Will to Win

By Lieutenant (J.G.) Ernest McNeill Eller, U. S. Navy
May 1930
First Honorable Mention, 1930 And all my life I must be striving, striving, until I am laid in the grave.—Paul Jones in Churchill’s Richard Carvel THIS is not history; it ...

Personality Plus—In Warships

By Ensign W. A. Dyer, Jr., U. S. Naval Reserve
May 1930
THERE’S a beauty in the bellow of the blast; there’s a grandeur in the growling of the gale.” So runs a part of the historic operetta “Mikado,” and to nothing ...

Diplomatic Aspects of the Nicaragua Canal

By Captain George J. B. Fisher, U. S. Army
May 1930
IT IS only too evident that in the not distant future the United States will undertake the construction of an isthmian canal via the Nicaragua route. An examination of the ...

The Cruiser Problem

By Lieutenant Franklin G. Percival, U.S. Navy (Retired)
May 1930
In the designing of a cruiser as of any class of warship, the first step before which none should be taken, is to decide the primary object to be realized—what ...

An Experiment in Indoctrination

By Lieutenant Commander F. K. Elder, U. S. Navy
May 1930
DURING at least one period of the modern U. S. Navy there was much talk of indoctrination. In this period Captain Sims evolved and used with startling success a doctrine ...

Selection a la Race-Track Method

By Commander J. S. McCain, U. S. Navy
May 1930
WELL, demmit, why not? Every other method has been proposed and discussed, both the sublime and the ridiculous, from ascension contrived by the Angel Gabriel—and he would be irreverently taken ...

Pearl Harbor

By Walter F. Dillingham
May 1930
(Read before Social Science Club, Honolulu) Pearl Harbor, as it is now known, is mentioned in the accounts of early Pacific voyages as "Wai Momi"—literally, the "Water of the Pearl," ...

Ballistic Engineering Problems: Empirical Summaries

By L. Thompson, Physicist, Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va.
May 1930
The most important objectives of ballistic investigation at the present time are those concerned with uniformity. It is of greater practical interest, for example, to learn how to cause the ...

The Man-Overboard Problem as Applied to Destroyers

By Lieutenant Commander G. E. Brandt, U. S. Navy (Retired)
May 1930
STANDARD instructions in various naval publications touching on the procedure of a vessel in the case of a man overboard are sufficiently vague to call forth many a wardroom argument ...


May 1930
The College, the Technical School and the Naval Academy (See page 123, February, 1930, Proceedings) Captain Wilbur R. Van Auken, U. S. Navy.—Commander Rossell is to be congratulated upon introducing ...

Professional Notes

Compiled By Lieutenant Commander D. B. Beary, U. S. Navy Lieutenant Commander D. C. Ramsey, U. S. Navy And Professor Henry Bluestone, U. S. Naval Academy
May 1930
Navy Oil Lands New York Times, March 30.—Now that all but one of the trials at law due to the naval oil leases have ended, the question arises: What is ...

Book Reviews

May 1930
Members of the Institute may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per cent is allowed on books ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)