise. I made two trips to Vieques, Puerto Rico, and one to Georgia with the 82d Airborne. I also went to Naval Gunfire Spotters School and Fire Support Coordination School, and participated in several exercises with ANGLICO in the Camp Le- jeune area. As an aviator, I got to do things few aviators get to do. For one exercise, I led a convoy of 22 vehicles to a training site. I also learned to rappel, and rappeled from a helicopter. SPIE (special patrol insertion-extraction) rigging is a kick in the rear. I led a ten-man patrol in a night attack and proved to myself that it is easier to find the bad guys from an aircraft than from the ground.
I had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of all sorts of aviation support. I got to control: Marine A-4s, A-6s, F-4s, AV-8s, and F/A-18s; Navy A-6s and A-7s; and Air Force A-lOs. With a tank as the target, the first of three F/A- 18s hit the turret on the first pass. The A-lO’s 30-mm. Gatling gun is truly awesome. I also got to control a Navy frigate’s five-inch/54-caliber gun. (Next
Marine aviators exist to support ground troops. And getting to know first-hand what the troops need— whether with ANGLICO or other ground units—makes good aviators better.
time, I hope to control the New Jersey [BB-62] and her 16-inch guns.)
Working with the Marines of ANGLICO was a pleasure. They were mostly communicators and artillerymen; I’d had little contact with ground troops before this tour. I don’t know if they were any more special than other communicators and artillerymen, but they sure thought that they were special and they acted like it. On one of my trips to Vieques, I was the officer in charge of a ten-man detachment. The sergeant was unlike any other sergeant I had ever dealt with. He was hard as nails, yet compassionate with the young Marines. If I told him to have the det ready to move out in ten minutes, they were ready to go in five. Later, he would spend 20 minutes explaining to the young Marines how best to set up the radios. Leading the det was a unique experience for me. In the past, I had led detachments to distant bases, but we were never more than an Autovon phone call away from the squadron. Down in Vieques, we were totally on our own, out in the boonies. If anybody in Puerto Rico knew that we were in the field, I doubt that they cared. Calling back to ANGLICO was nearly impossible because the phone system on the island is, believe it or not, not up to par with Camp Lejeune’s—even if we could get to a phone.
Since ANGLICO must be self-deployable to an Army base, it has its own service support elements. A truck was only five minutes away. Supply, armory, communications, paraloft, and medical functions were provided by ANGLICO Marines and sailors, who cared about the service they provide and did their jobs well. There was no need to go through a higher headquarters or a different unit to get such service; we provided our own.
Yet, there are some things about ANGLICO that need to be improved. Because ANGLICO’s mission is to support the Army and allies, it rarely works with Marine Corps infantry. The purpose of Marine Corps aviation is to support Marine Corps infantry, yet, as an air officer on nonflying orders to a ground unit, I learned little about Marine infantry.
The ANGLICO table of organization has an officer in charge of each of 20 teams. In garrison, the Marines of the 20 teams are assigned to three platoons and almost all of the officers work in staff billets. And officers were everywhere. At one point, there were ten captains sharing three desks in the operations office. Usually a lot of the officers are deployed, but there are times when there is standing room only, and we did a lot of reinventing of the wheel.
Though I have not served as an air officer in an infantry battalion, I’ve known aviators who have. Their feelings range from mild acceptance to outright strong
TheV, to®’
favor for their ground tour. ;Q[)e 0f did some unusual things. At lea ^ ^ them was offered command o company, but turned it down °gecallSe the battalion executive officer- ^0.
an infantry battalion has a lot ni pie than ANGLICO, the batty . ently. sonnel approach their jobs 10pera- The aviators normally servedM 0gj-
tions office and did not suffer cer overkill. . for on®
Most Marine aviators exis ,0
thing—to fly. But there is a 0 jp y0u
the Marine Corps than just Avinjf jn [he want to see where we aviators ^ aS whole scheme of things, serve ^en
an air officer. If nothing e s ^ you’re back in the cockpit, yoU.r strike. sure that you are not late for an a tj,e or you’ll make sure that you z0ne)- grunts in the right LZ (landing You’ll try to ensure that some o u„d tor won’t have to explain to vvr0ng- troops why you did something
Captain Loschiavo has been a flight ins sjnLe CH-46 training squadron at MCAS Ne ^ serve June 1985. From June 1984 to June ^otB fli? with 2d ANGLICO. After graduating ^fd-264’ school in 1980, he served two tours wi Leh'S including time in Beirut. He graduate a[1(j froth University in 1976 with a B.S. in F® \l A 1 Pepperdine University in 1979 w>< co^
Human Resources Management. Ai ears as missioned through OCS, he served tw ground officer.
Sea Knights in the 21st Century?
an oriS1' These <
gine(s), and components °uts^ jje 0veL
of the SR&M modification
1970s when the engineering s <- oro t^e NARF Cherry Point, personnel I Naval Air Systems Command, . c0sb ing Vertol examined the causes a
By Lieutenant Commander Harry Burden, U. S.
A few years ago, Congress approved an inconspicuous program to avert mounting costs for maintenance required by U. S. Marine Corps and Navy H-46 Sea Knight helicopters. This modification effort consists of improving or replacing components responsible for more than 90% of the H-46’s unscheduled maintenance burden. The H-46 SR&M program is named for its three most important goals: safety, reliability, and maintainability.
Between 1960 and 1971, Boeing Ver- tol produced more than 620 twin-turbine, tandem-rotor H-46s for military and civilian customers in the United States, Canada, Sweden, and Japan. Today, the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps operate a fleet of more than 350 H-46s which is made up of three different models: the A-model (CH-46A, HH-46A, and UH- 46A), the D-model (CH-46D and UH- 46D), and the E-model (CH-46E).
The H-46 Sea Knight has been the Marine Corps’ primary troop-assault he-
Navy (Retired)
licopter and the Navy’s vertical replenishment (Vertrep) aircraft for more than 20 years. It will be phased out of Marine Corps service during the mid-1990s and replaced by the MV-22A Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. Once relieved, about 100 Marine Corps H-46s will be turned over to the Navy to serve as Vertrep aircraft for ten or more years; there is no suitable replacement aircraft for this role.
The H-46 has a crew of three and accommodates 25 troops. It can accept average loads of about 4,000 pounds internally or externally, yet its compact size makes this helicopter ideal for shipboard operations. The H-46’s fuselage is just a few inches shorter than that of another versatile vertical-takeoff Marine Corps aircraft: the AV-8B Harrier.
Each year, one-third of the H-46 fleet— about 120 helicopters—passes through the Naval Air Rework Facilities (NARFs) to undergo regular standard depot-level maintenance (SDLM), which is the most extensive form of repair or modification
permitted on an aircraft’s a'rfra^ 0ligi' nal manufacturer’s facilities- 1 ,a]latio11 hauls now allow the efficient in me 01S.06IV1 iiiuuineanv/.* - NARF Cherry Point, North ^ one is one of six NARFs and the ^ oili- managed by the Marine Corps- y^gjnia- ers are located at: Norfolk, . Jacksonville and Pensacola, Ft° .jp0rnia- Alameda and North Island, ® jgiatw Only the Cherry Point and No atjons facilities—near the largest conce of the H-46 fleet—are involveo ^ H-46 SR&M program. Of the . yts, copters planned to receive SK ^Ji-
40%—about 140 aircraft— abouI
fied at Cherry Point and the res ^0fth 210 H-46s—will be modified^ ,es. Island during their regular SDL late The SR&M program began W at
i Metrical0 S‘X Categorics: > Hvrir , systems
\ Avion/'0 Systems
i k lunics
n§ gear
•vcnients to many components replace them with new-tech-
Ogv •
P’Ogrartj. Slgns' F°r example, the SR&M i ['’’Proves ft,
bfiproy me main ’antl‘nS gear strut seal es ’he nose compartment door
of replacing electrical
:ars 0fCshec'ally that exposed to many Hily unC,°rr0sivc sa’t-air operations, are Mother Crs’00(T Hydraulic systems are NifiCaJna”er- Over the years, minor 'c line/ 10nS t0 ’he H-46 added hydrau- which, in some cases, became
Of (a Qreen)
costs weduled H-46 maintenance. These *n la/6 .Proiected to increase sharply ^'crniin/i an^ earfo' 1990s. It was ’or 92%6 flhat just 50 items accounted PorfligL ° ’he maintenance man-hours 'vere aj 0Ur- About half of those items and y being addressed by research
lng 26 it °Prnent efforts, so the remain- SR&kj erns became candidates for the ®T0lJPed :^r°®ram- These items
H ec J5 ’he H-46 fleet operating safely ^Osat,/rally 'nt0 ’he mid- to late’° Use Dr °eyonc*’ every effort was made ITm ,°Ven technology, keeping H-46 hfod thg r^sk program. This was be- ar|(l re.| ecision to completely rewire
"take jniUlT1h the aircraft, and to simply ‘mprov \ foipf|/Cs ’he ramp hinges
S'oris Cs ’he forward and aft transmis-
- Irn
w °,Ves the forward clamshell doors
i henl-, a new r°tor brake assembly
- R‘ Jaccs all electrical wiring The l°S a11 hydraulic plumbing
Hin! ber>efits F 6
three or four pipes deep. Mechanics trying to get close to a bulkhead to get a wrench on a leaking line found it to be nearly impossible. In the SR&M, a new modular hydraulic system is installed; this reduces complexity and eliminates 10-15% of the H-46’s hydraulic lines. The new system also features stainless steel tubing and swaged fittings, which significantly reduce the number of potential leak points—a major cause of unscheduled maintenance.
Yanking out old wiring and plumbing and replacing it with new SR&M kit components obviously takes some time. Routine H-46 SDLM requires about 4,000 man-hours and can be completed in about 45 days. Installing SR&M modifications adds another 7,000 man-hours, bringing to about 90 the number of days the aircraft is confined to the hangar.
Briefly, when an H-46 undergoes SR&M, it is placed on dollies and its fuel sponsons and main landing gear are removed. The fuselage is separated at a field splice—station 410—and the aft section containing the engines and aft transmission is set aside for continuing work. This separation allows convenient access to the interiors of both sections of the aircraft to permit replacement of all wiring and plumbing. Engines, transmissions, rotor heads, and other components are attended to and the helicopter is reassembled and made ready to fly.
The SR&M program will end in 1989, but other improvements to the H-46 are being developed; these kits are planned for deliveries extending to 1991. Among these improvements will be an increase in fuel capacity which will double the H-46’s mission radius. Marine Corps H-46s are scheduled to receive night- vision-capable cockpits, and most will get avionics improvements, including digital navigation systems and ground-
Personnel from NARF Cherry Point put finishing touches to an H-46 SR&M modification, which will extend its service life until the mid- 1990s, when H-46s are to be replaced by MV-22A Ospreys.
proximity warning systems.
Most H-46s will obtain provisions for the installation of emergency flotation systems, which have recently completed successful testing. Although the H-46 has a sealed hull, permitting water landings, it lacks the numerous watertight compartments needed to make it a truly amphibious helicopter. The emergency floats are intended to prevent the loss of an H-46 that has incurred damage during a forced water landing, its hull opened to the sea.
When the H-46 SR&M program was laid out in 1978-79, its managers predicted the costs to maintain the H-46 fleet through the 1990s—if limited to applying '
bandaids and splints—would exceed $1.2 billion. Then it was estimated that the cost of the SR&M program would come to about $450 million, a savings of around $750 million or more than 1.5 times the SR&M expenditures.
Boeing Vertol began delivering SR&M kits to the two participating NARFs in July 1985 and will ship ten per month through 1988, which will permit roughly that many aircraft to be modified and returned to the fleet monthly. The first H-46 SR&M production aircraft was completed in late November 1985 for delivery in December to HTM-204, a training squadron at New River, North Carolina—within a few days of what was planned six years earlier. Actual costs of the SR&M kits have already fallen below original estimates. A typical SR&M conversion kit was initially expected to cost around $780,000; we are receiving each kit for about $20,000 less. Over the life of this program, these efficiencies will add up to an unexpected savings exceeding $7 million.
Good aircraft refuse to die or fade away. The famed DC-3/C-47/R-4D just celebrated its 50th birthday, and hundreds remain in excellent flying condition. The purpose of the H-46 SR&M is to ensure that this fine helicopter remains in excellent flying condition at least until the year 2000, and that it continues to save taxpayer dollars.
Lieutenant Commander Burden, a qualified H-46 and CH-47 helicopter pilot, retired in June as H-46 deputy program manager, U. S. Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C. He is Senior Logistics Analyst at Information Spectrum, Inc., of Arlington, Virginia.
‘Richard D. Cole, “Heat Stroke During Training with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protective Clothing: Case Report," Military Medicine, July 1983, pp. 624-625.
[2]Institute of Human Performance, “Impact of MOPP Equipment on Physical Performance Requirements of U. S. Navy Amphibious Forces,” project report. May 1983, pp. 1-11.
[3]Franklin R. Brooks and Donald G. Ebner, “Psycho
logical Reactions During Chemical Warfare Training,” Military Medicine, March 1983, pp. 232-235. ’Ibid.
[5]National Research Council, "Nutritional Requirements of Military Personnel in Protective Clothing,” letter report of workshop, 3-4 June 1982, pp. 3-4.
[6]B. C. Lapiska, “Dress Rehearsal for Doomsday,” Proceedings, April 1982, p. 109.
’Institute of Human Performance, “Observations and Comments: Kernel Usher 83-1,” project report, 31 January 1983, pp. 10-12.
“Scott D. Bennion, “Designing NBC Projective Gear to Allow for Adequate First Aid,” Military Medicine, November 1982, pp. 960-962.
’Brooks and Ebner; Institute of Human Performance, "Impact of MOPP Equipment . . .”
[10]R. Jeffrey Smith, "Congress Questions Binary Weapons Plan,” Science, 20 May 1982, p. 802.
[12]Alastair Hay, “At War with Chemistry,” New Scientist, 22 March 1984, p. 16.
[13]S. A. Luria and J. H. Dougherty, Jr., “Effectiveness of the Mark V Chemical-Biological Mask Worn over Goggles,” Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory Report No. 1006, 6 July 1983, pp. 1-7.
"Institute of Human Performance, "Impact of MOPP Equipment . . Institute of Human Performance, “Observations and Comments . .
[15]Fred E. Guedry, Jr., "Visual Counteraction of