Answers Are on the Waterfront

By Henry C. Giffin, III
August 1998
The Type Commanders—because they build the foundation of shipboard combat readiness—represent our ships' interests against competing demands on their time and are in the best positions to discover the commonsense ...

Headline Blues: Ethical Crisis at CNN

By Perry Smith
August 1998
In my leadership and ethics workshops conducted across the United States, I emphasize that all professionals need to express outrage when something unethical is happening in their organization. I point ...

Comment and Discussion

August 1998
"Why They Called the Scorpion Scrapiron" (See M. Bradley, pp. 30-38, July 1998 Proceedings) Captain Peter B. Bowman, U.S. Navy (Retired-Mr. Bradley's article struck a strong chord with me. His ...

Five and Out?

By Captain E. Tyler Wooldridge III, USN
August 1998
If we restore adventure and fun to sea duty, our good surface warfare officers will stay.

Don't Wear that D.C. Jacket

By Commander Kevin J. Delaney, U.S. Navy
August 1998
As a Naval Sea Systems Command fleet support officer, I was preparing to visit a naval shipyard and called a friend there to ask about the area. He surprised me ...

Trident Can Fire More than Nukes

By Captain James H. Patton, Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 1998
The survivable Trident submarine force could carry enough nuclear firepower to deter adventuristic superpowers with room to spare to launch other usable "things" such as intelligence and communications satellites, to ...

No Democracy Can Feel Secure

By Lieutenant Colonel Raymond S. Shelton, U.S. Marine Corps
August 1998
In the very near future, U.S. armed forces almost assuredly will encounter a biological agent. The challenge, then, is to train and equip our troops to respond with efficiency and ...

Sulfur, Serpents, and Sarin

By Captain Stuart D. Landersman, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 1998
President Bill Clinton has told us that our military no longer need fear chemicals on the battlefield because the U.S. government has approved the Chemical Warfare Convention. We can rest ...

Nobody Asked Me But…Embrace the Challenge

By Lieutenant Daniel P. "Skip" Shaw, U.S. Navy
August 1998
Recent articles in Proceedings and other publications that are widely read throughout the Navy imply that our force is riddled with cancer. We are, according to these sources, on the ...

Will Our Forces Match the Threat?

By Robert Callum
August 1998
On 26 October 1415, at the Battle of Agincourt, an English army of 6,000 archers, 1,000 men-at-arms, and a few thousand footmen defeated a French army five times its size ...

I Found My Rainbow

By Journalist First Class Julius Evans, U.S. Navy
August 1998
We spent our free time playing softball in the fenced-in area across from the train station in Speonk, New York. The trees were positioned just right for first and third ...

Navy Blue Goes Green

By the Honorable Steven S. Honigman and Captain John P. Quinn, Judge Advocate General Corps, U.S. Navy
August 1998
With growing national emphasis on environmental issues, the Navy is taking steps to seize the initiative, including changes in its at-sea operations to protect such marine mammals as the endangered ...

We Are Products of 1898

By Colonel James W. Hammond, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
August 1998
Despite its relegation to the backwater of world history, the Spanish-American War—with displays of naval might at such places as Santiago—was a watershed event, from the Caribbean, across the Pacific ...

Redefining Coastal Warfare

By Captain Marke R. Shelley, U.S. Naval Reserve and Commander Wayne C. Dumas, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
August 1998
The coastal warfare community is at a crossroads. It can go back to business as usual, or it can become a force shaped for the future. We must open the ...

Professional Notes

August 1998
Electric Propulsion: Commonality Is the Only Way By E. L. Bartlett, Jr. Electric propulsion remains one of those attractive ideas that has never quite made it in the Navy. The ...

Book Reviews

August 1998
Inventing Grand Strategy and Teaching Command: The Classic Works of Alfred Thayer Mahan Reconsidered Jon Tetsuro Sumida. Washington D.C.: The Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University ...

The U.S. Navy: The Battleships Are Back!

By Norman Polmar, Author, The Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
August 1998
Ardent battleship supporters have won another round; the Navy has reinstated two battleships—the Iowa (BB-61) and the Wisconsin (BB-64)—on the Naval Vessel Register (NVR), the official listing of ships owned ...

Buy the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea

By Don Walsh
August 1998
The first National Ocean Conference was held in Monterey, California, 11-12 June. It really began in April 1977 when 70 members of Congress sent a letter to the President proposing ...

Combat Fleets

By A.D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
August 1998
Ships with the Peruvian Navy and the French Navy are discussed.

Lest We Forget

By Eric Wertheim
August 1998
The US Navy warship Guam was launched on Nov 12, 1943. The Guam and the Alaska were the only battlecruiser-type ships ever completed for the US Navy.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)