"To a Sartin Extint"

By Captain Edward H. Watson, U. S. Navy (Retired)
July 1936
YEARS AGO, on the China Station, an Irish fireman named Finnegan was the pride and despair of the old side-wheel gunboat Monocacy, famous American craft on the Yangtze River. On ...

More Thoughts on Selection

By Lieutenant Joseph N. Wenger, U. S. Navy
July 1936
“The best-laid schemes o’ mice and men, Gang aft a-gley” NOW THAT the machinery of selection has begun to function inexorably, and the ugly specter of elimination is rearing its ...

Fitness Reports and Selection

By Lieutenant (j.g.) J. S. Holtwick, Jr., U. S. Navy
July 1936
Many recent articles and discussions dealing with the selection problem cite the fitness report as a cause for dissatisfaction, and other objections to the present operation of the selective process ...

Case of Captain Lawrence

By Waldron Kintzing Post
July 1936
“The pen is mightier than the sword," also more dangerous. Indeed it is more in the nature of a firearm, since no one ever knows whether or not it is ...

What of the Auxiliaries?

By Robert Barry
July 1936
The Vinson Bill has given the United States its first systematic policy for replacement of combatant naval vessels. For the first time in the history of the Navy there is ...

The Row Galley Bulldog

By Rear Admiral Elliot Snow (C.C.), U. S. Navy (Retired)
July 1936
In 1869 one Abraham Ritter wrote a short sketch of the life of Emanuel Eyre, a ship designer and builder, whose business relations with the Colonial Committee of Safety [1] ...

Specialists of the Great Lakes

By Lieutenant Commander E. W. Wunch, Jr., U. S. Navy
July 1936
Many people in the United States do not realize the importance of the Great Lakes as a commercial asset; even among those who use the Lakes as a vacation spot ...

Japanese Merchant Marine History

By Lieutenant (j.g.) Harold A. McCormick, U. S. Naval Reserve
July 1936
The rise in power and prestige of the Japanese merchant fleet since the advent of the iron ship is a maritime exploit of unparalleled proportions. A single generation ago Japan’s ...

Donald McKay, Master Shipbuilder

By Commodore E. S. Clark, Jr., Sea Scouts
July 1936
Donald McKay, America’s foremost master shipbuilder of his time, was born on September 4, 1810, the son of a Scot farmer, Hugh McKay, in Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Many of his ...


July 1936
Human Engineering and the Navy (See page 352, March, 1936, PROCEEDINGS) Lieutenant W. Nyquist, U. S. Navy. —I was impressed by two things in this article. In the first paragraph ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
July 1936
FROM MAY 3 TO JUNE 3 THE ETHIOPIAN PROBLEM Italy’s New Empire. —On May 9 before a vast throng facing the Palazzo Venezia, Premier Mussolini proclaimed the annexation of all ...

Book Reviews

July 1936
BOOK DEPARTMENT Members of the Institute, both regular and associate, may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 ...

Professional Notes

July 1936
UNITED STATES Vessels under Construction, Progress as of June 1, 1936 [TABLE] Naval Treaty Ratified Tribune, Chicago, May 19.—The Senate today ratified by voice vote the 1936 London naval treaty ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)