Editor's Page

September 2014
In all the debating over budget cuts and what force size is right for the United States, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that these numbers games represent ...

CEO Notes

September 2014
As you have read on these pages, we are reemphasizing essay contests. They have been an integral part of the Naval Institute since 1878, when members of the Institute’s Board ...

Comment and Discussion

September 2014
Millennials Bring a New Mentality: Does it Fit?(See D. Cunningham, p. 10, August 2014 Proceedings)Captain Raymond J. Brown, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)—Commander Cunningham perhaps suffers a bit ...
U.S. Marine Corps (David Bessey)

From the Deckplates - Why the How Matters

By Senior Chief Jim Murphy, U.S. Navy (Retired)
September 2014
Recent events provided the opportunity to congratulate a respected shipmate on a major career milestone. But, regrettably, I had to decline the invitation to attend the ceremony that marked his ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Repeating Three Strategic Mistakes?

By Captain David A. Adams, U.S. Navy
September 2014
Adrift strategically for more than two decades, the United States Navy, in concert with the other maritime services, published a new maritime strategy in 2007. Some called A Cooperative Strategy ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Preparing for War, Keeping the Peace

By Commander Phillip E. Pournelle, U.S. Navy
September 2014
The United States faces a dynamic environment characterized by extraordinary technological changes, increasing weapons proliferation, and violent global upheaval. The U.S. military must prepare and adapt to an uncertain future ...
U.S. Navy (Eric A. Pastor)

Push the Force Forward!

By Lieutenant Michael Glynn, U.S. Navy
September 2014
In this era of fiscal austerity, the Department of Defense must restructure the force to do more with less. Budget cuts, ever-present operational tasking, a public weary from a decade ...
U.S. Navy (Chris Cavagnaro)

The Great COD Debate

By Daniel Goure
September 2014
The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are uniquely capable of providing sustained forward presence and power projection from a sovereign base at sea. These capabilities are likely to be of ...
U.S. Air Force (Joey Santiago)

Integrated Fires for Contested Waters

By Dave Majumdar
September 2014
The U.S. Navy hopes that its forthcoming Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) battle network will enable its carrier strike groups to operate inside highly contested environments such as the ...
Christopher Paul

A Promising Thaw

By William Hoverd, Christopher Paul, and Nick Nelson
September 2014
From a military alliance (1951–85) to political impasse (1985–2000) and then toward mutual alignment and limited cooperation on international security issues (2001–13), the relationship between the United States and New ...

Cooperation is the Key to NATO's Future

By Lieutenant (junior grade) Chris Pagenkopf
September 2014
With many alliance nations strapped for cash, the United States has had to bear a disproportionate amount of NATO’s defense costs. A set of innovative policies could change this.At ...

Book Reviews

September 2014
Culture In Conflict: Irregular Warfare, Culture Policy, and the Marine CorpsPaula Holmes-Eber. Stanford, CA: Stanford Security Studies, Stanford University Press, 2014. 249 pp. Illus. $24.95.Reviewed by Captain Nathaniel ...
U.S. Navy/General Dynamics Bath Iron Works (Dennis Griggs)

Professional Notes

September 2014
The Ultimate Startup: Commissioning a U.S. Navy WarshipBy Captain Fred W. Kacher and Commander Brandon Bryan, U.S. Navye to create a command and organization from the ground up ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

U.S. Navy - (Over)protecting the Navy's Secrets?

By Norman Polmar
September 2014
For decades before Edward Snowden revealed the mass of secrets about National Security Agency activities, the most damaging revelations of American secrets probably came from Navy personnel, uniformed and civilian ...
Chris Sattler

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim
September 2014
In June Sri Lanka received its second Bay-class patrol boat from Australia. The ex-Hervey Bay, pictured here, has been renamed the Omaya and is the second unit of ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Lest We Forget - First Scouts

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired)
September 2014
Watching a Navy Hornet—with its vast array of electronic and hydraulic components that aid in flying and carrying out a wide variety of missions—come screaming out of the sky to ...
Matthew Hipple

Naval Institute Foundation

September 2014
In His Own Words: Lieutenant Matthew Hipple, USNI became involved with the Naval Institute as an ensign. A few interesting articles inspired me to write. I didn’t think the first ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

From Our Archive

September 2014
‘What a monstrous tail our cat has got!’ Henry Carey (1687–1743)An F-14B Tomcat launches from the flight deck of the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) during Operation Iraqi ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.