Editor's Page

By F.H. Rainbow
November 2004
November 2004 marks the 229th anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Marine Corps, and this issue focuses on Marines and Marine issues. The three prize-winning essays from the Marine ...

Comment and Discussion

November 2004
"The Court Has Adjourned" (See M. Vimislik, p. 88, October 2004 Proceedings) Chief Yeoman Bernard Michael Burawski, U.S. Navy (Retired)-I found true the author's assessment of the current chief petty ...

Marines Deliver in Mountain Storm

By Colonel Kenneth F. McKenzie, Major Roberta L. Shea, and Major Christopher Phelps, USMC
November 2004
The 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit marched into the Oruzgan Province of Afghanistan earlier this year, and recent elections there testify to the Marines effectiveness.

Forcible Entry Is a Strategic Necessity

By Frank G. Hoffman
November 2004
One crucial military capability under scrutiny in the Pentagon is seabased joint forcible entry operations. Civilian policy makers question the nation's need for this capability; they cringe at the investment ...

Put an End to Fratricide

By Colonel Charles A. Jones, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
November 2004
U.S. military history is infamous with well-known incidents of friendly fire, from the death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman in Afghanistan to that of Confederate Lieutenant General "Stonewall" Jackson in ...

Corporal Jones and the Moment of Truth

By Hospital Corpsman Third Class Lorenzo Puertas, U.S. Naval Reserve
November 2004
When U.S. forces go on patrol around the world, the decisions of individual Marines and soldiers can have enormous impact. To ensure they make the right decisions, they desperately need ...

Aviation Logistics Support

By Lieutenant Colonel Russ Powers, USMC
November 2004
Operation Mountain Storm presented a number of challenges to Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 266 (Reinforced), the aviation combat element (ACE) of 22d MEU(SOC). The initial challenge involved self-deployment of ...

Forward Operating Base Ripley

By Lieutenant Colonel Ben Braden, USMC
November 2004
Establishment of Forward Operating Base (FOB) Ripley was essential to the 22d MEU(SOC)'s operations against Taliban sanctuaries in Operation Mountain Storm. Its construction reduced dependence on the single-trail supply route ...

Beyond Hearts and Minds, Culture Matters

By Barak A. Salmoni
November 2004
Operation Iraqi Freedom is a multifaceted war in which U.S. troops not only must root out insurgents—as was accomplished in this Fallujah enclave—but must be trained to grasp indigenous mores ...

Keep the Coast Guard Expeditionary

By Lieutenant Commander Robert T. Hanley, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
November 2004
The heat was up along with the morning sun as the Coast Guard cutter Adak (WPB-1333) steadily made her way toward the Iraqi coast early one morning in May 2003 ...

Nobody Asked Me, But...Damn the Bagpipes!

By Chief Musician Mary K. Fitzgerald, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Captain Michael J. Fitzgerald, U.S. Naval Reserve
November 2004
Ah, U.S. Navy customs, ceremonies, and traditions. It is imperative that the Navy always seek better ways of doing things, but our naval heritage is important to preserve uncorrupted. A ...

Search: The Blog Alternative

By Captain Christopher Nichols, U.S. Navy
November 2004
There is a new era of news gathering on the horizon, and it is being ushered in by the Internet. Web logs—or blogs—are gaining a large following of folks who ...

Professional Notes

November 2004
Why Arleigh Burkes Handle Differently Captain Kenyon Hiser, U.S. Navy Commander Terry Mosher's professional note, "A New Twist for Arleigh Burkes," in the September 2003 Proceedings (pp. 84-85) highlighted again ...

Book Reviews

November 2004
Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America and the New Face of American War Evan Wright. New York: Putnam, 2004. 354 pp. Photos. $24.95. Reviewed by First Lieutenant Eric Olson ...

Oceans: Farewell to Alvin

By Don Walsh
November 2004
In August 2004, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the National Science Foundation jointly announced a $21.6-million program that will replace the venerable manned submersible Alvin. The yet unnamed ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
November 2004
After training for nine months, the newly formed Iraqi Coast Defense Force (ICDF) began coastal patrol operations on 1 October 2004. This small Iraqi naval component, currently consisting of five ...

Lest We Forget: Paul Henry Carr, VMA-322

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
November 2004
Paul Henry Carr During the Battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944, in the action off Samar, a series of events had allowed a powerful Japanese force to penetrate American ...

Naval Institute Foundation

November 2004
Help Us Complete Biographer Tom Buell's Oral History Among those with whom he served, Commander Tom Buell was known for his outspoken personality and adherence to high standards. In wider ...

Charities Supporting the Military

November 2004
Charities Supporting the Military Read " Suporting Our Own ," November 2004 Proceedings Name URL Contact Air Force Aid Society 800-769-8951 American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.