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Benefits Information
Military Medical Benefits
Military Medical Facilities
Eligible Patients Inpatient Outpatient
Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPUS)
Program jot Handicapped
Active duty member | Daily subsistence charge | No charge | Not eligible | Not eligible | Not eligible |
Spouse or child of AD member | $8.55 per day | No charge | $8.55 per day or $25.00, not to exceed $ 1,000 per year, whichever is greater | 20% of allowed charges above deductible of $150 per person or $300 per family per FY (grade E-5 and above) | Depends on gr^[1] government wtf pay up to $1,0® a month for authorized care |
Retired Enlisted | No charge | No charge | Lesser of 25% of billed hospital charges or $262 | 25% of allowed charges above deductibles | Not eligible |
Retired Officer | Daily subsistence allowance | No charge | per day, not to exceed $10,000 per year; also pay 25% of allowed | 25% of allowed charges above deductibles | Not eligible |
Spouse or dependent child of retired or deceased member, certain former spouses | $8.55 per day | No charge | physician charges | 25% of allowed charges - above deductibles | Not eligible |
Dependent parent or parents- in-law of AD, retired, or | $8.55 per day | No charge | Not eligible | Not eligible | Not eligible |
deceased member Source: | 1991, Uniformed Services Almanac, Inc., P.O. Box 4144, Falls Church, VA 22044 (Copies are $5.45, including postage and handlih? |
Active duty (AD) member | Yes, first priority | Not eligible | Not eligible | Not eligible |
Spouse or child of AD member | Yes, if space available | Yes | Yes—may need nonavailability certificate | Yes(needs prior approval! |
Retired member, spouse or dependent child of retiree, surviving spouse or dependent child of AD member or retiree | Yes, if space available | Yes, unless eligible for Medicare (Part A). May need nonavailability certificate. | Yes, unless eligible for Medicare (Part A) | Not eligible |
Dependent parent or parents- in-law of AD, retired, or deceased member, certain former spouses are authorized military hospital and CHAMPUS care if they do not have employer-sponsored health care | Yes, if space available | Not eligible Costs | Not eligible | Not eligible |
Military Survivor Benefits
From From From
Benefit Military Service Veterans Administration Social Security
| Active | Retired | Service Connected | Non-Service Connected | Wife | Children |
Death Gratuity | Yes | No1 | No | No | No | No |
Burial Allowance | Yes | No[2] | Yes* | Yes* | Yes* | Yes* |
Travel Allowance | Yes | No[3] | No | No | No | No |
Shipment of HHG | Yes | No3 | No | No | No | No |
DIC | No | No | Yes | No | No | No |
SBP | Yes[4] | Yes[5] | No | No | No | No |
RSFPP | No | Yes5 | No | No | No | No |
ID Privileges (BX, Theatre, Commis.) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
National Cemetery | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Government Headstone | Yes | No | Yes* | Yes* | No | No |
Burial Flag | Yes | No | Yes* | Yes* | No | No |
Pension | No | No | No | Yes[6] | No | No |
Monthly Survivor Payments | No | No | No | No | Yes[7] | Yes7 |
Insurance | Yes[8] | No | Yes8 | Yes8 | No | No |
Legal Assistance | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Home Loan Guaranty | No | No | No | No | No | No |
CHAMPUS | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Benefits Information
Veterans Benefits Timetable
You Have (after sJVaration from service)
years from release of active duty or Inquired Selected Keserve
Where to Apply
^ years (Generally r°ni date of discharge ®r release from active duty)
No lime limit
No time limit
N° time limit
50 days
' year from date of °tice of VA disability rating
*2° days or up to 1 ear if totally disabled
time limit
Limited time 90 days
Education: You may be eligible for educational assistance while you pursue approved training if you participated in either the Post-Vietnam-Era Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP) (Chapter 32) or the Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30) while on active duty; or
If you had entitlement under the Vietnam-Era Gl Bill (Chapter 34) remaining on December 31. 1989 and were on active duty from October 31, 1989 and were on active duty from October 19, 1984 through June 30, 1988; or were on active duty from October 19, 1984 through June 30, 1988; or were on active from October 19, 1984 through June 30, 1987 and subsequently entered into the Selected Reserve under a 4-year entitlement.
For members of the Montgomery Gl Bill-Selected Reserve (Chapter 106), benefits will end on the date of a separation from the Selected Reserve or 10 years from the date eligibility began, whichever happens first.
Vocational Rehabilitation: If you have a disability that either began or worsened during active duty, you may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services to assist you to overcome your employment handicap and better handle day-to-day living activities. As part of a rehabilitation program, VA will pay for your tuition, fees, books, tools, and other program expenses as well as provide you a monthly living allowance. Once you have taken part in a vocational rehabilitation program, VA will help you get a good job.
GI Loans: VA will guarantee your loan for the purchase of a home, farm, manufactured home, or condominium
Disability Compensation: VA pays compensation for disabilities incurred in or aggravated by military service. Payments are made from date of separation if claim is filed within one year.
Medical Care: VA provides a wide range of medical care benefits including help for alcoholism and other drug dependency to service-connected veterans and to nonservice-connected veterans, who meet certain eligibility criteria. Readjustment counseling benefits are also available at VA Vet Centers for eligible Vietnam Era Veterans.
Dental Treatment: VA provides necessary dental care for veterans who were not provided dental examination and treatment within 90 days of discharge or separation from service. The time limit does not apply to veterans with dental disabilities resulting from combat wounds or service injuries.
GI Insurance: Low cost life insurance (up to $10,000) is available for veterans with service-connected disabilities. Veterans who are totally disabled may apply for a waiver of premiums on these policies.
SGLI: Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance may be converted to VGLI (Veterans Group Life Insurance), a 5-year nonrenewable term policy. At the end of the 5-year term, VGLI may be converted to an individual policy with any participating insurance company. VA will forward more information. Employment: Assistance is available in finding employment in private industry, in Federal Service and in local government.
Unemployment Compensation: The amounts of benefit and payment periods vary between states. Apply soon after separation.
Reemployment: Apply to your former employer for reemployment.
Any VA Office
Any VA Office
Any VA Office
Any VA Office Any VA Office
Any VA Office or Medical Center
Any VA Office or Medical Center
Any VA Office
Office of Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance, 212 Washington Street, Newark, NJ 07102
Local offices of State Employment Service, U.S. Office of Personnel Mgmt, Any VA Office State Employment Service
your local VA office or United States Veterans Assistance Center for more information on all veterans benefits.
V^nsult y0ur iocai telephone directory under United States Government, Department of Veterans Affairs for the toll-free number to call to reach ” representatives in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico
j°Urce: 7997, Uniformed Services Almanac, Inc., P.O. Box 4144, Falls Church, VA 22044 °Pies are $5.45, including postage and handling.)
iBenefits Information!
Benefit | Inactive Duty Training (Drill) | Active Duty for Trng (FTTD) Active Duty (AD) | Retired Reserve (Under Age 60) | Retired Reserve (Age 60 and Over) |
Pay and Allowances | Basic pay only | Basic pay, BAS, BAQ, special pay if authorized | No | Retired or retainer pay |
Exchanges | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Commissary | Limited | Yes | No | Yes |
Retirement Points | 1 per drill (Max 60 per year) | 1 per day (Max 365/366 per year) | No | No |
Space Avail Travel | CONUS/Hl/AK, PR/VI/GU. | Worldwide | CONUS/HI/AK, PR/VI/GU. | World Wide |
Off/NCO Club | Yes | Yes | Limited | Yes |
Military Clothing Store | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Legal Assistance | Limited | Yes | No | Yes |
Retention of Commission (Officers) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Transient Billeting | If available | Yes | If available | If available |
Military Postal Facilities | No | Yes | No | Yes (CONUS) |
Military Recreation Facilities | Limited | Yes | No | Yes |
Burial Flag | Yes | Yes | Yes | No (Unless VA eligible) |
Post/Base Facilities | Limited | Yes | No | Yes |
Wearing of Uniform | As required | As required | On appropriate occasions | On appropriate occasions |
Official | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Federal Benefits for Reservists*
Benefit | Inactive Duty Training (Drill) | Active Duty for Trng (FTTD) Active Duty (AD) | Retired Reserve (Under Age 60) | Retired F serve (Ml and 0^ |
Library Svcs Military | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Affiliate Radio Service Military | No | Yes | No | No |
Red Cross Assistance Base/Post | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Theater Military | No, unless | Yes | No | No |
Burial Assistance Military | duty related Yes | Yes | No | No |
Death Gratuity Military | Medical, only | Yes | No | Yes |
Medical/ Dental VA Medical/ | if duty- related If injured in line | If diseased or | If eligible (prior | If eligible |
Dental | of duty | injured in line | svc) | (prior svc) |
CHAMPUS | No | of duty Yes (if on AD or | No | Until age 6- |
SGLI | Yes | FTTD for more than 30 days) Yes | Yes (Must pay | No |
Survivor | Yes, with 20 yrs | Yes, with 20 yrs | prem) Yes, with 20 yrs | Yes, with svc., if seleC |
Benefit Plan | svc., if selected | svc., if selected | svc., if selected |
3 Feb |Ap, >6 JU 30 JU 6 Oct 2»0< '7 N, •5 D,
12 Ja,
*Under certain circumstances, some of these benefits are available at the discretion of’’ At local base or installation commander.
Source: 1991, Uniformed Services Almanac, Inc., P.O. Box
4144, Falls Church, VA 22044 (Copies are $5.45, including postage and handling.)
5 A, At
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A fiftyish, graying, four-striper commanding officer of a Navy attack transport prided himself in his ability to surpass the ship’s junior officers in both professional and athletic feats. He derived great satisfaction from confronting members of his wardroom with examples of this dominance. He was doing so one morning while his ship plowed the waters of the Caribbean. Returning from pistol practice on the fantail, the captain informed the bridge watch of how he had just outscored all of the junior officers, even while firing from his left hand.
“Furthermore,” he continued, “none of you can beat me in tennis, I’m the wardroom golf champion, I’m the best ship handler aboard, and I can shoot stars better than the navigator. I guess there isn't anything you people can beat me at, is there?” he laughingly said to the officer-of-the- deck (OOD).
The OOD, an ensign and new father, who had just received word of the birth of a seven-pound girl, smiled impishly and said:
“Wife had any kids lately, captain?”
D. M. Ulmer
1 Feb
30 Mi
! At ^ Se Oct V Oc,
36 0,
The U.S. Naval Institute will pay $25 for each anecdote accepted.
*If not covered by other source
'Unless death occurs within 120 days of retirement and is determined by ^ VA to be service-connected
■Unless retired and retained in military hospital until death occurs
[3]Unless death occurs within one year of retirement and move has not been made
[4]Only if member has 20 or more years of service
[5]If SBP was elected by member
AOnly if survivor’s income is below VA income limitations
dependent on age and income of survivors
[8]If member participated in SGLI, VGLI, NSLI, or earlier forms of insurant Source: Uniformed Services Almanac 1991, Uniformed Services Alma113' Inc., P.O. Box 4144, Falls Church, VA 22044 (Copies are $5.45 include postage and handling.)