Aircraft and the Naval Engagement

By Lieutenant Logan C. Ramsey, U. S. Navy
August 1930
New weapons do not change the rules of warfare but only their application. Any discussion of the function of aircraft in the modern naval engagement must be prefaced by a ...

Notes on International Affairs

August 1930
From June 3 to July 3RATIFICATION OF NAVAL TREATYState Department Refuses Documents.—By direction of President Hoover, Secretary of State Stimson on June 6 declined to turn over to the Senate ...


August 1930
The College, the Technical School, and the Naval Academy(See page 123, January, 1930, Proceedings)Captain Ralph Earle, U. S. Navy (Retired), President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.—First of all I have to ...

Airship Engines

By Lieutenant T. G. W. Settle, U. S. Navy
August 1930
The only fully developed and tried airship engine in existence today is the Maybach. In the early years of development of the rigid airship* on the shores of Lake Constance ...

The Formation of Ice on Aircraft

By Lieutenant V. O. Clapp, U. S. Navy
August 1930
Aeronautical experts emphasize the fact that ice formation on planes " seldom occurs. It does, however, become a menace in individual cases and a complete account of its occurrence is ...

The Metal-Clad Airship

By Lieutenant C. V. S. Knox (C.C.), U. S. Navy
August 1930
The conventional rigid airship has fabric-walled gas cells to hold the gas, i cord nettings to restrain the gas cells, many wires and substantial longitudinals to give strength—as a beam ...

Chinese Provincial Names

By Lieutenant W. A. P. Martin, U. S. Navy
August 1930
IN EUROPE and America it is the custom to name the towns and countries after some hero or race, or after some distinctive feature of the terrain. We have Athens ...

The Navy Cruises Inland

By Lieutenant L. E. Gehres, U. S. Navy
August 1930
The Aircraft Squadrons, Battle Fleet, were represented at the 1929 National Air Races at Cleveland by Fighting Squadron One, the “High Hats,” from the U.S.S. Saratoga. The flight of this ...

Time Out of Dock

By Lieutenant E. M. Thompson, U. S. Navy
August 1930
IN MANY cases the effect of foulness of bottom on the power plant of the ship is not fully appreciated. In the first place there is no criterion by which ...

Behind The Flying Lines

By Lieutenant Commander L. C. Stevens (C.C.), U. S. Navy
August 1930
THOSE who fly airplanes are not overfond of getting the maximum performance out of “ships” that have piled up their flying hours well into the hundreds since overhaul. The control ...

The Church Pennant

By Lieutenant A. R. McCracken, U. S. Navy
August 1930
Like many other naval customs the use of a church pennant was probably inherited from the British Navy. A British signal book of 1796 describes the church pennant as “a ...

U. S. Submarines in the War Zone

By Lieutenant Harley F. Cope, U. S. Navy
August 1930
The sixth of April, 1917, found the United States quite unprepared to carry on a submarine warfare in the enemy’s waters, largely because the boats in commission at the time ...

Have Airships a Military Value?

By Lieutenant Commander Joseph P. Norfleet, U. S. Navy
August 1930
AIRSHIPS of the rigid or Zeppelin type have been the subject of much conjecture by both naval officers and the general public as to whether they really offer any military ...

The Avenger of Blood

By Usher Parsons, M.D.
August 1930
A Reminiscence of a Scene on Board a Man-of-WarThe incident recorded by Usher Parsons, surgeon, U. S. Navy, serving on board the U.S.S. Guerridre (2d), having the title The ...

The General Board of the Navy

By Jarvis Butler
August 1930
"That able body of naval statesmen” referred to by former Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels early in his administration not only identifies the General Board of the Navy but ...

Naval Patrol and Bombing Flying Boats

By Lieutenant John F. Gillon, U. S. Navy
August 1930
The near future will see the completion of more than fifty large patrol flying boats for the U. S. Navy. It seems timely, therefore, to describe the operation requirements, construction ...

Cooperation of Air Forces in Coast Defense

By Commander R. D. Weyerbacher (C.C.), U. S. Navy
August 1930
The line of demarcation between Army and Navy effort in joint coastal operations was definite prior to the advent of aircraft. Functions involving sea operations were inherently naval while those ...

The Navy as an Indian Fighter

By Colonel John H. Brandt
August 1930
The battle of Seattle, Washington, October 26-28, 1855, is not generally known. The history of the U. S. Navy is full of brilliant achievements on land and sea, but many ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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