The Casualty Myth

By Ralph Peters
May 1998
Peters believes that Americans are ready to accept casualties in military operations. The belief that this is not acceptable comes from the ruling elite that does not understand the general ...

Comment and Discussion

May 1998
"Could Forgotten A-12 Lessons Haunt the Super Hornet?" (See J. P. Stevenson, p. 24, April 1998 Proceedings) Vice Admiral Robert F. Dunn, U.S. Navy (Retired), former Assistant Chief of Naval ...

The Sailor & the State

By Captain John L. Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
May 1998
There is a growing gulf between the sailor and the nation and people he serves. This gap must be bridged soon, and the way to start is by monetizing benefits ...

Building Surface Warriors

By Lieutenant (junior grade) Michele Poole, U.S. Navy
May 1998
With more hands-on training and a stronger emphasis on developing leadership and professional knowledge, Surface Warfare Officers School would graduate officers better prepared to serve and command at sea.

Mines Remain the Weapons that Wait

By Lee M. Hunt
May 1998
Sure, enemy sea mines can be a problem—but we have forgotten how effective our own offensive sea mines can be. Unless we understand this, we may sign away the rights ...

The (R)evolution of Mine Countermeasures

By Captain Buzz Broughton, U.S. Navy and Commander Jay Burdon, U.S. Navy
May 1998
"Damn, those look just like mines," thought the commanding officer of the Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58), steaming in the Persian Gulf in 1988. Following standard procedures, he immediately ordered "All ...

Lurking in the Deep-Sea Terrain

By Robert D. Ballard
May 1998
Does undersea terrain warfare have a future? Or is it pure fantasy? One of the world's foremost ocean explorers thinks that the U.S. Navy should take a more serious look ...

Navy after Next: Past Is Prologue

By Captain Peter Swartz, U.S. Navy (Retired)
May 1998
When Rear Admiral John Chase developed his list of nine Navy functions nearly 30 years ago, he helped set the stage for the Navy of today. A fresh look at—and ...

History of Arms Is the Difference

By Michael Evans
May 1998
Military service is not a petri dish for social experimentation. It is an honorable profession with unique institutional values. If military leaders fail to understand and appreciate the history of ...

A New Kind of Officer

By Al Christman
May 1998
Deak Parsons fought his primary battles in the laboratory and then went into combat with the weapons he helped to create.

The U.S. Navy in Review

By Scott C. Truver
May 1998
"Let me tell you where your Navy is today," the standard Navy briefing invariably begins, "and what America's Sailors are doing throughout the world." On any given day last year ...

The U.S. Marine Corps in Review

By Lieutenant Colonel Frank G. Hoffman, USMCR
May 1998
One of the world's experts in business strategy breaks down every industry into three groups: The rule makers—reigning corporations such as IBM, Ford, and Coca-Cola The rule takers—those who chase ...

The U.S. Coast Guard in Review

By Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen, USCG (Ret.)
May 1998
"All I remember is just going underneath the barge and I couldn't come up for air. I was really scared." Those are the words of a nine-year-old girl who, with ...

World Naval Developments in Review

By Norman Friedman
May 1998
In March, it was reported that the British plan to build two carriers, with a third to follow later. They are to supplement, and eventually to replace, the three Invincible ...

U.S. Naval Aircraft and Weapon Developments

By Floyd D. Kennedy Jr.
May 1998
Naval Innovation This annual feature normally focuses on the evolution of technology into weapon systems. Yet technology is only part of the process of improving Naval Service capabilities. Organization and ...

Congressional Watch

By Bradley Peniston
May 1998
Midway through the Navy's fiscal 1999 budget hearings, a frustrated Senator John Warner (R-VA) had grilled enough admirals and top civilians to fill a frigate's wardroom. But no one, in ...

Notable Naval Books of 1997

By Lieutenant Colonel Richard Seamon, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired)
May 1998
After the American Revolution and the Civil War; after World War I and World War II; after the Korean "Police Action"; after Vietnam and after the Cold War; after every ...

Combat Fleets

By A.D. Baker, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
May 1998
Commissioned on 31 January, the Royal Australian Navy's 3,353-ton-submergeddisplacement submarine Farncomb is the second unit of what is now the world's second largest diesel-electric combat submarine design, behind Japan's new ...

Lest We Forget

By Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
May 1998
A brief history of the Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 133 (VAQ-133) is presented. It was first deployed during the Vietnam War.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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