Some Naval Aspects of Chemical Warfare

By Major General Amos A. Fries, U. S. Army, Chief of Chemical Warfare
August 1928
Someone has said that novelty is a mental stimulant not tolerated by single cylinder minds; all exponents of new ideas in warfare can testify to the truth of this statement ...

A Brief for the Submarine

By Midshipman (now Ensign) Albert C. Burrows, U. S. Navy
August 1928
Editor’s Note: This article was adjudged the winner for 1928 of the gold watch presented by Dr. Henry van Dyke to the member of the graduating class who submits the ...

Scraps From Old Sea Bags

By William E. Beard
August 1928
Recruiting Aboard the Old Jersey Ebenezer Fox, a New Englander as his given name would suggest, went a-sailing at seventeen in the twenty-gun ship Protector, which had been built and ...

The Squadron of Admiral Cervera

By Lieutenant Harpur Allen Gosnell, U.S.N.R.
August 1928
An Account of the Insurmountable Handicaps Imposed Upon a Noble Body of Men As the thirtieth anniversary of the Battle of Santiago passes by, few will fail to recall the ...

The Gloucester at Santiago

By Commander L. J. Gulliver, U. S. Navy
August 1928
“After the torpedo boat—what?”—English newspaper, July 4, 1898. “The Gloucester of course.”—New York newspaper, July 5, 1898 THIS summer will mark the thirtieth anniversary of the most smashing fight and ...

Experimental High Frequency Radio Tests for Aircraft

By Lieutenant W. H. Hoffman, U.S.N.R., and Lieutenant Commander F. H. Schnell, U.S.N.R (C. F. Burgess Laboratories, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin)
August 1928
Early in April, 1927, we decided to make a small practical radio receiver for use in an airplane. The idea was to make tests on short wave lengths to see ...

Characteristics and Uses of Aluminum Alloys

By Lieutenant Commander Homer N. Wallin (CC), U. S. Navy and Mr. Floyd B. Olcott, Materials Engineer, Bureau C. & R., Navy Dept.
August 1928
Its Increasing Importance I THE increasing importance of aluminum and aluminum alloys as mate- • rials of construction makes desirable the promulgation of certain information in regard to general use ...


August 1928
Submarine Sizes (See page 1292, December, 1927, Proceedings) Lieutenant Commander W. M. Quigley, U. S. Navy.—The subject matter of this article is one which is as old as ships of ...

Professional Notes

Compiled By Commander F. W. Rockwell, U. S. Navy, Lieutenant Commander A. C. McFall, U. S. Navy And Professor Henry Bluestone, U. S. Naval Academy
August 1928

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
August 1928
FROM JUNE 4 TO JULY 3 ANTI-WAR TREATY SUBMITTED TO POWERS Secretary Kellogg’s Note.— On June 24, Secretary Kellogg sent to fourteen governments a revised form of his draft treaty ...

Book Reviews

August 1928
BOOK DEPARTMENT Save money by placing your orders for all books, whether professional or not, with the Institute Book Department, which will supply any obtainable naval, professional or scientific book ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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