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(DD-558), November 1986, St.
^00 IsJk’c FF' Contact: Daniel J. Crum, (8l3) 526 5773N'’ St' Petersburg- FL 33714.
Smber'1ml(SS'393) and <SSN-6SI>’ 5-7
Lt. (j g . y°6> Pearl Harbor, HI. Contact:
651>. Fpn ek Ankiel> USS Queenftsh (SSN- 47l'9765/93o2n Francisco 96676-2337. (808).
i986,'pCS< Virginia (BB-48), 6-7 December on”*! Barbor’ HI. All shipmates who lilies °ard From *^33 to 1947, and their are invited, along with Ky 1 0 West Virginia Councils of the Alton l a^lC ^ United States. Contact: *We ' Meyer, 4411 Blecker Dr., Baton ’ A 7°809. (504) 926-6114.
USs Hi l
^87 pC ox (DD-673), proposed Spring ^ve.. s , ntact: Jay Anderson, 286 Welby 5°2l, or r ake City- UT 84115, (801) 467- to0, Ma a? Crockett, 2 Ripley Lane, Wes, MA02'93, (617) 899-2624
Css ( l ■
T Civi(,Cp?" (CA-29), May 1987, Holiday c Stani Lenter’ E1 Paso, TX. Contact: Doc Ffi»nk rey’.B°x 42, Cookson, OK 74427, or %2 arTlnger, 585 Riedy Rd., Lisle, IL
S I987r“/W‘ W' Butner(AP-113), 15-17 f Cehr ’ Cdtysburg, PA. Contact: Charles ^B2]7aA 3 Englewood Rd., Hagerstown, ^ 4°- (301) 733-0427.
C'k, \Tn*aPolis (CA-36), May 1987, Nor- Lt|', Arii' C°ntact: Donald Bovill, 2804 Gene rllngton, TX 76010.
Marine Corps Basic School Class 3-57, May
1987, Washington-Quantico area. Contact: TBS 3-57, c/o PTE-Waters Industries, Inc., 790 Bonnie Lane, Elk Grove, IL 60007.
USS Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70), 19-21 June 1987, Hilton Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO. Contact: Duane D. Iossi, 310 Edwards St., Ft. Collins, CO 80524, (303) 482-6237, or Floyd M. Taylor, 436 Rose Dr., Security, CO 80911, (303) 392-5906.
USS Chewaucan (AOG-50), proposed, for any interested former 1951-53 crewmembers. Contact: Donald L. Barker, 2601 McDaniel Ct., Grove City, OH 43123.
VS-49, proposed, for all hands 1943-44. Contact: Fred Joseph, 19904 Clutter Rd., Utica, OH 43080.
Pass-Down-the-Line Notes
The Navy Memorial Museum needs volunteer docents to work with elementary and secondary students and adult visitors to the museum. Contact: Susan Silverstein, Director of Education, (202) 433-4882.
A symposium entitled “War on the Great Lakes—Canada and the United States in the War of 1812” will be held 23-24 January 1987 at Monroe County Community College, Monroe, MI. The symposium is open to historians, educators, and anyone interested in the history of the Great Lakes and the War of 1812. For information and placement on the symposium mailing list, contact: Ron Goulet, Publicity Chairman—“War on the Great Lakes,” Monroe County Community College, 1555 S. Raisinville Rd., Monroe, MI 48161. (313) 242-7300, ext. 302.
The commissioning ceremony for USS Mobile Bay (CG-53) will be held at 11 a.m., 21 February 1987, in Mobile, AL. For all media representatives interested in ship tours and interviews, contact: Lieutenant Carrie E. Hartsbome, U. S. Navy, Media Liaison Officer, (404) 347-2101. The public can call the Mobile Welcome Center at (205) 438-7304 after 15 January 1987 for tour schedules.
The Eighteenth Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference, 23-24 April 1987, sponsored by the School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, is calling for previously unpublished papers on acceptable topics. For more information and essay regulations, contact: William G. Vogt, or Marlin H. Mickle, Modeling and Simulation Conference, 348 Benedum Engineering Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261.
Marine officers who graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy are needed to provide data to Marine Outlook, a monthly publication for midshipmen, which chronicles promotions, duty assignments, and other career highlights of graduates, from general officers to new second lieutenants. Send photos, short biographical sketches, and updates on careers or other activities to Captain Keith Oliver, USMC, editor. Marine Outlook, Div. of English and History, USNA, Annapolis, MD 21402-5044.
The David C. Brostrom Vietnam Veterans Memorial Scholarship Fund, established by Lt. Brostrom’s high school alumni association, is welcoming contributions from classmates and shipmates. Lt. Brostrom graduated from the USCG Academy in 1963. In August 1966, he was killed by friendly fire off the Vietnamese coast while commanding USCG Point Welcome (WPB-329) during Operation Market Time. Contact: Fremont High Alumni Association, c/o Vicki Wright, Secretary, 16779 Potter Ct., Los Gatos, CA 95030.
All patrol craft (PC) sailors of World War
II and the Korean War, interested in forming a squadron. Contact: Wesley Johnson, 6484 North Park Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46220, or Tom P. Gaffney, 195 Whipple St., Manchester, NH 03102.
Former crew members interested in forming/joining a USS Wisconsin (BB-64) veterans association. Send name, address, and years served on board to: USS Wisconsin Project, Navy Reserve Center, 2401 S. Lincoln Memorial Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53207.
Writer researching project—Submarines In Motion Pictures: A Worldwide Filmography, 1895-1985. Project includes features, shorts, serials, animation, documentaries, educational, and newsreels. Lists of obscure titles, especially foreign, welcomed. Access sought to movie subject index files. Contact: Charles E. Holding, 2106 Prichard Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20902.
Historian seeks information on the World War II U. S. Coast Guard Horse Patrol
(regular and reserve). Contact: Eleanor C. Bishop, P.O. Box 894, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067.
.Index to Advertisers.
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' 4th C°ver
AAI Corporation................................ 12, 13
Advanced Structures Corp...... 14, 128
Aero/Space Visuals Society.................. 14
Aerospatiale........................................ 90, 91
A & J Manufacturing Company........ 20
Antheil Booksellers.............................. 22
ALS Corporation.............................. 4, 5
Babcock & Wilcox.............................. 92, 93
Bell Boeing.......................................... 82
Bell Helicopter
Textron, Inc...................................... 130
Bird-Johnson Company..................... 134
C.A.V.U. Company............................. 27
Crisalli.............................................. 100
Systems, Inc...................................... 136
EDO Corporation,
Western Div.......................................... 8
Electronic Data Systems
Corporation...................................... 101
Electro Switch Corp.......................... 103
FMC Corp.,
Northern Ordnance Div.................... 102
FMC Corp., Ordnance Div.................... 6
Garrett Corporation............................ 94
GE Aircraft Engines........................... 86, 87
GE Marine & Industrial...................... 11
GE Space Systems Div 19, 21, 23
General Electric Co. 108, 109
General Motors Defense 15, 16, 17
Grumman Corporation 3rd Cover
Harris RF Communications Group 96
Hydroscience Div.,
Whitehall Corp.....
Inco Alloys International
ITT Avionics.........
Langley Corporation
McDonnell Douglas
Magnavox Advanced Products
and Systems Co........
Magnavox Electronic ,.. 141
Systems Company.......................... 2*
Martin Marietta......................... go, ^
Naval Institute Press.................. Covet
Northrop Corporation.................... 1°
Omnithruster, Inc............. '' ‘ . 10'
Panasonic Industrial Company • ■ 22
Preston Hobby Models............... '__
Promotions Plus............................... ^
Raytheon Company...................
RCA Missile & Surface .....1
Radar Div..................................
Rockwell Autonetics Marine 13&
Systems Div................................
Sanders......................................... ^
The Ship Model Shop
Sperry Corp.,
Defense Products Group
Syscon Corporation
Textron Marine Systems UTC-Pratt & Whitney..
Valor Publishing
Vitro Corporation
Wang Laboratories, Inc.
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