U.S. Navy

Maximizing Minimum Manning

By Lieutenant Johannes Schonberg, U.S. Navy
January 2012
With more intra-community schooling and experience, a smaller crew can achieve both economy and efficiency.

Out of Many, One

By Captain Kevin Eyer, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2012
Integrated air and missile defense really isn’t integrated. Here’s how all of its components can share information.
U.S. Navy

The Long Reach of Aegis

By Robbin F. Laird
January 2012
The new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter promises to enhance the capabilities of the continually improving Aegis system.
U.S. Navy (Chad R. Erdmann)

Fighting the Future AirSea Battle

By Rear Admiral Philip S. Davidson, Captain Samuel J. Paparo, and Commander Joseph F. Finn, U.S. Navy
January 2012
Employing fictional but reality-based scenarios, the “Air” part of the AirSea Battle concept comes into sharp focus.
Naval History and Heritage Command, Art Collection (Sterett Leaving Enterprise at Tripoli, Oil on Canvas, By Orlando Lagman)

'Up Ladder!'

By Lieutenant Kurt Albaugh, U.S. Navy, and Chief Electronics Technician (Surface Warfare) Jeremy Carriker, U.S. Navy
January 2012
The boarding party has been at the heart of naval warfighting tradition since the Age of Sail. The task is still vital today.
U.S. Navy (Mark C. Jones)

Head Start

By Lieutenant Jeremy D. Crestetto, U.S. Navy, and Lieutenant Jeffrey W. Coyle, U.S. Navy
January 2012
Two junior officers fresh from a precommissioning share their thoughts on lessons learned, best practices, and leadership.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.