Hilary Pollard Jones

March 1938
Admiral, United States NavyOfficer and GentlemanElder StatesmanTHE outstanding naval officer of his generation in our Service- words are futile to portray his nobility of character, his high ...

Sea Duty for Volunteer Reserves

By Ensign Charles Barrett Carroll, U. S. Naval Reserve
March 1938
The Navy Department through the Naval Reserve Headquarters in each naval district has established an excellent system for the further training of Reserve officer personnel. Those who are members of ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
March 1938
THE WAR IN CHINARenewed American Protests.—Following the settlement of the Panay affair in December, the United States government found it necessary once more to protest vigorously on January 17 against ...

Book Reviews

March 1938
THE MUTINY AT INVERGORDON. By Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Edwards, R. N. (Retired). London: Putnam & Company, Ltd. 10s.6d. Reviewed by Rear Admiral S. S. Robison, U. S. Navy (Retired).This volume—though ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

March 1938
The Truxtun Tradition(See pages 1107, August, and 1779 December, 1937, Proceedings)Captain J. M. Ellicott, U. S. Navy (Retired).—Reading Lieutenant Commander Sheridan’s comments in the December, 1937, issue of the Proceedings ...

The Yankee Packets

By Harrison P. Martin
March 1938
Before the eyes of the workaday commuter aboard a C.R.N.J. ferry bound from Jersey City up the North River to Twenty-third Street there Passes in review a succession of the ...

A Ship's Landing Party of Long Ago

By Commander Raymond Stone, U. S. Navy (Retired)
March 1938
North Atlantic Squadron, Nantucket Bay, 1901 A FLEET OF great white vessels is standing in toward the coast, each "with a bone in her teeth" and a trail of churned-up ...

Medico-Military Progress During the World War

By Lieutenant J. A. Millspaugh (M.C.), U. S. Navy
March 1938
Statistical DataThe medical examination of millions of men was a necessary preliminary to the mobilization of the belligerent forces of the World War. The deaf, the dumb and the blind ...

Naval Reserve Discipline

By Lieutenant Commander Frank S. M. Harris, U. S. Naval Reserve
March 1938
Discipline is most frequently and succinctly defined as “instant and willing obedience to orders.” In common usage discipline has a triple leaning: (1) the training which looks toward the “instant ...

Suffren, The Apostle of Action

By Lieutenant Commander Charles Moran, U. S. Naval Reserve
March 1938
I“Detruisons cette escadre.”The date was December 18, 1778; the scene the island of Saint Lucia, one of the Windward Islands lying between Martinique and Saint Vincent. The British fleet under ...

Billions for Philippine Independence

By Rear Admiral W. W. Phelps, U. S. Navy (Retired)
March 1938
DISPATCHES from Washington of April 5, 1937, stated that the War of 1917 has already cost the people sixty billions, and may eventually cost one hundred billions.All over the country ...

The Philippine Insurrection

By Commander Frank Luckel, U. S. Navy (Retired)
March 1938
This and the ensuing seven pages of pictures show scenes, old and recent, in the Philippine Islands, andare intended to accompany the articles on pages 363 and 367.UPPER: PAGSANJAN RIVER ...

The Naval Communication Reserve

By Ensign Dean Brooks, U. S. Naval Reserve
March 1938
DURING my several years' association with the Naval Communication Reserve in the Eleventh Naval District I have come in contact with quite a number of regular naval officers who were ...

Spirit of the Offensive

By Captain Benyaurd B. Wygant, U. S. Navy (Retired)
March 1938
To add anything to the arguments in favor of the offensive spirit that have been adduced by great leaders and students of warfare would seem so unnecessary as to be ...

Pensacola, Alma Mater of Naval Aeronautics

By Lieutenant Commander J. L. Seligman, U. S. Naval Reserve
March 1938
PENSACOLA, mother-in-law of Naval Aeronautics (more than 250 girls have gone out in wedlock from this "port of perpetual prosperity"), has had a most amazing history. It is one of ...

Columbus in Panama

By Ralph Z. Kirkpatrick
March 1938
A wag has described Christopher Columbus as a man who did not know where he was going; nor where he was when he got there; nor what he was seeing ...

Xenophon's Ideas of Leadership

By Lieutenant Felix Howland, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve
March 1938
PROBABLY the first military commander to analyze seriously the essentials of leadership was Xenophon-that pupil of Socrates who proved his own skill in directing men by safely evacuating the Ten ...

"Fried Egg and Baked Sardine"

By Lieutenant Commander E. F. McCartin, U. S. Navy
March 1938
RETOLD often in the messes of the navies of the world is the story of the commander in chief of a foreign fleet who, desiring to test the reliability of ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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