International Law and the Submarine

By Lieutenant H. G. Rickover, U. S. Navy
September 1935
*This article was submitted in the Prize Essay Contest, 1935."Every truth has practical consequences and these are the test of its truth."—Pierce’s PrincipleIn their relations with each other ...

The Strategic Situation In The Baltic

By Dr. William Hovgaard
September 1935
I In 1911, in the March issue of these Proceedings, was published my paper on “Naval Strategy in a War between England and Germany,” in which I explained that this ...

Fitting Out

By Lieutenant Commander H. J. Wright, U. S. Navy
September 1935
Whether a vessel of the Navy is built at a private shipbuilding yard or at a navy yard, a definite period of time is allocated to her by the Chief ...

The Japanese Situation

By Captain Dudley W. Knox, U. S. Navy (Retired)
September 1935
So far as concerns the United States, the prevailing Japanese war scare resembles a nervous disease which is curable first by convincing the patient that there is no organic trouble ...

Surface Navigation With The Bubble Octant

By Lieutenant Commander J. M. Sheehan, U. S. Navy
September 1935
Some time ago the writer obtained a bubble octant, through the kindness of the instrument section of the Bureau of Aeronautics, with the idea that as opportunity permitted he would ...

Latitude By "H. O. 211"

By John Favill
September 1935
Lieutenant ageton may be pleased or otherwise with the frequent and varied suggestions for additional uses of his superbly simple and convenient Dead Reckoning Altitude and Azimuth Table. Such ...

Training A Merchant Marine Personnel

By Lieutenant Commander A. O. Lustie, U. S. Naval Reserve
September 1935
We are today confronted with the very serious problem of providing a first-class American personnel, both officers and men, for our rapidly expanding American Merchant Marine. The turn-over of personnel ...

The Henry B. Hyde

By Harlan Trott
September 1935
Something of the viewpoint expressed in the oriental saying, “one picture is worth a thousand words,” must inspire the creative impulse of Charles R. Patterson whose inherent gift for portraying ...

Studding Sails Set*

By Lieutenant Milo R. Williams (C. C.), U. S. Navy
September 1935
“Ships our cradles, decks our pillows, Lulled by winds and rocked on billows; Gaily bound we o’er the tide, Hope our anchor, heaven our guide.” —Brady, Kedge Anchor, 1848.

The Destruction Of Prizes At Sea

By Lieutenant Harry Sanders, U. S. Navy
September 1935
The discussion appearing recently in the newspapers to the effect that legislation is contemplated which would preserve American neutrality in time of war by our complete surrender of the doctrine ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)