The U.S. Naval Institute joins the world this month in celebrating the Centennial of Flight, marking the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight. Our newest addition to the Naval Institute Press's collection of more than 100 aviation titles is One Hundred Years of Military Aircraft by Norman Polmar and Dana Bell. This large-format book includes more than 100 photographs of the 100 aircraft selected by these two well-known aviation historians as the most significant. (See our ad, page 30, and for other aviation titles click here.)
Also on our Web site are representative aviation images assembled from the Naval Institute's collection of more than 450,000 photos by retired Navy Captain Tim Wooldridge. After a career in the Navy, Tim served a second career as curator and assistant director for museum operations at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Since his second retirement, he has volunteered more than 700 hours this year to help us increase the accuracy of and access to our photo archive. As a result of his and other volunteers' efforts, under the strong leadership of Deputy Director of History (Reference and Preservation) Dawn Stitzel, the Naval Institute's information technology team has launched a Web-based photo service that will make an increasing number of unique images available to you.
At the same time we recognize the history of naval aviation, we remain committed to facilitating the thinking and discussions that will keep this nation's defense strong. In this issue, we have contributions about the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group's innovation program, arming all Navy helicopters, revitalizing antisubmarine warfare, TacAir integration, and aviation training issues.
Join us to participate in the discussion of other issues critical to national security at our next big seminar—West Exposition and Symposium in San Diego, 3-5 February 2004, cosponsored with the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA). This is the 14th year the Naval Institute and AFCEA have joined forces to produce the largest event of its kind on the West Coast. This year's theme is "Born Joint." Confirmed participants include: Admirals Edmund P. Giambastiani and Walter F. Doran; Vice Admirals Timothy LaFleur and Michael McCabe; and Brigadier General (Sel.) Joseph V. Medina. For more details, go to our special Web site: