Our Navy Today

By The Honorable Claude A. Swanson, Secretary of the Navy
October 1936
Its OriginOur first essays in sea power met with many changes of fortune. National interests during the pioneering days of the Republic forced attention largely upon the vast areas ...

Professional Notes

October 1936
UNITED STATESBids OpenedTribune, Chicago, August 20.—With the opening of bids on 12 new destroyers and 6 submarines, the Navy Department today launched its 1937 building program and advanced the general ...

Book Reviews

October 1936
BOOK DEPARTMENTMembers of the Institute, both regular and associate, may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
October 1936
From August 3 to September 3SPAIN’S CIVIL WARRadicals Dominant in Madrid. — Amid the welter of civil strife in Spain, there were also reports of conflict among the radical parties ...


October 1936
H. O. 9(See page 677, May, 1936, Proceedings)Captain Radler de Aquino, Brazilian Navy.—The genesis of H. O. 9 (the New American Practical Navigator) or Bow- ditch, as it is known ...

The Hydrographic Office

By Captain L. R. Leahy, U. S. Navy, Chief Hydrographer
October 1936
WHEN GERHARD MERCATOR made his first chart of the world in 1569, and gave to civilization the Mercator projection, he placed on that chart a prophetic inscription: “God willing, we ...

The United States Naval Observatory

By Captain J. F. Hellweg, U. S. Navy (Retired)
October 1936
HOW WOULD THE NAVAL SERVICE like to “walk back the cat” to the gay nineties with infrequent checking of chronometers when the ship happened to be in port and in ...

The Naval Communication System

By Rear Admiral G. J. Rowcliff, U. S. Navy, Director of Naval Communications
October 1936
NAVAL COMMUNICATIONS are organized and operated by the Chief of Naval Operations, under the following policies approved by the Secretary of the Navy:To maintain and operate a naval communication system ...

Naval Aviation

By Rear Admiral A. B. Cook, U. S. Navy, Chief of Bureau of Aeronautics
October 1936
THE DEVELOPMENT AND NEEDS of naval aviation from its earliest beginnings have been carried on with a view to making it an effective arm of the fleet.The experimental stage of ...

The United States Fleet

By Admiral Arthur Japy Hepburn, U. S. Navy, Commander in Chief, United States Fleet
October 1936
The composition of the United States Fleet is well known and lately, as the result of the government’s policy of building to the limits agreed upon at the London conference ...

The Ships That Count

By Captain Dudley W. Knox, U. S. Navy (Retired)
October 1936
TO DENY A SHIP A BASE would be to deny its existence. It would soon exhaust its fuel and become immobile. The crew would die of starvation or thirst. Even ...

The Fleet Marine Force

By Major General John H. Russell, U. S. Marine Corps, Major General Commandant, U. S. Marine Corps
October 1936
The Fleet Marine Force is a unit of the United States Fleet, and serves under the orders of the Commander in Chief. It was authorized by the Secretary of the ...

Naval Personnel of Today

By Rear Admiral Adolphus Andrews, U. S. Navy, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation
October 1936
Some years ago the phrase was coined, “The man behind the gun.” It is that man, both officer and enlisted man, who must operate the Navy in peace and in ...

The American Merchant Marine

By Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D. Vice-President, Georgetown University, Regent, School of Foreign Service
October 1936
Its Role in the National EconomyTwo new books recently made port on the writer’s desk. One was a sturdy volume, a veritable ship of the line as books go—broad backed ...

The Future of Arms Limitations

By Admiral W. H. Standley, U. S. Navy, Chief of Naval Operations
October 1936
THE HISTORY of limitations of armament during the twentieth century has been one of progress, development, and accomplishment. In 1899, the Emperor of Russia issued a formal appeal for collective ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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