Editor's Page

November 2013
As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wind down, and the United States increasingly shifts its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific theater, each branch of the armed forces is trying ...
U.S. Navy (Julianne F. Metzger)

CEO Notes

November 2013
We have re-established separate Directors for the Naval Institute Foundation to improve our focus in this important area. The first meeting of the new Board of Directors of the Naval ...

Comment and Discussion

November 2013
The Next Security Frontier (See J. S. Spaner and H. LeBail, pp. 30–35, October 2013 Proceedings ) Captain Jim Howe, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired) —The odds that “climate change” will ...
U.S. Army (Eric Cabral)

Now Hear This - Defining Our National Interests

By Adam Lowther and Casey Lucius
November 2013
President George Washington’s September 1796 farewell address laid out a concept of U.S. foreign policy designed to preserve the United States’ national interest. Washington wrote: “The great rule of conduct ...
U.S. Navy (Lyle H. Wilkie III)

Nobody Asked Me, But. . . - Reinstate MarDets

By Staff Sergeant James S. Grabarits (U.S. Marine Corps Reserve)
November 2013
Now that the focus of defense policy has shifted to the Pacific Ocean, there are questions about how the role of the Marine Corps should evolve. Within the Corps is ...
U.S. Navy (Michael Sherman)

From the Deckplates - Yet He Is Proud

By Senior Chief Jim Murphy, U.S. Navy (Retired)
November 2013
One of the most important lessons new chief petty officers learn each year is to trust the Mess. In very real terms, it means trusting their fellow chiefs to support ...

U.S. Marine Corps Resources

November 2013
Click on the links below to download or open a PDF of these resources from the August 2013 issue of Proceedings . References U.S. Marine Corps Flag Officers & Senior ...

Book Reviews

November 2013
Josephus Daniels: His Life & Times Lee A. Craig. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013. 474 pp. Illus. Notes. Biblio. Index. $35. Reviewed by Frederick Harrod If Josephus ...
U.S. Marine Corps (Robert J. Reeves)

Professional Notes

November 2013
Brilliance in the Basics vising the delivery of combined arms has long been the stock-in-trade of Marine officers. To overcome the emerging dependence on tactical unmanned aerial systems (UASs) payload ...

Oceans - The Curse of Sea-Level Rise

By Don Walsh
November 2013
While climate change and sea-level rise are book-length subjects, this column will attempt to highlight major aspects of the problem. The World Ocean has an area of about 139 million ...
U.S. Navy (Michael Smevog)

Assured Access, Anytime, Anywhere

By Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Freeman, U.S. Marine Corps
November 2013
Why worry about an adversary’s anti-access/area denial capability when we have the most formidable military on earth?
U.S. Marine Corps (Kasey Peacock)

The Corps' Return to the Sea

By Major General Thomas A. Benes, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
November 2013
With the focal shift to the Asia-Pacific, sea basing offers the Marine Corps a workable answer to extending its reach.
Griffon Hoverwork

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim
November 2013
This September Colombia’s navy received the first three of eight new 2000TD hovercraft designed and built by Griffon Hoverwork of the United Kingdom. The fully amphibious 2000TD measures 41 feet ...
Library of Congress

Courage and Innovation Combined

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired)
November 2013
In fact, a desperate measure was under way. At a little past midnight, two American whaleboats had departed the southern tip of Manhattan with a secret weapon in tow. Considering ...
Peggy O'Donnell

Naval Institute Foundation

November 2013
Our Deepest Thanks In this month of Thanksgiving, we salute several supporters whose generosity has truly strengthened the Naval Institute. Rear Admiral David A. Janes, USNR (Ret.) Naval History magazine ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

From Our Archive

November 2013
‘The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor.’ — George Orwell (1903–1950) Surrounded by the detritus of battle, Marine ...

The Pillar of Leadership

By Captain Justin P. Gray, U.S. Marine Corps
November 2013
2013 Leadership Essay Contest 2nd Prize Winner Made possible by the generous support of Dr. J. Phillip London and CACI International War is an interactive social process, inescapably personality-driven because ...

Empathy: Long-Haul Sustainer

By Lieutenant Kurt Albaugh, U.S. Navy
November 2013
2013 Leadership Essay Contest 3rd Prize Winner Made possible by the generous support of Dr. J. Phillip London and CACI International The traits the Navy seeks in its leaders, such ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.