Steering Men-of-War by Electricity

By Ensign W. A. Edwards, U.S. Navy
March 1913
The U. S. S. Chester and the U. S. S. Des Moines are the only two ships of our navy which are equipped with the Cutler Hamtner system of electric ...

Sub-Caliber Drill

By Lieutenant C. C. Gill, U.S. Navy
March 1913
1. Nearly all naval officers are agreed that sub-caliber drill is an important feature of gunnery training; but in spite of this, conversations with various officers show that there exists ...

The Panama Canal in International Law

By Captian H. S. Knapp, U.S. Navy
March 1913
The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, negotiated in 1901 between the United States and Great Britain, is the basis of the international status of the Panama Canal. It superseded the Clayton-Bulwer treaty of ...

The Postgraduate Department of the Naval Academy

By Commander Reginald R. Belknap, U.S. Navy
March 1913
*As originally written, this was delivered as a lecture at the Naval Academy.In explaining the intended operation of the General Order establishing a Postgraduate Department at the Naval Academy, a ...

Rifle Shooting at the Olympic Games of 1912

By Lieut.-Commander Harris Laning, U.S. Navy, Captain of the U.S. Olympic Rifle Team
March 1913
While a great deal of attention has been paid by the press of the country to the part played by our athletes in the Olympic Games, held in Stockholm, Sweden ...

The New Navy Regulations

By Lieut.-Commander Needham Lee Jones, U.S. Navy
March 1913
Beginning with the "Rules for the Regulation of the United Colonies" in 1775, twenty-five editions of regulations for the government of our navy have been issued. They became the "blue ...

Steam Turbines

By Lieutenant B. A. Strait, U.S Navy
March 1913
It is the aim of this article to present to the service an elementary treatment of the principles of the so-called impulse and reaction turbines, and in a later article ...

The Italian-Turkish War (Concluded)

By Commodore W. H. Beehler, U.S. Navy
March 1913
(Compiled and translated from the Marine Rundschau, and other sources.)NAVAL OPERATIONS, JUNE, 1912.*This account of "The Italian-Turkish War," which is concluded in this issue of the PROCEEDINGS, has been published ...

Notes on the Balkan War

By Lieut.-Commander Ralph Earle, U.S. Navy
March 1913
*Compiled by the editor from the daily press, articles in the Navy, one in the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution by Major H. A. L. H. Wade, and ...

Discussion: Life Insurance

March 1913
(See No. 144, pp. 1253-1273.) Naval Constructor D. W. Taylor, U. S. Navy.—I think the Naval Insti­tute is to be congratulated upon the appearance of Commander Nulton’s article upon life ...

Discussion: Naval Discipline

March 1913
(See Nos. 140, 143, and 144)CAPTAIN T. W. KINKAID, U. S. Navy.—The contributions of Captains Fullam, Pond, and Johnston, and other members of the Institute have thrown much light on ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)