The American Sea Power Project
This issue includes the opening chapter of the American Sea Power Project—a project that continues the Naval Institute’s long legacy of thought leadership related to naval power. It is our hope that our members and readers will engage with this dialogue as it plays out over the next several years. Please share each month’s installment with your shipmates and provide feedback in the dedicated monthly Comment & Discussion section. We see this project as critical to the future health of the Sea Services—a debate not just for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard professionals, but also for the American public and national political leaders. The project will move from the pages of Proceedings to the stage of the Jack C. Taylor Conference Center and other venues later this year.
Conferences and Events
Defense Forum Washington 2020. The U.S. Naval Institute hosted a special virtual event titled “Delivering the Future Fleet to Maintain America’s Competitive Advantage” on 3 December. Attendees had the opportunity to hear from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on important military challenges; the Commandant of the Marine Corps and the Chief of Naval Operations on fleet transformation and naval integration; and from the Commanders of Naval Sea Systems Command and Naval Air Systems Command on sustaining the fleet and building for the future. If you missed it, you can now watch the full event on demand at This event was made possible by generous support from Leonardo DRS and Lockheed Martin.
Maritime Security Dialogue. Mark your calendars! On Tuesday, 2 February at 1000, the Naval Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies will host a virtual Maritime Security Dialogue to address “U.S. and NATO in the High North and North Atlantic” with Admiral Robert P. Burke, U.S. Navy, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Africa and Commander, Allied Joint Forces Command Naples as the featured speaker. The Maritime Security Dialogue event series is generously sponsored by Huntington Ingalls Industries. Registration is coming soon here.
Naval Institute Press
Congratulations, new Chief Petty Officers! In advance of the 29 January pinning ceremony for the Navy’s newest chiefs, we are promoting the Chief Petty Officer’s Guide, 2nd Edition, by retired Navy Fleet Master Chief Paul A. Kingsbury. This handbook provides insights into the values, beliefs, attitudes, and skills that enable chief petty officers to succeed. To order a copy, visit Enter code “CPO40” at checkout to get a 40 percent discount.
The Jack C. Taylor Conference Center: Close to Completion
The Jack C. Taylor Conference Center is continuing apace, with a projected completion by the end of February. If you have thought about honoring or memorializing someone or something meaningful to you by “purchasing” a brick or chair at the Center, now is the time to do so to ensure its installation for the grand opening. To make a donation, contact the Naval Institute Foundation by email at [email protected] or make your gift online here.