Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 3 is the West Coast MH-60S Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS). Sometimes known as a “RAG”—readiness air group—the FRS is responsible for training pilots and aircrew in their specific aircraft after flight training and before joining the fleet. FRSs also train aviators transitioning from other aircraft and ground crew, including mechanics.
HSC-3, based in San Diego, California, was established in 1967. Originally a replenishment squadron known as the Packrats, the squadron transitioned to its present role in 1982 and has been training Knighthawk pilots since the early 2000s.
Naval Air Systems Command describes the Knighthawk’s operational missions as “antisurface warfare, combat support, humanitarian disaster relief, combat search and rescue, aero medical evacuation, special warfare, and organic airborne mine countermeasures.”