Eric Smith

From Minimal to Optimal

By Captain George V. Galdorisi, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Scott C. Truver
July 2011
How many sailors are too many? How few are too few? The new Zumwalt -class destroyer apparently has it just right.
U.S. Army (Albert L. Kelley)

Metrics: Impossible

By Major William S. McCallister, U.S. Army (Retired)
July 2011
All attempts to intervene in Afghan tribal-based patronage politics have failed in the past. What’s any different now?
Library of Congress

Running the Gauntlet at Island Number 10

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired)
July 2011
In the spring of 1862, Union forces were poised to move down the strategically critical Mississippi River. Standing in the way of this Union advance, however, were the formidable fortifications ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.