Porter's Dire Need Of Bases

By Captain Dudley W. Knox, U. S. Navy (Retired)
November 1933
The vitally important relation of naval bases to naval operations is strikingly illustrated by the extraor­dinary cruise of Commodore Porter in the Pacific Ocean during the War of 1812. Seldom ...

The Suppressed Mutiny On The "Essex"

By Rear Admiral Livingston Hunt (S.C.), U. S. Navy (Retired)
November 1933
Before Americans became a nation and while still struggling in war as a collection of separate colonies brought together by the single aim of shaking off the yoke of British ...

Naval Petroleum Reserves In California

By Lieutenant Thomas J. Kelly, U. S. Navy
November 1933
The Navy first became seriously interested in oil fuel in 1902-3. A board was appointed to investigate the use of oil as fuel on naval vessels. It was known as ...

The Case Of The Aerial Decibel

By Lieutenant (J.G.) Fitzhugh Lee, U. S. Navy
November 1933
Mathematically, a decibel is the unit of an arbitrary scale log­arithmically proportionate to a scale of physical intensity units of sound. A physical intensity unit of sound is the amount ...

Thumb Rules For Altimeter Corrections

By Lieutenant Frederick J. Nelson, U. S. Navy
November 1933
Under ordinary conditions a pilot is able by his senses of sight, hearing, and feeling to know just about how his plane is performing without focusing his attention on the ...

America's Responsibility To The Armistice

By Captain Frank H. Roberts, U. S. Navy
November 1933
You remember that during the first two years of the World War, 1914— 16, this nation under President Woodrow Wilson refrained from strength­ening the national defense in order to as­sure ...

The Challenge of Adversity

By Lieutenant Commander Frank M. Harris, U. S. Naval Reserve
November 1933
An immortal bard once musingly wrote, "Sweet are the uses of adversity," and gleaned therefrom a vast amount of philosophical comfort. We of the United States Naval Reserve of 1933 ...

Procurement Planning For War

By Captain Henry Williams (C.C.), U. S. Navy
November 1933
In a paper presented in the Naval In­stitute Proceedings for December, 1931, Captain Pence sets forth the case for procurement planning and gives a historical summary of the activities of ...

Polar Celestial Navigation

By Lieutenant Commander P. V. H. Weems, U. S. Navy (Retired)
November 1933
At the request of Lincoln Ellsworth, the writer investigated the various methods for accomplishing celestial navigation on the proposed 1933 antarctic flight. The simplest practical method for fixing the plane’s ...

Sea Duty On The Yangtze

By Lieutenant Commander Roy Pfaff, U. S. Navy
November 1933
Naval officers are often assigned to strange types of duty, but for duty afloat I believe there is none more unusual than duty on a river gunboat. Conditions, equipment, and ...


November 1933
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Book Reviews

November 1933
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Professional Notes

November 1933
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)