Editor's Page

By F.H. Rainbow
May 2004
The winning essays of the Arleigh Burke Essay Contest, sponsored by a grant from Northrop Grumman, are published in this issue. This longest-running of the Naval Institute’s essay contest, launched ...

Comment and Discussion

May 2004
"Why Are Victims Our Only War Heroes?"(See R. Grassland, pp. 42-43, April 2004 Proceedings')"The Legend-and Lessons-of Jessica Lynch"(See J. Kelly, p. 2, March 2004; L. Benson, pp. 12-14, April 2004 ...

'Our Enemy Is Not Terrorism'

By John Lehman
May 2004
The former Secretary of the Navy and current member of the Kean Commission investigating the 11 September 2001 attacks addresses the Naval Institutes 130th Annual Meeting.

Interview: Douglas Brinkley

May 2004
The author of the new book, Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War (New York: William Morrow, 2004) spoke recently with the Naval Institute’s Fred L. Schultz. The ...

Expeditionary Strike Groups Are Misaligned

By Captain Terry C. Pierce, USN
May 2004
Expeditionary strike group forward-deployed naval forces (ESG FDNF) remains an undervalued concept. Although it was in Chief of Naval Operations Vernon Clark’s “Guidance for 2004” as one of the extraordinary ...

The Value of Open Debate

By Milan Vego
May 2004
The discussion about whether to express one's views on purely professional matters on the pages of the Proceedings or some other professional journal seems superfluous and a waste of time ...

'Every Night I Pray for America'

By Captain Keith J. Allred, Judge Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Navy
May 2004
The envelope was addressed to me by name, and had been sent by the U.S. ambassador to Italy. It was an invitation to attend the annual Memorial Day observance at ...

The Navy Is More Than Hauling Marines

By Rear Admiral William J. Holland Jr., USN (Ret.)
May 2004
Sea control is the sine qua non for all Navy functions, missions, and endeavors. To get it and keep it requires large, fast ships, control of the air and sea ...

Transforming the Civil-Military Divide

By Lieutenant Kenneth Harbaugh, USN
May 2004
The U.S. Navy has long suffered an uneasy relationship with the public it serves. We are a fundamentally undemocratic institution, insular by nature, with a tradition and culture necessarily separate ...

U.S. Navy, Inc.

By Captain John Byron, USN (Ret.)
May 2004
The Navy is big business, and business has valuable lessons for our Navy.

Unwrapping the ROE Axle

By Commander Mike Palmer, Judge Advocate General Corps, U.S. Navy
May 2004
A Navy lawyer looks to a cartoon by the late Pulitzer Prize-winner Jeft MacNelly to help demystify how operators should interpret the rules of engagement.What's wrong with this picture ...

Shock and Awe Has Failed

By Colonel Michael G. Dana, USMC
May 2004
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, 18 January 2013:China's unprovoked attack against Taiwan on 10 October 2011 drastically shifted the balance of power in the Pacific. Chinese tanks still patrol ...

Fear and Loathing in the QDR

By Lieutenant Colonel Kirk A. Yost, USAF (Ret.)
May 2004
One officer. Two years. Three different offices all preparing for the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review. It was like switching among gangs during a single street fight. As the new QDR ...

U.S. Navy in Review

By Scott C. Truver
May 2004
"You know," said Admiral Vern Clark, Chief of Naval Operations, leaning forward during a mid-March 2004 interview, "our people were at the heart of everything the Navy accomplished last year ...

U.S. Navy: Airborne ASW: A Critical Issue (Part 2)

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
May 2004
The future of Navy ship-based helicopters presents some issues of concern and controversy for many in the U.S. Navy.1 Previously, the Navy operated SH-60B Seahawks from surface combatants in the ...

U.S. Marine Corps in Review

By Lieutenant Colonel Frank G. Hoffman, USMCR (Ret.)
May 2004
When the Marine Corps capstone concept "Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare" appeared in 2001, you might easily have dismissed it as just another service white paper. The course of 2003, however, underscored ...

U.S. Coast Guard in Review

By Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen, USCG (Ret.)
May 2004
Superior operational service is our core purpose, and we have long been recognized as the world's best Coast Guard. America expects that we will bring the same level of professionalism ...

U.S. Naval Aircraft and Weapon Developments

By David L. Parsons
May 2004
Last year, naval aviation contributed a wide range of capabilities to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) that surpassed precedents set in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Employment of sea-based aviation for "24/7" ...

Lest We Forget: Quincy Truett, Attack Squadron 72

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, USN (Ret.), and Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, USN (Ret.)
May 2004
Quincy TruettOn the night of 20 January 1969, five U.S. Navy riverine craft growled their way along the very narrow Kinh Dong Tien Canal in the Mekong Delta. Drooping fronds ...

From Our Archive

May 2004
Sailors sometimes earned extra cash by sewing "tailor-mades," slightly modified uniforms that were preferred to regulation issue. Seamsters from the USS New York (ACR-2) pose in the early 1900s with ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.