Naval Communications and Governmental Reorganization

By Lieutenant Commanders W. S. Hogg and A. P. H. Tawresey, U. S. Navy
July 1926
1. The “Scheme of Reorganization of the Executive Depart­ments suggested by the President and the Cabinet at the request of the Joint Committee on Reorganization,” was transmitted to the Chairman ...

Simplified Navigational Method

By Commander H. S. Babbitt, U. S. Navy
July 1926
Editor's Note: In presenting this article the author writes as follows: "This method is extremely simple in practice. But it is found difficult to present it clearly in writing; and ...

Sea Words on Shore Duty

By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
July 1926
In Moliere’s Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme the leading char­acter expresses great surprise when he is told that all his life he has been talking in the strange language called prose. Many ...

Historic Ships of the Navy

By Robert W. Neeser
July 1926
“Lexington”The first Lexington was a 16-gun brig fitted out by the Con­tinental Marine Committee under authority of the Act of October 13, 1775. She carried fourteen 4-pounders, two sixes, twelve ...

The United States Naval Observatory

By Captain Edwin T. Pollack, U. S. Navy
July 1926
VERY little seems to be known about the Naval Observatory by the public and even by the Navy itself, for whose service it was established. The naval vessels requisition navigational ...

The Threshold of a New Era in International Law

By Lieutenant Commander Lucius C. Dunn, U. S. Navy
July 1926
Out of the vague haze of controversy and circumlocution­ary ramifications incident to the many conferences, plenary sessions, debates, congresses, conventions, and what not, which have taken place on the four ...

The Cordite of the "Aquidaban”

By Alvaro Alberto; Translated by Lieutenant Commander W. R. Carter, U. S. Navy
July 1926
Translator’s Note: The Aquidaban was a vessel of the Brazilian Navy somewhat similar to our old Texas, having two echelon 8-inch turrets, the forward one being on the port ...

Special Notice

July 1926
Please read the leading note in Secretary's Notes relative to possible changes in the makeup of the Proceedings.Secretary’s NotesImportant Please Read An extended study and an analysis of ...


July 1926
Limitation of Naval Armament(See page 427, March, 1926, Proceedings.)The Naval and Military Record, 31 March, 1926.—In the course of an interesting article upon “The Limitation of Naval Armament’’ ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
July 1926
FROM 3 MAY TO 3 JUNERESULTS OF ARMS PARLEYProblems Referred to Technical Committees.—The Preparatory Dis­armament Conference, with representatives of twenty nations, met at Geneva on May 18 and ended ten ...

Book Reviews

July 1926
BOOK DEPARTMENTThe Institute Book Department will supply any obtainable naval, pro­fessional, or scientific book at retail price, postage prepaid. The trouble saved the purchaser through having one source of supply ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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