
By Captain F. B. Upham, U. S. Navy
January 1920
By the declaration of war the American people issued a com­mand to Germany to desist from certain activities.By the mobilization, organization, training, transportation and supply of our armed forces we ...

Did the Cyclops Turn Turtle?

By Lieut. Commander Mahlon S. Tisdale, U. S. Navy
January 1920
Although the loss of the U. S. S. Cyclops bids fair to be one of the mysteries of the war, many theories have been advanced during the usual “ ward ...

Forty Years After

By A. B. Clements
January 1920
It may be because we are growing old that we compare the old days with the present with unfavorable comment on the present, or it may be that we really ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Allan Westcott, Associate Professor, U. S. Naval Academy
January 1920
NOVEMBER 15 TO DECEMBER 15TREATY DEFEATED IN SENATEOn November 19 the Treaty of Peace with Germany failed of ratifica­tion in the Senate and the Senate adjourned until December 3. On ...

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