Bibliographic Notes

July 1896
[American.] IRON AGE. July 2, 1896. Experiments with Melinite. A Test of Turrets. Steam Engines for Electric Generators (illustrated). July 9. Proposals for Gun Forgings. July 16. The Goubet Submarine ...

Book Notices

July 1896
Hand-book of the Howell Automobile Torpedo . Published by the American Ordnance Company. The hand-book, of 42 pages, gives a detailed description of the Howell torpedo, launching gear, motor, and ...

Officers of the Institute

July 1896
President. Rear-Admiral S. B. LUCE, U. S. Navy. Vice-President. Captain PHILIP H. COOPER, U. S. Navy. Secretary and Treasurer. Lieutenant H. G. DRESEL, U. S. Navy. Board of Control. Commander ...

Special Notice

July 1896
NAVAL INSTITUTE PRIZE ESSAY, 1897. A prize of one hundred dollars, with a gold medal, is offered by the Naval Institute for the best essay presented on any subject pertaining ...

Honorably Mentioned: The Composition of the Fleet

Lieutenant John M. Ellicott, U. S. Navy
July 1896
Motto:—"Peace with honor." There has gradually crystallized in the international affairs of the United States a doctrine regarding- her relations with transoceanic, and more especially European, nations which, unless she ...

Howe and d'Estaing: A Study in Coast Defense

Commander C. F. Goodrich, U. S. Navy
July 1896
A hundred years after De Ruyter's time, the flames of war burst out in every quarter of the globe where Englishmen could meet Frenchmen, Dutchmen or Spaniards, or where colonies ...

Telescopic Sights for Guns

Lieutenant Joseph Strauss, U. S. Navy
July 1896
When one considers the accuracy with which modern guns are constructed, the careful inspection and proof of the ammunition, and the ease with which the weapon is manipulated, he is ...

Notes on the Literature of Explosives

By Charles E. Munroe
July 1896
NOTES ON THE LITERATURE OF EXPLOSIVES. * No. XXVII. The “19th Annual Report of H. M. Inspector of Explosives” for the year 1894 states that blasting amberite, cordite, collodion cotton ...

Homing Pigeons for Sea Service

Professor H. Marion, U. S. Naval Academy
July 1896
A lecture delivered at the Naval War College, Newport, R. I., July 20, 1896, by Professor H. Marion, U. S. Naval Academy So much has been written about the use ...

Professional Notes

July 1896
ON THE PERFORATION OF HARD-FACED ARMOR PLATES. By Mr. C. A. Stone. With the adoption of hard-faced armor the formulas for the striking velocity required by an armor-piercing projectile for ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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