In April 1962, Douglas MacArthur bade farewell to the Corps of Cadets at West Point and proclaimed a message for the ages: "Duty, Honor, Country." Delivered in the eloquent style that symbolized the old war-horse, it delineated the meaning of service and military professionalism and defined the ethos and heritage of the U.S. Army. In his message, MacArthur warned the young men who were to bear the brunt of the Vietnam experience to avoid the distractions of debates on political correctness and to focus on the soldier's mission, "one that remains fixed, determined, inviolable-it is to win our wars."
Thirty-four years later, James Webb, in April 1996 at Annapolis, admonished the naval counterpart of MacArthur's audience for their failure to heed his warnings, for consciously placing political expediency as sovereign over the Navy's mission and heritage. He chastised the current naval leadership for not defending the ethos of the Navy: "For the long-term good, there is no substitute for an insistence on ethics, loyalty, accountability, and moral courage. And yet today, I must say I am sadly astounded to see our Navy struggling for its soul, too often unanchored from these simple yet demanding notions, many of whose leaders have advanced themselves through a blatant repudiation of these very ideals."
What happened to let this occur? Quite simply, we as a nation have released ourselves from the obligation to defend ourselves, preferring that 99% of us can hire, with attractive wages and benefits, the remaining 1% to act as sentinels. No longer do those men who choose not to answer the call of duty described by MacArthur as those "who hold the nation's destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds," have to fear being labeled as shirkers and draft dodgers.
The consequence, perhaps unintended, of establishing this all-volunteer force has been the creation of a mercenary monster, where obligation has been replaced by opportunity, the concepts of duty, chivalry, and patriotism have withered, and the demons of political correctness have become sovereign. A double standard in the commitment even to the facade of national service has been established: all men must register for the draft, but women are exempt. Yet, volunteer women must be given the opportunity for combat roles based on the premise that not sending our mothers and daughters into combat is discriminatory.
The duplicity of this imperative for gender integration is most evident when examined in the context of sports (perhaps the closest analogy available in the civilian world), where separate but equal prevails in professional tennis, Title IX intercollegiate athletics, and the Women's National Basketball Association, among others. Very few female athletes could compete successfully in completely integrated sports, so feminist advocates are more willing to recognize and accept gender differences in this arena because it makes financial sense.
The forces of political correctness have used the illusions of the Anita Hill tragicomedy and the Tailhook burlesque to cuckold the Navy into submitting to their paradigm and agenda. Recent tabloid events exacerbate the issue, and the chartering of a Defense Department commission on consensual sex shows how far we have strayed from the mission focus of "Duty, Honor, Country."
It is time to listen to the conscience, convictions, and counsel of Douglas MacArthur and James Webb and rank ethos as sovereign over expediency when dealing with matters of military policy. To ignore their guidance is unacceptable and ruinous to America's well-being.