The Halls of Montezuma

By Ensign William D. Lanier, Jr., U. S. Naval Reserve
October 1941
GEORGE BANCROFT, the Honorable Secretary of the Navy, founded the Naval Academy in 1845. And on one sultry July day of that same year he handed a very interesting packet ...


By Rear Admiral A. T. Beauregard, U. S. Navy
October 1941
In 1513 when Balboa at the Isthmus of Panama discovered the Southern (Pacific) Ocean there was associated with him a somewhat illiterate Spanish subordinate named Francisco Pizarro, who had been ...

The Battle of Perico

By Captain P. J. Searles (C.E.C.), U. S. Navy
October 1941
Over two hundred and fifty years ago Perico, one of the so-called “fortified islands” lying in Panama Bay, was the scene of a most bloody battle between the Spaniards and ...

The Canyons of Georges

By Thomas N. Kelley
October 1941
Though the oceans have been traversed for centuries very little is really known about them. This is one reason why the performance of duty at sea sometimes leads to ends ...

Alaskan Names

By Commander F. A. Zeusler, U. S. Coast Guard
October 1941
The Bible states that “Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” Don’t we often wonder who may have been responsible for the naming of the towns ...

Public Relations, United States Navy

By Henry H. Douglas
October 1941
I consider it to be one of the most important functions I have—to have the Navy adequately and accurately portrayed to the public. This Navy of ours belongs to the ...


By Commander William N. Thornton, U. S. Navy
October 1941
Loyalty is the soul of character, the essence of spirit, the secret of achievement, and the elixir from which success and happiness are brewed.One may be loyal to country, to ...

Decibels in a Fog

By Commander J. L. Allen, U. S. Navy
October 1941
“Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”SHADES of entropy, metacentric height, and degaussed heeling magnets—the Navy is full of decibels!We have seen the compass “boxed” in lubberly degrees, the wind ...

Training the Landing Force

By First Lieutenant R. D. Heinl, Jr., U. S. Marine Corps
October 1941
TRAINING the landing force is a problem which causes little concern aboard most ships of the Navy. If it arises at all, the reason may usually be found in an ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

October 1941
The First Lieutenant: A Relic of the Days of Sail(See pages 506, April, 1941, and 1009, July, 1941, PROCEEDINGS)Rear Admiral Frederick G. Pyne (S.C.), U. S. Navy. —I am heartily ...

Book Reviews

October 1941
BOOK DEPARTMENTMembers of the Institute, both regular and associate, may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
October 1941
FROM AUGUST 10 TO SEPTEMBER 10AMERICA AND THE WARRoosevelt-Churchill Meeting. —On the week-end of August 10 President Roosevelt and Premier Churchill met aboard naval vessels at sea in a series ...

Professional Notes

October 1941
UNITED STATESU.S.S. “Solace”New York Herald Tribune, August 10. — The U.S.S. Solace, first hospital ship to be added to the Navy since the World War, was commissioned at 11:30 a.m ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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