Rear-Adm. G. B. Balch, U. S. N., in the chair.
The meeting having been called to order, the Cor. Secretary, Prof. C. E. Munroe,. stated that he had received from the honorable Secretary of State, the eight essays forwarded to him in Jan. 1880, by Lieut. J. C. Soley, at that time Secretary of the Institute, together with the following letter:—
“The undersigned to whom it was referred to examine the essays submitted in competition for the prize offered for the best, by the Naval Institute, having performed the duty with which they bad the honor to be intrusted, award the prize to the essay identified by the motto, ‘Sat cito, si sat bene.’
Washington, Feb. 10, 1881.
W. M. Evarts,
R. W. Thompson,
J. R. McPherson.
Prof. Chas. E. Munroe,
Cor. Secretary U. S. Naval Institute,
Annapolis, Maryland.”
Prof. Munroe further stated that the Executive Committee had resolved to postpone discussion upon the Prize Essay until it had been printed and distributed, and upon his motion the thanks of the Institute were tendered the gentlemen who had so kindly acted ns judges. The envelope bearing the motto designated was then opened, and the name of the successful competitor announced.