Admiral, United States Navy
Officer and Gentleman
Elder Statesman
THE outstanding naval officer of his generation in our Service- words are futile to portray his nobility of character, his high patriotism and loyalty to his country. In his person he embodied leadership at its zenith, for none who had the good fortune to know him could resist an impelling desire to follow and to emulate.
The high ideals and standards which he set and to which he adhered in a straightforward and unostentatious manner will endure in the officers and men upon whom his spirit was impressed.
The first Commander in Chief of the United States Fleet and a statesman of the highest order by reason of his honesty, simplicity, and integrity, he held the absolute confidence of the Fleet and the Country. In foreign capitals where his duty took him as a naval officer, statesman, or advisor his declarations were received with entire faith and trust.
He has left to the Navy a record of service and a record of life that serves as a point of aim for those who follow in his wake.
An outstanding naval officer, an admirable gentleman, and a great soul.