National and Naval Policies

By Commander Isaiah Olch, U. S. Navy
July 1943
A cursory study of world politics tends to make one realize the complexity of the various factors which can influence the policies of a nation. Some of these influences will ...

Motion Picture Training Films in the Navy

By Lieutenant William Exton, Jr., U. S. Naval Reserve
July 1943
TODAY THE U. S. Navy is spending millions of dollars on and for training films. There are scores of commissioned officers devoting their time exclusively to various aspects of the ...

The Patrol Plane Controversy

By Lieutenant E. M. Morgan, U. S. Navy
July 1943
Since the outbreak of the war, and its "proof by fire" of the many types of service aircraft, and related theories concerning their uses, a great many disputes have arisen ...

Recipe for Survival

By Lieutenant Commander William C. Chambliss, U. S. Naval Reserve
July 1943
“. . . And after a couple of hours, a destroyer picked us up." Thus ends the story of many a survivor of one of those most unfortunate incidents of ...

The Commodore Comes Back

By Charles J. Zinn
July 1943
On April 9, 1943, President Roosevelt affixed his signature to an act of Congress by which there is restored to the active list of the United States Navy its most ...

Navigating North of Sixty

By Commander J. C. Lester, U. S. Navy
July 1943
BEFORE THE present war, the average navigator seldom visited the high latitudes and rare indeed was the naval officer who had crossed the Arctic Circle. Since the arrival of U ...

Japan's Capital Ships

By William H. Morgan
July 1943
IT IS PERHAPS a nearly forgotten fact that of all the principal units in Togo's battle line on May 27, 1905, when he met the Russian Baltic Fleet at Tsushima ...

Prisoners’ Parcels

By Robert Park MacHatton
July 1943
With the sailing from Philadelphia March 10 of the SS. Caritas I, bound for Marseilles, a house flag new to the transatlantic service began the return lap of its first ...

Helicopters for the Navy?

By J. R. Fredland
July 1943
In 1908, hardly six years after the Wright brothers’ first flights at Kitty Hawk, Igor Sikorsky was already experimenting with a helicopter. Certain obvious advantages of a rotor plane that ...

Book Reviews

July 1943
Destroyer from America. By John Fernald. New York: The Macmillan Co. 1942. 155 pages. $1.75. Reviewed by Lieutenant Commander Robert A. Cook, U. S. Navy (Retired) The Porchester , one ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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