Chew, John L., Vice Adm., USN (Ret.)
Early service was aboard the battleship USS Maryland (BB-46), destroyers Overton (DD-239) and Monaghan (DD-354), and tanker Neches (AO-5). Joined the Helena (CL-50) as air defense officer in 1939. Was senior survivor when the Helena was sunk in the Kula Gulf in 1943, escaping to Vella Lavella island in the Solomons. Then was ordnance instructor at U.S. Naval Academy. Besides Washington billets, was exec of the new heavy cruiser Helena (CA-75), CO of the Stickell (DD-888), Pawcatuck (AO-108), and Roanoke (CL-145). In 1961 he became Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla Four, directing recovery operations for Project Mercury. Subsequently he was with the JCS, Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Japan, Commander Anti-Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, and Commander of the U.S. Taiwan Defense Command.
About this Volume
Based on ten interviews conducted by John T. Mason, Jr., from September 1972 through December 1973. The volume contains 464 pages of interview transcript plus an index. The transcript is copyright 1979 by the U.S. Naval Institute; the interviewee has placed no restrictions on its use.