Editor's Page

By Robert Timberg
February 2006
During World War II, the nation's defense industry was known as the "arsenal of democracy." It built the ships, submarines, tanks, planes, and other ordnance that allowed the Allies to ...

Comment and Discussion

February 2006
"Martian Alert!" (See M. Brilakis, pp. 37-40, January 2006 Proceedings) Commander Dick White, SC, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)-Colonel Brilakis conveys a position I admire-start with good enough, keep it good ...

Bureaucracy: The Enemy Within

By Lieutenant Nathan D. Luther, U.S. Navy
February 2006
Second Prize Winner in the 2005 Vincent Astor Memorial Leadership Essay Contest Today's Navy no longer cultivates warfighting skills. Excessive bureaucracy has stunted the development of creative and daring leaders ...

Don't Surrender the Moral High Ground

By Don Thieme
February 2006
We stand at an ethical threshold. The ethical choices and challenges that have faced U.S. forces for the last four years are unlike anything we have confronted in at least ...

Ship Repair that Supports the Warfighter

By Vice Admiral Alexander Krekich, USN (Ret.) with Captain Pete Henning, USN (Ret.)
February 2006
I took my 2001 Jeep Cherokee to the dealer recently for a 60,000-mile check-up. There was the standard package of items-brakes and coolant checked, engine inspected, basic stuff. The car ...

We Need Scientist-Engineers More Than Ever

by Vice Admiral James H. Doyle Jr., USN (Ret.) and Dr James E. Colvard
February 2006
Relationships between civilian scientist-engineers and the U.S. Navy-displayed in Bis photo of Dr. Alan Rudolph and Captain Warren Schultz at the Naval Research Laboratory-has historically proved successful. When politically appointed ...

Performance-Based Acquisition: A Better Way?

By David Hoexter
February 2006
Performance-based acquisition is a method of contracting wherein government program managers describe the results they seek to achieve, rather than tell the contractor how to do the work. A simple ...

Bring Back the Boats!

By Edward H. Wiser
February 2006
Millions of dollars have been poured into the too-large and too-slow Sea Fighter (FSF-1), below undergoing flight deck certification, but the Navy can find the answer to its riverine warfare ...

WEST 2006 Wrap-Up

By Neal Thompson
February 2006
State-of-the-art, high technology provided the backdrop, but the low-tech role of troops on the ground was the focus of the 16th annual WEST 2006 conference in San Diego last month. ...

The New Old Breed

By Robert L. Goldich
February 2006
The father of an enlisted Marine modernizes John Thomason's classic Fix Bayonets!, illustrating that the essence of the Corps since World War I remains the same. The men who flew ...

Future of Air Force Intelligence

By Technical Sergeant Daniel P. Shibilski, U.S. Air Force
February 2006
Enlisted Essay Contest First Place Winner, Sponsored by a grant from Booz Allen Hamilton The Air Force has became enamored with near real-time intelligence, losing the big picture. Perhaps it ...

Sound Service

By Airman First Class Amy L. Berger, U.S. Air Force
February 2006
Enlisted Essay Contest Second Place Winner, Sponsored by a grant from Booz Allen Hamilton Training—combined with talent—is honing the weapons of future battles-the ears. The Defense Language Institute at the ...

"Now Hear This" (If You Can)

By Scott C. Truver
February 2006
The United States got a wake-up call in late summer 2005, when Hurricanes Katrina and Rita ravaged the Gulf of Mexico coast from Texas to Alabama. "The devastation was so ...

Leadership Before the Mast

By Lieutenant Nathan D. Luther, U.S. Coast Guard
February 2006
Third Prize Winner in the 2005 Vincent Astor Memorial Leadership Essay Contest "Sail her full and by ... ready about ... helm's alee ... haul spanker boom amidships ...left full ...

Comfort's Casualty Care System Works

By Captain Frederick Foote, MC, U.S. Navy
February 2006
The casualty care system on USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) works. That was the consensus of those returning from the hospital ship's 2003 deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom, where the ship successfully ...

Aids to Navigation Need Aid

By Lieutenant Commander Michael Davanzo, U.S. Coast Guard and Lieutenant Dom Bee, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
February 2006
As the Coast Guard continues its transformation to meet the challenges of a post-9/11 world, one of its traditional missions, aids to navigation (AtoN), is being overlooked. Unglamorous, the AtoN ...

Book Reviews

February 2006
War and Destiny James Kitfield. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2005. 386 pp. Bib. Index. $27.50. Reviewed by William Thomas As debate continues over the use of intelligence leading up to ...

Naval Systems: Open Architecture Effort Expands

By Edward J. Walsh
February 2006
The Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare Systems is reshaping its Open Architecture initiative as a broad Navy-wide enterprise that will redefine the design of warfare systems for surface combatants ...

Naval Institute Foundation

February 2006
The Passing of a Heroes' Hero You couldn"t help but have a lump in your throat during Vice Admiral William P. Lawrence's funeral service, especially when Senator John McCain called ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
February 2006
In December 2005, Brazil commissioned the submarine Tikuná (S 34) into service. The submarine, a German Type 209 variant, is the fifth and final boat of this class to enter ...

Lest We Forget: "'Pete' Ellis"; VS-27

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
February 2006
"Pete" Ellis Today, most of us tend to take for granted the impressive amphibious capability of the U.S. Marines. But it was not always so, and we have Earl Hancock ...

From Our Archive: USS Cabot (CVL-28)

February 2006
USS Cabot (CVL-28), originally the USS Wilmington (CL-79), is shown after having her bottom repainted prior to reacti-vating the vessel. This photo and others are available as prints through the ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.