Commentary: It's the Future

By Seth Cropsey
October 1995
Under former Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Senator Sam Nunn’s direction, a commission of distinguished civilians and senior retired officers was established in 1993 to examine the military services’ roles ...

Commentary: Business as Usual?

By David Evans
October 1995
The Big Promise "In two years, the public will have a record to look at, and they will know whether Republicans really were different when they took control of the ...

Service Academies—Critical to Our Future

By Admiral Charles R. Larson, U.S. Navy
October 1995
During an April 1995 address at the U.S. Naval Academy's Foreign Affairs Conference, Secretary of Defense William Perry was asked, "Where will the service academies be in the 21st century?" ...
Midshipmen Formation

Naval Academy Memories

By Edward L. Beach, Jimmy Carter, John H. Dalton, John S. McCain, III, Robert C. McFarlane, and Walter M. Schirra
October 1995
Naval Academy Memories In honor of the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Naval Academy, Proceedings presents six of the venerable institution’s distinguished alumni and their answers to the question: “What ...

A Face in the Yard

By Lieutenant Colonel Anthony J. Garcia, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
October 1995
Faces of the Naval Academy Essay Contest Winner Her name was Kathleen Lewis Grant, and to the young Marine with whom she shared the story of her life she came ...

A Perfect Form One

By Commander Jim Stavridis, U.S. Navy
October 1995
Caught in the pages of their alumni magazine, the faces of Naval Academy graduates are part of a long progression, and together they reflect what is truly important in life ...

For Many Friends

By Captain R. H. Smith, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 1995
Faces of the Naval Academy Essay Contest Second Honorable Mention A kaleidoscope of friends, faces, and possible futures leads to one conclusion: We must keep this place. Commentary relating to ...

Heroes of King Hall

By Midshipman 1/C Richard S. Langton, U.S. Navy
October 1995
To serve 11,000 meals a day, they begin work at 0100 and don't close shop for 21 hours. In between, the professionals at King Hall exhibit unmatched teamwork and dedication ...

Exchange of Place

By Lieutenant Commander Joe Yodzis, U.S. Navy and Lieutenant Pierre Graffin, French Navy
October 1995
A U.S. and a French naval officer compare notes after completing their respective exchange duty tours at the French Ecole Navale and the U.S. Naval Academy. By Lieutenant Commander Joe ...

The Rise & Decline of Coercive Statecraft

By James Nathan
October 1995
The legend of the Cuban Missile Crisis— that Kennedy drove events through a vir­tual ultimatum to the Soviets—was another blow to diplomacy and a precursor to the concept of overwhelming ...

Keeping the Generation X Junior Officer

By Lieutenant Hal Goetsch, U.S. Navy
October 1995
Quality of life issues are the current push in saving the Navy’s enlisted rules—but quality of purpose and clarity of mission will save its young officers. The U.S. submarine force’s ...

To Render Assistance

By Commander Trueman W. Sharp, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy; Captain John D. Malone, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy; and Commander Joseph F. Bouchard, U.S. Navy
October 1995
Emergency humanitarian assistance is likely to remain a continuing even if not a principal mission of the U.S. armed forces. Operational commanders should under­ stand the strengths and ...

The Navy Must Suppress Enemy Air Defenses

By Commander Kenneth G. Krech, U.S. Navy
October 1995
Tomorrow’s enemies will not build air forces to counter ours. Rather, they will buy things to shoot down our aircraft—and that’s where the Navy must take the lead, because the ...

Rethinking the Ship

By Michael Vlahos
October 1995
The surface warfare community’s future is in change. The next surface combatant must change the Navy, or the combatant and all who sail her will drift off to the margins ...

Losing the Horse-holders

By J. Robert Bost, James G. Mellis, and Philip A. Dent
October 1995
As personnel costs rise and budget dollars fall, the Navy must look to design and acquire ships with integrated, reduced-manpower systems. Operational manning—such as for underway replenishment—is one area where ...

Sea Shadow Tests Combat Systems

By Garard J. Mayer
October 1995
The U. S. Navy’s Sea Shadow, de­veloped as a test platform for signa­ture control, automation, sea keeping, and ship control, has recently been testing ad­vanced combat systems prototypes. The new ...

Destroyers Deliver "Urgent Fury"

By Captain Michael C. Potter, Supply Corps, U.S. Naval Reserve
October 1995
Cuban-aligned communists began turn­ing the Caribbean island of Grenada into a military base in 1979. At the time, the island’s People’s Revolutionary Army (PRA)—trained and armed by the government of ...

TQL Forum: Lessons Learned from the USS Conolly

By James L. Gibson, Ph.D., and Captain Robert L. Holt, U.S. Navy
October 1995
In April 1991, Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet (CinCLantFlt) designated the USS Conolly (DD-979) as one of five demonstration ships and two air squadrons “to implement TQL and to pro­vide data from ...

Professional Notes

October 1995
A Bridge Too Far? By Lieutenant David D. Maquera, U.S. Naval Reserve Laser-guided bombs have a long leg­acy. North Vietnamese bridges that had cost many lives and aircraft were de­stroyed ...

Book Reviews & Books of Interest

October 1995
The First World War: A Complete History Martin Gilbert. New York: Henry Holt, 1994. 615 pp. Bib. Illus. Ind. Maps. Notes. Photos. $35.00 ($31.50). Reviewed by Bill Rawling Not only ...

Combat Fleets

By A. D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
October 1995
In December 1994, Norway delivered three surplus, disarmed 37-knot Storm- class guided-missile patrol boats to the Baltic Republics to assist in their devel­opment of maritime forces capable of performing coastal ...


October 1995
NOTEBOOK POLICY: Please submit notices five months in advance of your reunion. Reunions with specific dates will be given preference. Notices will be published only once and as space permits ...

Lest We Forget

By Bob Lawson
October 1995
In the early 1960s, the Navy conducted the Sea-Based Strike Study, an effort to de­velop an aircraft to replace the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk on its air­craft carriers. The result of ...

Comment & Discussion

October 1995
“To Each According to His Needs” (See A. G. Webb, pp. 62-64, August 1995 Proceedings) Captain Richard A. Robbins, US. Navy—Mr. Webb’s article concerning military compensation is dangerous. The danger ...

Why Are We Losing Our Best JOs?

By Lieutenant John P. Patch, U.S. Navy
October 1995
That the thinning of the junior officer ranks is necessary under the auspices of Navy “rightsizing” efforts is unquestioned. But what about the philosophy that underlies the recent methodology of ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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