Naval Policy In Peace And War

By Howard G. Brownson, Ph.D.
August 1931
From time to time, in the history of this country, it becomes necessary to radically alter naval policy, with a corresponding reconstruction of the fleet, in adjustment to changing national ...

The London Treaty and American Naval Policy

By Captain D. W. Knox, U. S. Navy (Retired)
August 1931
It is essential that we maintain the relative naval strength of the United States .—Charles Evans Hughes. Not since the war has there been such widespread, continuous, and serious attention ...

Book Reviews

August 1931
Members of the Institute may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per cent is allowed on books ...

Professional Notes

Compiled By Members Of The Editorial Staff
August 1931
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...


August 1931
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

The Autogiro As A Military Craft

By Lieutenant Commander William Nelson (C.C.), U. S. Navy
August 1931
The Army and Navy have always in­quired into the possibilities of any new machine and have endeavored to adopt it to military use. The history of aviation is replete with ...

Naval Fighting Planes

By Lieutenant Commander F. W. Wead, U. S. Navy (Retired)
August 1931
The work of naval fighting planes is, in general, offensive, defensive, or pro­tective. Offensive patrols are carried out in the area of the enemy fleet and in­clude action against enemy ...

Happy Landings!

By Lieutenant P. E. Pihl (C.C.) U. S. Navy
August 1931
Happy Landings! is the universal toast among aviators. The significance of that toast is deeply rooted in the peculiar characteristics of the airplane and its uses. For, unnatural as it ...

Notes On Arial Navigation

By P. F. Everitt, B.SC., F. Inst. Phys., F.R.A.S.
August 1931
In an article on “Aerial Navigation,” by Lieutenant Commander Weems (U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, vol. 55, No. 314, April, 1929), the subject was divided into four sections, the fourth ...

The Portrait Of A Madcap Admiral

By H. A. De Weerd, Department of History, Denison University
August 1931
. . . you are right, One must become fanatic—be a wedge A thunderbolt—to smite a passage Through the close-grained world .—John Davidson TWO men were conversing in a time-honored ...

Aircraft in Joint Military-Naval Operations

By Lieutenant Commander E. W. Broadbent, U. S. Navy
August 1931
THERE are few, if any, operations of modern warfare that present a more complex problem than do joint military-naval operations. The development of aviation now adds even further complications to ...

A Neglected Phase of Naval Aviation

By Lieutenant Logan C. Ramsey, U. S. Navy
August 1931
If a naval aviator is to be of real military value he must be thoroughly competent in three phases of his specialty. Obviously the first of these requirements is that ...

Destruction of S.M.S. "Cormoran"

By Commander Owen Bartlett, U. S. Navy (Retired)
August 1931
The first violent hostile act of the war between the United States and Germany probably was the destruction of the S.M.S. Cormoran by her own commander in Apra Harbor, Guam ...

Service Aircraft

By Lieutenant Harold M. Martin, U. S. Navy
August 1931
The result of recent technical progress has been the production of numerous specialized types of ships, such as fleet submarines, large cruisers, mine layers, and aircraft carriers. There has been ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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