Lieutenants T. G. Ellyson, J. H. Towers, and John Rodgers

The First Three

By Thomas Ray
July 1971
The author tells us about the first three aircraft purchased by the Navy and about the three men chosen to fly them.

A "New" China Policy?

By Eldridge B. Duffee. Jr.
July 1971
While the appearance of members of a visiting American table-tennis team atop the fabled Great Wall of China seemed to signify to many the almost symbolic breaching of another, long-enduring ...

The Case for the Carrier

By Capt. Wynn V. Whidden, USN
July 1971
The substantial military budget cuts of 1968, 1969, and 1970 have sliced deep into the force levels of the Navy. Along with other Navy forces, the aircraft carrier force has ...

N.J.R.O.T.C. Diary

By Cadet PO2 Larry Watson
July 1971
For all 2,600 students of San Diego’s Point Loma High School, 16 September was the first day of school following summer vacation. But it was an even more special day ...

Authority: The Weakened Link

By Lt.Cdr. Bill Clark Dean, USN
July 1971
What is authority? How, where, and when do we get it? Who has it now and how much does he have? Such questions might provoke wide disagreement throughout the Fleet ...

Pictorial—Ship Camouflage (WWI): Deceptive Art

By Robert F. Sumrall
July 1971
As employed by man, camouflage—that oldest of nature’s protective measures—is the technique of disguising equipment or installations with paint, nets, foliage, or other deceptive devices. The origin of the many ...

Comment and Discussion

July 1971
“A United States Navy for the Future" ( See R. H. Smith, p. 18-25. March; and pp. 81-90, June 1971 PROCEEDINGS) Captain R. A. Bowling, U. S. Navy—In the ASW ...

Book Reviews and Book List

July 1971
Jane's Fighting Ships, 1970-71 Raymond V. B. Blackman (ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. 675 pp. Illus. $49.50. Weyer's Warships of the World, 1971 Gerhard Albrecht (ed.). Annapolis, Md.: U. S ...

Professional Notes

July 1971
Overdue Aids to Navigation By Rear Admiral Frank D. Higbee, U. S. Coast Guard (Retired), Consultant, Maritime Affairs The recent, fog-shrouded collision between two tankers under the Golden Gate Bridge ...


July 1971
Study Shows Rising Importance Of Missile-Firing Submarines (The New York Times, 30 March 1971) Missiles launched from submarines are becoming increasingly important in the arsenals of the two superpowers as ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)