Editor's Page

By F. H. Rainbow
December 2004
Members of the Naval Institute receive with this issue proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws. Chairman of the Board of Directors Rear Admiral Pat Stillman and Chairman Emeritus Vice ...

Comment and Discussion

December 2004
"Damn the Bagpipes!" (See M. K. Fitzgerald and M. J. Fitzgerald, p. 73, November 2004 Proceedings} Colonel John G. Miller, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)-Ow! As one of "those bloody Campbells" ...

World Naval Developments: Is Modern War Too Precise?

By Norman Friedman, Author, The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems
December 2004
In October, Queen Elizabeth of England visited Germany. Parts of the German press demanded an apology for the bombing of German cities in World War II. The bombing issue is ...

Defeating Global Terror

By Harlan Ullman
December 2004
The terrorists represent an ideology wrapped in a religion that is as dangerous as Bolshevism and Fascism—and we ignore that reality to our peril.
Admrial Samuel Gravely

Admiral Samuel Gravely

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 2004
Admiral Samuel Gravely is one of my personal heroes. I will never forget his coming to the Walbrook Maritime Academy in the inner city of Baltimore. He drove there from ...

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Is on the Right Path

By Vice Admiral George W. Emery, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 2004
Next May, the Base Realignment and Closure Commission will release its list of affected bases. Like the U.S. Navy as a whole and its ships and people, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard—the ...

The Blood Is on Our Hands

By Chief Quartermaster Mike Brooks, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
December 2004
My sea daddy told me long ago never to let the bad guys touch you. When they do, they realize you bleed just like they do and then they kill ...

LCS Will Transform Mine Warfare

By Rear Admiral Paul Ryan, USN (Ret.)
December 2004
The littoral combat ship, already tapped as a worthy platform for numerous missions close to shore, also will make an ideal springboard for mine countermeasures operations. Littoral combat ships (LCSs) ...

Mine-hunting Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Trials Successful

By Commander (senior grade) Fritz-Ruediger Klocke, German Navy
December 2004
In early October 2004, NATO's Allied Command Transformation undertook experimentation trials with mine-hunting autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) together with the German Navy and NATO's Undersea Research Center. The objectives of ...

Integrate the Maritrme Patrol Forces or Bust

By Commanders Henry J. Hendrix II and Darryl D. Centanni, U.S. Navy
December 2004
Only the active P-3 forces flew in support of combat operations in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq because the reserve component was neither equipped nor trained for such operations. ...

Countering Terror Piracy from the Air

By Captain Steven A. Givler, U.S. Air Force
December 2004
Piracy can no longer be dismissed as just the stuff of movies. Its growing impact on the world economy and the likelihood that terrorists will use piracy to achieve their ...
MH-68 Sharks

Arm Coast Guard Helicopters Now

By Commander Peter Troedsson, U. S. Coast Guard
December 2004
Arming the Coast Guard's fleet of helicopters and developing tactics in support of our homeland security responsibilities must be accelerated. The effort is well under way, but it needs the ...

Defeating Terrorism from the Sea

By Captain Michele Cosentino, Italian Navy
December 2004
The threat of maritime terrorism is global and growing. To counter it, naval forces and agencies will need to combine active and passive countermeasures with a strong program of cooperation ...

Safety Is Everyone's Concern

By Rear Admiral Richard Brooks, USN
December 2004
For most pilots, accidents are things that happen to other people—until they're involved in one. The Naval Safety Center is working hard to reduce the number of fatalities and amount ...

Our Naval Heritage Is in Danger

By John B. Hattendotf
December 2004
Contrary to current official under-valuation of history, real lessons can be learned from the ‘‘political, economic, and bureaucratic forces" that historically affected the Sea Services. Instead, emphasis is placed on ...

Leadership Is a High-wire Act

By Lieutenant Kevin M. Coyne, Civil Engineer Corps, U.S. Naval Reserve
December 2004
Third Prize Winner, Vincent Astor Memorial Leadership Essay Contest Junior officers balance seemingly contradictory realities. They are in command of their troops, yet have little control over their own lives ...

Professional Notes

December 2004
Running Gear Entanglement Systems Protect Ships and Facilities Commander Stephen W. Surko, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Kenneth G. Bullard On 24 April 2004, terrorist insurgents mounted a suicide-boat attack against ...

Book Reviews

December 2004
American Soldier Tommy Franks and Malcolm McConnell. New York: ReganBooks, 2004. 590 pp. Photos. Index. $27.95. Reviewed by General Joseph P. Hoar, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired) American Soldier connects with ...

Nobody Asked Me, But...Order a PowerPoint Stand-down

By Captain E. Tyler Wooldridge III, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 2004
A recent study by a Washington think tank found that children now spend more time playing computer games and watching television than they do reading. Subsequent to the report's publication ...

USS Mason: One 'Proud' Story

By Don Wallace
December 2004
A new motion picture brings to the screen the story of 160 young African Americans, who fought German U-boats in the Atlantic and racism at home during World War II ...

U. S. Navy: State of the Fleet

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
December 2004
In 2004, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld directed a new strategic doctrine for the armed forces: Combat forces were to respond to crisis or combat situations anywhere in the world ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, <i>Combat Fleets of the World</i>
December 2004
In October, naval experts were left scratching their heads when media reports resurfaced that India was preparing to lease an Akula II-class nuclear-powered attack submarine from Russia. As they had ...
U.S. Navy

Gordon Pai'ea Chung-Hoon & USS Arkansas (BB-33)

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Arthur D. Baker III
December 2004
Gordon Pai’ea Chung-Hoon The USS Sigsbee (DD-502) had served well in the war with Japan, downing 20 enemy aircraft while screening the carriers in their march across the Pacific. But ...

Naval Institute Foundation

December 2004
Duncan Photography Enhanced by Commodore Club Gifts A pictorial by acclaimed combat photographer David Douglas Duncan in the December issue of Naval History looks even better, thanks to the generosity ...

From Our Archive

December 2004
The USS Texas (BB-35), in the east chamber of the Gatun Locks, transits the Panama Canal on 25 July 1919. This photo and others like it are available as prints ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.