U.S. Coast Guard

Ocean Stations Saved Lives

By Paul Stillwell
June 2009
The nation was enthralled in mid-January of this year after seeing television coverage of the remarkable ditching of a passenger plane in the frigid Hudson River off Manhattan. Captain Chesley ...
J. M. Caiella

An Unlikely Location

By J. M. Caiella
June 2009
Why would a sign at the limits of a sleepy upstate New York hamlet on the eastern edge of the Adirondack Mountains claim the village as the "Birthplace of the ...

Book Reviews

June 2009
Lincoln and His Admirals Craig L. Symonds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 430 pp. Illus. Index. $27.95. Reviewed by Noah Andre Trudeau A veteran historian, biographer, and U.S. Naval ...

Naval History News

June 2009
More Discoveries The list of significant sunken warship finds has increased by at least two in recent months. HMS Victory , predecessor of the ship that fought under Vice Admiral ...
Susan B. Anthony

The Underwater Navy at Normandy

By Robert S. Neyland
June 2009
Virtually never seen by tourists and ravaged by time and salvagers, a naval graveyard lies below the surface off the American D-Day invasion beaches.
Richard G. Latture

On Our Scope

By Richard G. Latture, Editor-in-Chief
June 2009
When I take an out-of-town trip, I always try to squeeze in at least a brief visit to a historical site—be it a museum, ship, or battlefield. Naval History readers ...
Naval History and Heritage Command

In D-Day's Wake

By Christopher D. Yung
June 2009
After landing the assault troops, the U.S. Navy and Royal Navy were instrumental in building up materiel and men for the armies' push inland.
Naval History and Heritage Command

Action This Day of Days

By Christopher D. Yung
June 2009
On D-Day an Allied armada of warships, landing craft, and transports faced a monumental and at times close-run test along the coast of Normandy.
Naval History & Heritage Command

The Planners' Daunting Task

By Christopher D. Yung
June 2009
Years of study, debate, and compromise resulted in the Allies agreeing on a naval plan that set in motion the liberation of northwestern Europe.
Naval HISTORY and Heritage COMMAND

Historic Aircraft

By Norman Polmar-Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
June 2009
A Successful Runner-Up The Glenn L. Martin Company's P4M Mercator ranked behind the Lockheed P2V Neptune as a maritime patrol aircraft. 1 Still, the Mercator had a successful, decade-long career ...
National Archives and Records Administration

Lost at Utah

By Robert J. Cressman
June 2009
In his official report on D-Day and the loss of his ship, the USS Corry (DD-463), Lieutenant Commander George D. Hoffman wrote: "It was believed for a long time that ...

In Contact

June 2009
'Letters to Iwo Jima' (See A. P. Rems, pp. 44-51, February 2009 Naval History ) Colonel Charles A. Jones, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Since visiting Iwo Jima for the 50th ...

Naval History Digital Edition

June 2009
A digital edition of the June issue of Naval History is available for current USNI members to view. The magazine image below is a link to the online magazine and ...