George Washington

April 1932
Address by His Excellency the President of Panama, DR. RICARDO J. ALFAROIt is with a feeling of genuine satisfaction that I have attended this celebration in honor of the ...

Notes on the Geneva Conference

By Lieutenant Commander Schuyler Mills, U. S. Navy
April 1932
From February 15 to 24 the conference continued to hear the proposals for disarmament made by the leading delegate of each country. China requested limitation to a figure based on ...

Book Reviews

April 1932
BOOK DEPARTMENTMembers of the Institute may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per cent is allowed on ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
April 1932
From February 3 to March 3AMERICAN POLICY IN FAR EASTSecretary Stimson’s Letter.—Secretary Stimson’s letter of February 24, addressed to Senator Borah as Chairman of the Senate Committee on ...


April 1932
Tactical Horsepower of Submarines(See page 1616, December, 1931, Proceedings) Commander H. F. D. Davis, U.S. Navy.—The Effect of fouling.—Owing to the scale used in plotting his Fig. 1 ...


By Rear Admiral W. S. Crosley, U. S. Navy
April 1932
At the time I commenced writing this this article I was reading A World Can End, by Skariatina. Much of that book is a copy of the diary kept by ...

Time Is Life (Prize Essay, 1932)

By Lieutenant (J.G.) Ernest M. Eller, U. S. Navy
April 1932
THE RACE IS TO THE SWIFTTime is everything; five minutes makes the difference between victory and defeat.—Nelson The essence of life is time. In time it has its beginning, its ...

The Navy—A Leader in Education

By Lieutenant Commander Terry B. Thompson, U. S. Navy
April 1932
Have we, through too close association, lost sight of the truly remarkable educational achievements of the Navy? Has familiarity made us forget that the profession of arms, travel, a sea-faring ...

Commodore Thomas Truxtun, U. S. Navy

By Rear Admiral S. S. Robison, U. S. Navy (Retired)
April 1932
About the end of September, 1770, a British sloop-of-war, the Favorite, 16, arrived at Portsmouth, England, from the Falkland Islands. Her captain related that in June of that year his ...

Mutiny—A Study

By Fletcher Pratt
April 1932
In the “Revolutionists’ Own Cookbook,” the recipe for mutiny probably reads something like this:Take veteran troops; feed badly, pound thoroughly with battles until units are much reduced (or confine to ...

Naval Uniforms—Origin and Development

By W. N. Schoonmaker
April 1932
History does not definitely record the origin of the naval uniforms, _ but Mr. Locker, an early commissioner of the English Greenwich Hospital, is the authority for the statement that ...

The Problems in Navigating Small Airplanes

By Lieutenant J. F. Gillon, U. S. Navy
April 1932
In view of the increasing number of small, scout airplanes and the evident necessity for more accurate aërial navigation, it seems opportune to explain the problems confronting the naval aviator ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)