Editor's Page

By Robert Timberg
October 2005
I have reverted to type. After 35 years as a newspaperman, the idea that a big story was unfolding and I had no role in it was driving me nuts ...

Comment and Discussion

October 2005
"Navy Culture and Military Education"(See P. Donahoe, pp. 50-53, July 2005; D. Leney, pp. 8-10, p. 64, September 2005 Proceedings)Rear Admiral James A. Winnefeld, USN (Ret.)-Commander Leney and lieutenant Colonel ...

"A Marine Came for Me"

By David J. Danelo
October 2005
The odyssey of Marine Corporal Ross Craft began with his hunt to find his aunt and uncle, Diane and Richard Angelico, who were missing in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ...

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday

By Lieutenant Colonel Mac Greeley, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
October 2005
The Coast Guard's response to Hurricane Katrina was the single largest search and rescue operation in its history, rivaled only by the Mariel boatlift and the mass migrations from Haiti ...
U.S. Coast Guard during Hurricane Katrina

Katrina: What's Going Right

By Joseph DiRenzo III, Chris Doane, Jennifer Zeldis, John X. Carrier, and Frank Hoffman
October 2005
At press time, the Sea Services continued to respond to Hurricane Katrina's destruction-and a tough Army general named Russel Honore has assumed overall military command. Coast Guard helicopter and boat ...

Forum 2005: Katrina Teaches Hard Lessons

By Art Pine, Special to Proceedings
October 2005
If the U.S. experience in Iraq and the rescue efforts that followed Hurricane Katrina contain any common lesson, it's that the military and civilian agencies of the government must learn ...

Naval Aviation: Forward, Persistent, and Dominant

By Vice Admiral Walter B. Massenberg, U.S. Navy, Vice Admiral James M. Zortman, U.S. Navy and Rear Admiral Thomas J. Kilcline, Jr., U.S. Navy
October 2005
The post-Cold War, post 9/11 shift in strategic focus away from the central front in Europe to the trans-Eurasian littoral arc, which extends from the Levant in the Mediterranean to ...

Trafalgar: A Predestined Victory

By Lieutenant Colonel James G. Lacey, U.S. Army Reserve
October 2005
At nearly half past noon during the 21 October 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, HMS Victory approached the enemy's battle line directly astern of the Bucentaure, French Vice Admiral Pierre-Charles Villeneuve's ...

Mixed Signals: Using Civil GPS Receivers in Combat

By Lieutenant Colonel D. Scott Grantham, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
October 2005
Due to budgetary and manufacturing constraints, the DoD handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver supply has fallen short of perceived demand. Less expensive, smaller, lighter, and easier to use civil ...

An Emerging Coastal Warfare System

By Rear Admiral George R. Worthington, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2005
In the Global War on Terror, littoral operations continue to receive serious attention, especially in regions such as the Persian Gulf. Two new prototype systems are poised to become premier ...

Book Reviews

October 2005
One Bullet Away Nathaniel C. Fick. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. 384 pp. Illus. $25.00.Reviewed by David J. DaneloAt first glance, military readers looking for a defining memoir ...

U.S. Navy: Strategic Submarine Progress

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
October 2005
While controversy abounds in the Navy's attack submarine program, the Trident ballistic missile submarine force is being updated.1 However, several important issues are still to be resolved in that area.Today ...

World Naval Developments: The Challenge of a Nuclear Iran

By Norman Friedman, Author, The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems
October 2005
Two recent Iranian developments help define the problems and opportunities the United States faces in the Middle East. One is the apparent collapse of European efforts to convince the Iranians ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, <i>Combat Fleets of the World</i>
October 2005
The Royal Dutch Navy will continue thinning its ranks of excess warships in the next few years as a result of several major transfers. In July 2005, the Netherlands announced ...

Lest We Forget: Points of View; VA-42

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2005
Points of ViewThe decision 60 years ago to drop the atomic bomb on Japan and end World War II will doubtless be debated as long as there are thinking human ...

Naval Institute Foundation

October 2005
Award-winning Author Subvents HistoriesHistory buffs owe more than they know to USNI Life Member Edward S. Miller of Washington, DC. He is the author of War Plan Orange: The U.S ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.