The Moral Factor in War

By Lieutenant (J. G.) H. H. Frost, U. S. Navy
March 1916
Prize Essay, 1916Motto: "In war the moral is to the physical as three to one."—NAPOLEONA nation may be considered as composed of three elements: (1) the civil population, (2) ...

Industrial Management in Navy Yards

By Naval Constructor I. I. Yates, U. S. Navy
March 1916
Although the subject of industrial management in navy yards has been talked to death since the first departure from the bureau system was made in 1909, no solution of the ...

Naval Publications

March 1916
This complete issue of Proceedings is provided for your use in its original format only at this time. The editorial team is currently reviewing the text version for possible errors ...

European War Notes

Compiled By Lieutenant C. C. Gill, U. S. Navy
March 1916

Professional Notes

Prepared By Lieutenant C. C. Gill, U. S. Navy
March 1916
PROFESSIONAL NOTESPrepared by Lieutenant C. C. Gill, U. S. NavyGENERAL ARRANGEMENTNaval Powers:* Argentine ......................................... 564* Austria .............................................. 564* Brazil ................................................. 564* France .............................................. 565* Germany .......................................... 565* Great Britain ...

Correction, Diphenylamine

By W.W. Bradley
March 1916
(See Page 125, Whole No. 155, January-February, 1915)It is desired to correct two errors which have crept into the above mentioned article since it left the writer’s hands.On page 127 ...

Secretary's Notes

March 1916
Annual DuesThe annual dues for 1916 became payable on January 1, 1916. It is suggested that dues be paid in lump sums covering a period of two to five ...

A Realistic War College

By J.M. Morgan
March 1916
In 1862 I ran the blockade at Charleston and proceeded to Europe, where I was detailed to the Confederate commerce destroyer (by some called pirate) Georgia. I was 16 years ...

Tetra-Nitro-Aniline (T. N. A.)

By Lieutenant W. W. Bradley, U. S. Navy
March 1916
TETRA-NITRO-ANILINE[1] (T. N. A.)Tetra-nitro-aniline (briefly designated as T. N. A.) is the latest explosive to claim marked attention in the field of military explosives. The term T. N. A. is ...

Naval Strategy

By Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, U. S. Navy
March 1916
Strategy is difficult of definition; but though many definitions have been made, and though they do not agree together very well, yet all agree that strategy is concerned with the ...

The Ships of the United States Navy

By Robert W. Neeser
March 1916
AN HISTORICAL RECORD OF THOSE NOW IN SERVICE AND OF THEIR PREDECESSORS OF THE SAME NAME 1776-1915KANSASKANSAS.—One of the United States, on the prairie between the Mississippi River and the ...

Superdreadnoughts and Supermen

By Captain T. W. Kinkaid, U. S. Navy
March 1916
The steady progress that is being made in warship design and construction in the United States must be gratifying to every citizen. The hulls, the machinery, the ordnance, and the ...

War Provisions for Guam

By P. A. Paymaster K. C. McIntosh
March 1916
Shortly after the real occupation of the Marianas by the Spaniards, about 1668, a casual census taken by the missionaries placed the population of those islands at fifty thousand. Of ...

Building Programs and Naval Bases

By Major Henry C. Davis, U. S. M. C.
March 1916
We are informed by the daily papers, that the present administration will ask Congress to inaugurate a building program for the navy by which the materiel strength of the fleet ...

Territorial Waters

By Lieut. Commander H. G. Sparrow, U. S. Navy
March 1916
In discussing naval phases of the European War, together with possible and probable operations in various waters, the writer found that his lack of precise knowledge of the political status ...

Wanted! A Naval Militia Mission

By Lieut. Commander Roland R. Riggs, U. S. Navy, Retired, Navigating Officer, 1st Battalion, N. M., N. Y.
March 1916
We are not a military nation, and we probably never will be. It is a fact too well known to the Service to need to be demonstrated that our wars ...

Some Observations about Discipline

By Commander H. B. Price, U. S. Navy
March 1916
It is occasionally remarked by observant officers that there is a tendency in the American Navy to concentrate effort on material somewhat to the neglect of the discipline of the ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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