Time for a U.S. Cyber Force

By Admiral James Stavridis, U.S. Navy (Retired) and David Weinstein
January 2014
Such an organization would be very different from the current U.S. Cyber Command, especially considering who would man it.
U.S. Navy (Left: Paul Coover; Right: Corey T. Jones)

Fireproof Commanding Officers

By Lieutenant Lawrence Heyworth IV, U.S. Navy
January 2014
To safeguard naval officers against relief due to personal misconduct, character development should be paramount.
U.S. Navy (Michael Achterling)

Fighting Platform Poverty

By Captains Jim Adams and Jon Greene, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2014
Procuring the latest technology won’t help the Navy if it isn’t thoroughly vetted beforehand. Acquisition reform, anyone?

From Our Archive

January 2014
‘O Winter, ruler of the inverted year!’ William Cowper (1731–1800) The frigate Constitution is a study in black-and-white while shrouded by a blanket of snow at her berth in ...
Captain Jack P. Lieberman, USN (Ret.)

Naval Institute Foundation

January 2014
An Evening in Philadelphia Several dozen Naval Institute Members and their guests recently gathered for cocktails and dinner at Philadelphia’s famed Union League club. The evening was hosted and sponsored ...
Lockheed Martin Corporation © 2013

Beware the Antiship Cruise Missile

By Commander Robert Crumplar and Lieutenant Commander Peter Morrison, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2014
Disaster could be in the offing if the Navy does not quickly pursue a long-range weapon to defeat this looming threat.
Karen Wright

A Modular Warship for 2025

By Lieutenant Commander Matthew Smidt, U.S. Navy, and Captain Michael Junge, U.S. Navy
January 2014
Presenting a baseline hull design with multiple and diverse uses: Welcome to shipbuilding’s interchangeable future.
U.S. Navy (Isaiah Sellers III)

Tactical Paradigm Shift

By Vice Admiral Thomas H. Copeman III, U.S. Navy
January 2014
Advanced training in tactics concentrates on people and gives the surface Navy the biggest bang for the fiscal buck.

Editor's Page

January 2014
Last month we focused on the myriad challenges facing the Navy. In this issue we narrow the lens to examine one particular community in greater detail: surface warfare. These sailors ...

CEO Notes

January 2014
It is a pleasure to extend renewed greetings to each and every Member as we enter 2014. I am happy to report the Naval Institute had a very positive 2013 ...
U.S. Navy (M. Mazumdar)

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim
January 2014
Amid political turmoil last November, the Egyptian Navy took delivery of the S. Ezzat , the first of a new class of Ambassador Mk-III guided-missile patrol craft. The heavily armed ...
U.S. Navy (Daniel Gay)

Oceans - Robots Roam the Deep

By Don Walsh
January 2014
They are everywhere. Increasing numbers of robotic vehicles are employed for a variety of missions on land, sea, and air. It has been primarily military uses that have forced development ...
U.S. Navy (Diana Quinlan)

U.S. Navy - First Among the Best

By Norman Polmar
January 2014
When the first cruisers of the U.S. Navy’s Ticonderoga class entered service in the early 1980s they ranked as the world’s most capable surface combatants. These 9,500-ton warships were fitted ...
Brian F. Boyce

Professional Notes

January 2014
Radar Piloting Tools, at Your Service osco Busan sailed from Oakland Harbor in a dense fog. With a pilot and the master on the bridge, it was navigating primarily by ...

Book Reviews

January 2014
Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea Sheila Miyoshi Jager. New York: W. W. Norton, 2013. 605 pp. Notes. Biblio. Maps. Illus. Index. $35. Reviewed by Colonel Allan Millett ...
U.S. Army (Carlos Davis)

From the Deckplates - Do Not Use on the Job

By Senior Chief Jim Murphy, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2014
The Department of Defense continues to make news for the wrong reasons. A recent example involves reports of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) training for personnel assigned as equal ...

Revisit the Next Security Frontier

By Admiral Thomas B. Hayward, Vice Admiral Edward S. Briggs, and Captain Donald K. Forbes, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2014
The burning of fossil-fuels is not a principal cause of global warming. The authors urge U.S. energy independence, identifying this as a major national-security issue.

Comment and Discussion

January 2014
Assured Access, Anytime, Anywhere (See L. Freeman, pp. 36–41, November 2013 Proceedings ) Robert Haddick —I read with deep regret Lieutenant Colonel Freeman’s casual dismissal of the rapidly changing threat ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

‘First Blood’

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2014
In his two-masted schooner Gaspee , Royal Navy Lieutenant William Dudingston had enjoyed much success by capturing a large number of American vessels, from small fishing craft to large merchant ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.