Not many organizations get to celebrate their 150th anniversary, especially in the nonprofit world! The U.S. Naval Institute counts itself among the lucky few. For a century and a half, the Naval Institute has provided a forum for thought leadership on maritime, defense, and global security issues. It remains unchallenged in its status as the world’s most influential and dynamic military nonprofit institution—and unparalleled in sustaining the Sea Services’ culture of critique and innovation.
The Naval Institute has created impact and outcomes that have underpinned the successes of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Practitioners, decision-makers, and influencers know that when they need their ideas out where they can make a difference, they need the Naval Institute.
The Naval Institute’s sesquicentennial is an opportunity to take stock of this historic organization—and to build its resilience. To that end, one year ago, we launched a milestone anniversary campaign to raise $10 million in support of the Institute. To date, we have raised 80 percent toward our goal.
We hope you will consider supporting our efforts to make the Naval Institute’s future as remarkable as its past.
Specifically, your gifts will:
- Strengthen the Institute’s resilience by building sufficient reserves to deal with increased costs and withstand economic downturn.
- Support specific mission priorities, including completing the digitization of 180,000 priority images from the Institute’s archive and enabling continuation of the Oral History program, which creates primary-source material vital to the historical record of the Sea Services.
- Provide funding for mission-critical programs and initiatives, including:
- The Proceedings Trust. Enabling the Institute to protect its flagship publication’s prized reputation for editorial independence and understandable and visually appealing content.
- The Fund for Naval History. Facilitating preservation and dissemination of Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard history via Naval History magazine—fundamentally improving knowledge and understanding of the nation’s maritime past.
- The Naval Institute Press. Ensuring worthy books on military topics can be published and encouraging more young authors and historians to write.
- USNI News. Supporting unbiased, nonpartisan, fact-based journalism on the maritime services.
- Establish a maintenance and technical upgrades fund for the Jack C. Taylor Conference Center.
Every major program, policy, and social change affecting the maritime services has been debated and recorded in the pages and events of the Naval Institute. With an unwavering mission, the historical record to guide the debate, authors willing to share their ideas, and a professional staff to ensure the highest quality products, the Institute will continue to be an intellectual catalyst in the years to come.
You can help ensure the Naval Institute not only survives but also thrives for the next 150 years.
Please consider making a gift today: or call (410) 295-1062.