Security by Enactment

By Lieutenant Commander Charles Moran, U. S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
April 1948
I At last the much discussed “merger” of the armed forces has become the National Security Act of 1947. A bewildered nation, realizing that its future security was at stake ...

Japan's Wartime Hocus-Pocus

By Bertram Vogel
April 1948
The sullen little prisoner of war suppressed a sudden grin, changed his mind, and then, for the first time since he had been captured on Iwo Jima by the Fourth ...

Flame Throwing Seabees

By Colonel George F. Unmacht (CWS) U. S. Army
April 1948
Much has been written about the variety of duties performed by Seabees, but an account of their service has never been told in connection with the pioneering development, actual manufacture ...

Pipe Line Politics

By Lawrence A. Marsden
April 1948
Buried six feet under good U. S. topsoil lies half of Uncle Sam’s tanker fleet. Never seagoing, this portion of the fleet consists of the Big Inch and the Little ...

United States Place Names Honoring the Navy

By Associate Professor Ellery H. Clark, Jr.
April 1948
Within the past fifty years, and particularly within the last two decades, the United States has become conscious of its place name heritage. Historians and geographers are attempting, perhaps belatedly ...

In the Wake of Invasion

By Lieutenant Commander William M. Heywood, Jr., U. S. Naval Reserve (Inactive)
April 1948
Tribute has been paid to the heroic salvage personnel whose hard-earned success at Pearl Harbor was so conducive to our later avenging that fateful Sunday morning of December 7, 1941 ...

The Menace of Shintoism

By James R. Young
April 1948
In the heart of “centripetal Mikadoism” where “no place under all the Heavens, and no subject along all the shores but is ruled by Our August Sovereign,” I have been ...

Whistle Argument: Analysis and Plan

By Captain Raymond F. Farwell, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1948
When the delegates who represent the United States at the forthcoming Safety at Sea Conference go to London this spring they will probably advocate a number of important changes in ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

April 1948
DISCUSSIONS, COMMENTS, NOTES Naval Logistics (See pages 127, February 1947 Proceedings; 273, March 1947 Proceedings; 401, April 1947 Proceedings; 671, June 1947 Proceedings; and 1106, September 1947 Proceedings.) Captain Henry ...

Book Reviews

April 1948
Book Reviews Members of the Institute, both regular and associate, may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 ...

Notes on International Affairs

April 1948
UNITED STATES AND LATIN AMERICA Progress of E.R.P.—On Feb. 17 the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously approved the revised Marshall plan bill and ordered it reported to the Senate. The ...

Professional Notes

April 1948
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)