Prize Essay

July 1888
U. S. Naval War College, Newport, R. I., April 20, 1888. Sir:—The judges appointed to decide upon the merits of the five essays submitted in competition for the prize offered ...


By Lieutenant-Commander W. W. Reisinger, USN
July 1888
Prize Essay for 1888. ''Aunque me costo algun trabajo componerla.'' I.THEIR PLACE IN NAVAL WARFARE. In undertaking the subject of torpedoes, it will doubtless be as well to settle a ...

Recollections of the Mexican War

By Lieutenant Stephen C. Rowan, U.S. Navy
July 1888
Taken from the Journal of Lieutenant Stephen C. Rowan, U. S. Navy, Executive Officer of the U.S.S, Cyane, Pacific Squadron, 1845-1848. The Cyane, under the command of Captain William Mervine ...

Naval Administration

By Rear-Admiral S. B. Luce, U.S. Navy
July 1888
Government, in the abstract, is the operation of law, and law has been defined as a rule of action. Naval Government may be said to be that system of rules ...

Professional Notes

July 1888
A Proposed Non-Sinkable Battle-Ship with a Constant Water-Line. Translated by Lieut. Albert Gleaves, U.S.N. [Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Vol. XVI., Nos. III. and IV.] In 1886 the French ...

Book Notices

July 1888
English and American Railroads Compared. By Edward Hates Dorsey, C. E., Member Am. Soc. C. E. and Am. Inst. M. E. John Wiley & Sons, New York, N. Y. This ...

Bibliographic Notes

July 1888
AMERICAN CHEMICAL JOURNAL. Vol. X., No. 3, May, 1888. T. W. Richards has redetermined the atomic weight of copper by precipitation of silver from silver nitrate, finding the figures 63.436 ...

Special Notice

July 1888
NAVAL INSTITUTE PRIZE ESSAY, 1889. A prize of one hundred dollars and a gold medal is offered by the Naval Institute for the best Essay presented, subject to the following ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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